Announcements in relation to the community
26 Jan 2025, 08:59
22 Nov 2024, 17:44
29 Oct 2024, 07:34
16 Oct 2024, 18:16
28 May 2024, 10:47
20 Nov 2023, 17:34
Seeing as fancybox is such a great and efficient library, I’ve decided to implement it here. Being super lightweight, there’s absolutely zero impact to the overall speed of the Sudonix platform, I’ve included it here. In fact, it’s a fork of the same extension I wrote for the Flarum project which is still very much in use
I’ve streamlined the code and the required functions. Images only are shown, and the function will ignore avatars and emojis etc as displaying these as part of an image carousel is pointless in my view.
6 Oct 2023, 16:37
I’ve been looking at reducing the number of themes that I actively support, and as a result, I’ll be skinning these down over the coming days. However, I don’t want to simply “switch off” any themes - you can continue to use what you have selected, and it’ll remain - it just won’t receive any updates going forward.
What I am looking to do is to keep 3 themes per category of “Light”, “Dim” and “Dark”, so we are going from 15 themes (well, 14, as “Default” is in fact “Flatly”) to 9.
I’m looking to find out what the most popular themes are so the remainder can be hidden - they won’t be removed, so if you are using one of the themes slated for removal, everything will still work, but you should change it at some point for a “supported” one (a bit more about this later).
The likely candidates to remain at this point are
The others are likely to be deprecated.
5 Sept 2023, 14:41
20 Aug 2023, 19:28
15 Aug 2023, 09:33
Hi All,
I’m thrilled to announce that I have decided to start migrating all of the code that is considered stable / production into a new sub category of “let’s build it” called Code Repository
There’s nothing to see here presently, although this will eventually become a one-stop library for all code I write (a good example here being OGProxy) - in effect, one place you can go to save you from having to trawl though thousands of posts (and yes, we do have thousands). In most cases, the category is going to be read only as a way of keeping it clean and distraction free. Of course, updates etc will be applied in the usual fashion, but any support requests, queries, or just discussion about the code should be raised in the usual places.
I am also going to create a private GIT repository for all of this code to sit in. Based on this, you will find either gists or direct links to git code. I’ve chose this route for OGProxy as a trial to see if it will work, and it’s so much easier because there’s less clutter, and it’s simpler to navigate.
I will also be moving the themes (swatch) CSS here, too, so you’ll also be able to take full advantage of that also.
13 Jul 2023, 18:46
Hi All,
Just a quick update from me concerning some upcoming changes on Sudonix.
This platform has been running for over 1.5 years, and during this time, has helped hundreds of people overcome issues with technology, or gain access to insightful information to enable them to make informed decisions around their own technology requirements.
As this platform matures, so does the level of content it provides, and several recent newly created accounts are on the back of information provided to others, so the content is truly invaluable. That said, we need to be mindful of the mission that this platform originally set out to achieve, and I’m happy to share that we’re very much on the right track. As you already know, Sudonix is a completely free platform designed for literally anyone to gain access to a highly experienced, top tier technical consultancy without fear of belittlement, reprimand or retribution.
There’s no such thing as a stupid question - only one where the original author needs help, and therefore, no questions remain unanswered. In fact, the vast majority are very quickly resolved either by the founder of this site, or other members, who through their own experiences, are able to step in and provide assistance where required.
So why the changes?
Well, let’s be 100% transparent on what those changes are. For clarity, this platform will never charge you for anything - there are no “plans”, “subscriptions” or anything along those lines (and you have my assurance that these will never materialise either) - it set out to be, and will always remain, free of charge. As the platform has started to gain traction, it is time we made some small changes to better reflect the service on offer. These are outlined below
Soon, the domain suffix will change from .com to .org (so, from to This is completely transparent to all users and you won’t have to change anything. Everything will still work as it did before
Why is this changing?
The .com TLD suffix is traditionally tied to “for profit” organisation, which Sudonix is not. Adopting the .org domain TLD conveys the message that this really is not-for-profit and therefore, should open up the playing field to others who may have expressed some level of trepidation in terms of creating an account and asking for help for fear that they may be slapped with some form of levy, or get a ton of junk email in return.
Back “in the day”, there was a clear demarcation between .com and .org domains, but that has since fallen by the wayside where even profit making organisations can use .org and still charge for services. Admittedly, this does sound counter intuitive given our perspective, but it is a route we intend to take as a means of extending the service to those who previously may have kept their distance for the reasons above. The domain of .org is also applied typically to communities (which is what this is), and therefore, another reason to make this change.
Will sudonix become a “paid” service
No. There are no plans for this to ever be implemented as it goes directly against the ethic of the pro-bono / free services we set out to provide.
One other change we are making is the implementation of a new logo. I know the existing one we have looks “kinda cool”, but it is in fact a Font Awesome icon - see below
Based on this, “kinda cool” also inherently means lack of originality, and more importantly, ownership. I’ve taken the steps of engaging with a professional designer for a new logo. We have one which I have chosen which clearly depicts what is on offer, and that should be arriving on the site in the coming days. This is all at my cost, and will not be passed down to any users. I’ve chosen to have some form of branding as a means of recognition, which will be also be present through the platform.
I’ll share the logo once it is ready. I think you’ll like it.
I’m sharing these changes with everyone here as I’m also keen to garner thoughts, recommendations etc. All feedback - good or bad - is important, as this helps to improve on what is already a great product and service.
28 Jun 2023, 17:36
6 Jun 2023, 07:58
Hi All,
As you know, Sudonix has been subjected to recent re-branding from the design perspective. This is now mostly complete, and now the focus is the final part, which is as below (from this post)
Soon, the domain suffix will change from .com to .org (so, from to This is completely transparent to all users and you won’t have to change anything. Everything will still work as it did before
Q: Why is this changing?
A: The .com TLD suffix is traditionally tied to “for profit” organisation, which Sudonix is not. Adopting the .org domain TLD conveys the message that this really is not-for-profit and therefore, should open up the playing field to others who may have expressed some level of trepidation in terms of creating an account and asking for help for fear that they may be slapped with some form of levy, or get a ton of junk email in return.
Back “in the day”, there was a clear demarcation between .com and .org domains, but that has since fallen by the wayside where even profit making organisations can use .org and still charge for services. Admittedly, this does sound counter intuitive given our perspective, but it is a route we intend to take as a means of extending the service to those who previously may have kept their distance for the reasons above. The domain of .org is also applied typically to communities (which is what this is), and therefore, another reason to make this change.
Q: Will Sudonix become a “paid” service
A: No. There are no plans for this to ever be implemented as it goes directly against the ethic of the pro-bono / free services we set out to provide.
Q: When will this happen?
A: The domain migration is planned for this weekend - with the vast majority being completed tomorrow from around 4pm BST. Post the migration, existing links will still work - but they will redirect to automatically.
Q: What will happen to the .com suffix?
A: Nothing. It will continue to exist, but will redirect to
Q: Will any data be lost?
A: No. The running services on will be stopped, meaning the platform will be inaccessible for the duration of the move. Once the platform has been moved, services will be started on with a redirect placed on (as above). This means that you do not need to do anything on your side, but you should ideally change any bookmarks you have.
Any other questions, let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them
23 May 2023, 10:40
17 Mar 2023, 18:34
31 Dec 2022, 23:07
6 Dec 2022, 14:54
15 Nov 2022, 11:39
29 Oct 2022, 14:11
I’ve spent some time refactoring the ranking system, as it didn’t really make that much sense - admittedly, it looked good when it first went in, but it never actually reflected reality.
Based on this, I’ve changed the names of the ranks (there are no actual quantity adjustments in terms of the reputations users have acquired) so they look like the below
Newbie (0)
Rookie (10)
Apprentice (20)
Explorer (30)
Contributor (50)
Enthusiast (100)
Collaborator (150)
Regular (200)
Proficient (300)
Experienced (500)
Veteran (750)
Grand Master (1000)
Guru (2000)
Yoda (5000)
This new layout makes the system reflect reality in the sense that is now based on your experience with the platform itself rather than any specific skill set.
27 Oct 2022, 07:35
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