ANNOUNCEMENT: Social Login Changes
Hi all,
Some of you may have already noticed that you can now register and login with LinkedIn on Sudonix. The same applies for Google, but X (formerly Twitter) has been removed - mostly because they want to charge for all sorts these days, and do not have great support (or documentation) for something like OpenID.
These two new connection types have been fully tested, so not expecting any issues, but if you do encounter any, let me know.
Note, I’ve also added GitHub, but there seems to be an issue with the configuration in the sense that the redirect appears to hang. I’m unsure as to the origins of this, but strongly suspect it may be related to 2FA being enforced on the account (GitHub), and so it falls over at this point.
I’ll keep testing this - if you have a GitHub account that doesn’t use 2FA and want to try it, I’d certainly appreciate any testing you carry out, along with the results you get.
I don’t use this but good things
@DownPW Always looking for ways to improve the overall experience.