Hi all,
I’ve recently implemented a self-hosted
instance - it’s URL is If you are already anntfy
user, please unsubscribe from any existing Sudonix links you have, and re-subscribe using the unique link in your profile, under “Push Notifications”NOTE: You will probably need to click “Regenerate topic name” and use that value. In some cases, I’ve found that not recycling this means that the alerts aren’t received although YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).
Copy “Private Push Link” and then paste that into your NTFY client - note, you’ll also see that there is a “Subscribe” button which you can use if you’d prefer.
If you’re not using `ntfy, you’re missing out. This small app will alert you when something happens on this site, for example, a response to a thread you’re participating in, a mention, upvote, etc, etc.
A full explanation can be found here
hi @phenomlab , thanks for this addition. do we add
as server name to the app to get the notifications? -
hi @phenomlab , thanks for this addition. do we add
as server name to the app to get the notifications?@crazycells yes, exactly
@crazycells yes, exactly
@phenomlab hmm… I am still not getting anything…
sorry for creating headache… on ntfy github page, it says “For iOS you need to configure “” as “upsteam-base-url” in your server.yml.”
I know you use android, can I please ask if you can double check the configuration for ios?
@phenomlab hmm… I am still not getting anything…
sorry for creating headache… on ntfy github page, it says “For iOS you need to configure “” as “upsteam-base-url” in your server.yml.”
I know you use android, can I please ask if you can double check the configuration for ios?
@crazycells yes, I know @dave1904 mentioned the same issue on his forum and did provide the same explanation. I’ll check this tomorrow on an iPhone.
@crazycells yes, I know @dave1904 mentioned the same issue on his forum and did provide the same explanation. I’ll check this tomorrow on an iPhone.
@crazycells Try it now. I’ve tested on both Android and iOS and the notifications now arrive on both devices.
@crazycells Try it now. I’ve tested on both Android and iOS and the notifications now arrive on both devices.
@phenomlab no need to test I guess
undefined crazycells referenced this topic on
@phenomlab no need to test I guess
@crazycells that’s as good a test as any