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Looking to revamp your site layout?

128 Topics 2.4k Posts
  • 3 Votes
    6 Posts
    @kadir-ay-0 marking as resolved based on Please do not raise requests in two places - here and the NodeBB forums. All this does is create unnecessary load for both parties.
  • navbar

    Solved 15 Feb 2025, 23:16
    2 Votes
    2 Posts
    Marking as resolved, based on
  • [NODEBB] Help for my custom CSS

    Solved 20 Jan 2022, 20:34
    40 Votes
    204 Posts
    @phenomlab Find him : [image: 1738443295726-76089049-894e-490f-bafa-10469193aca0-image.png] But I use this code for control image on topics and Shoutbox EDIT: I disabled this code and it seems to be OK Thanks @phenomlab
  • Please help me, I can't install nodebb

    Locked Solved 10 Jan 2025, 19:07
    5 Votes
    7 Posts
    Installation completed, verified, and tested. Correct installation methodology is below
  • 6 Votes
    11 Posts
    Thank you Mark, the changes look fantastic!!
  • Fancybox zoom

    Unsolved 24 Sept 2024, 20:38
    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    @DownPW Technically, it should be possible with the addition of the below Toolbar: { display: { left: ["infobar"], middle: [ "zoomIn", "zoomOut", "toggle1to1", "rotateCCW", "rotateCW", "flipX", "flipY", ], right: ["slideshow", "thumbs", "close"], }, }, Meaning your code block becomes function fancybox() { if (top.location.pathname !== '/login') { $(document).ready(function() { $('a').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() { $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"], a[href*=".svg"]').addClass("noanimate"); }); }); Fancybox.bind( 'a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"], a[href*=".svg"]', { Toolbar: { display: { left: ["infobar"], middle: [ "zoomIn", "zoomOut", "toggle1to1", "rotateCCW", "rotateCW", "flipX", "flipY", ], right: ["slideshow", "thumbs", "close"], }, }, } ); } } Note, that you just need to add/remove the elements in the toolbar you do not need. Obviously, zoomIn and zoomOut are the ones you are specifically interested in. However, if Fancybox detects that the image has already been zoomed as far as possible, then this will not work. You’d need an external library such as zoom.js to add this functionality, or perhaps simpler A good example of how you’d make these two independent libraries work together is below It’s worth nothing that this specific code is based on Fancybox 3, so may need to be refactored to work with the latest version 5.
  • Sudonix and fediverse

    Solved 17 Aug 2024, 13:04
    4 Votes
    16 Posts
    @Panda said in Sudonix and fediverse: Federation will have huge advantages, especially for starting off forums that would otherwise be quiet, because it can bring in posts from similar sites to increase content. Can’t say I agree with this statement. To me, if I visit a new forum, I’d much rather be viewing original content rather than that which I can easily consume elsewhere. I understand that new forums are often empty with not much content, but the growth needs to be organic rather than ingested from elsewhere to make it look busy. Using RSS feeds to pull in content from remote sites is fine as long as you use it for reading reference and create a discussion around the topic you are referring to (as I do with Sudonix), but absolutely pointless if you include the entire article and all associated responses - you may as well just visit the origin site instead. Another issue is SEO and the impact duplicated content will have on your own forum when it comes to Google indexing your site. Duplicated content negatively impacts SEO and in addition, that same content may be proprietary meaning you need permission to include it on your site. Potentially, it’s a legal minefield which should be treated with trepidation to ensure no copyright infringement takes place.
  • 14 Votes
    17 Posts
    No problem dude ! I hope you have a good vacation. Enjoy your loved ones!
  • 2 Votes
    3 Posts
    @phenomlab thank you very much for the assistance Mark, massively appreciated as always. The great thing about this is it’s all documented for other NodeBB users that come looking for solutions . Looks far better .
  • Page control arrows for PWA

    Solved 29 Mar 2024, 21:14
    25 Votes
    27 Posts
    @crazycells it is, yes - I think I’ll leave it as there is no specific PWA CSS classes I know of. Well, you could use something like the below, but this means multiple CSS files for different operating systems. /** * Determine the mobile operating system. * This function returns one of 'iOS', 'Android', 'Windows Phone', or 'unknown'. * * @returns {String} */ function getMobileOperatingSystem() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // Windows Phone must come first because its UA also contains "Android" if (/windows phone/i.test(userAgent)) { return "Windows Phone"; } if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) { return "Android"; } if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { return "iOS"; } return "unknown"; // return “Android” - one should either handle the unknown or fallback to a specific platform, let’s say Android } Once you’re in that rabbit hole, it’s impossible to get out of it.
  • CSS codes for fa-info icon

    Solved 30 Jan 2022, 22:07
    6 Votes
    9 Posts
    I have just figured it out… it can be targeted with text-decoration-color: I was mistakenly using color
  • how to hide "moved" badge with CSS?

    Solved 21 Mar 2024, 19:11
    3 Votes
    12 Posts
    @crazycells ah, I see. That makes sense.
  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts
    @phenomlab yes, it is thanks a lot…
  • navigation menu panel on mobile

    Solved 8 Mar 2024, 00:32
    7 Votes
    8 Posts
    @crazycells hmm. That’s odd. I haven’t made any changes from recollection but I could be wrong. I’ll need to check. EDIT - very strange. I honestly don’t recall adding the below CSS block to alter the bottom bar, but you’re right… .bottombar-nav { padding: 0px !important; } I’ve removed this so it reflects stock Harmony.
  • Custom badges

    Solved 16 Nov 2022, 16:56
    49 Votes
    103 Posts
  • 5 Votes
    4 Posts
    @DownPW thanks. I forgot about that.
  • What is this bar called?

    Solved 5 Jul 2023, 17:06
    36 Votes
    92 Posts
  • hover link effect

    Solved 30 Oct 2022, 20:52
    6 Votes
    18 Posts
    @DownPW Looking at the underlying code, class start is being added on hover by jQuery in this function document.querySelectorAll(".button-gradient, .button-transparent").forEach((button) => { const style = getComputedStyle(button); const lines = document.createElement("div"); lines.classList.add("lines"); const groupTop = document.createElement("div"); const groupBottom = document.createElement("div"); const svg = createSVG( button.offsetWidth, button.offsetHeight, parseInt(style.borderRadius, 10) ); groupTop.appendChild(svg); groupTop.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); groupTop.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); groupTop.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); groupBottom.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); groupBottom.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); groupBottom.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); groupBottom.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(true)); lines.appendChild(groupTop); lines.appendChild(groupBottom); button.appendChild(lines); button.addEventListener("pointerenter", () => { button.classList.add("start"); }); svg.addEventListener("animationend", () => { button.classList.remove("start"); }); }); }) The CSS for start is below .button-gradient.start .lines svg, .button-transparent.start .lines svg { animation: stroke 0.3s linear; } And this is the corresponding keyframe @keyframes stroke { 30%, 55% { opacity: 1; } 100% { stroke-dashoffset: 5; opacity: 0; } } It’s using both CSS and SVG, so might not be a simple affair to replicate without the SVG files.
  • easy way to add multilanguage banner

    Unsolved 3 Sept 2023, 04:38
    5 Votes
    12 Posts
    @phenomlab hi Mark, no worries. I will definitely write my experience here… Unfortunately, I could not find time to try it yet.
  • Profil Photos

    Solved 21 Aug 2023, 05:28
    1 Votes
    2 Posts
    @cagatay the fastest way to do this would be to modify the auto generated sitemap.xml file so that it does not index users. It might be paint to do the same thing with users in terms of guest permissions. Let me have a look. Edit - you can do this with permissions. Go to /admin/manage/privileges then look in the left where it says guests - remove the tick from the view users permission for guests then click save You can test this out using an incognito or non logged in session. Attempting to view users should then ask you to login.