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Arch Server Progress

  • I have my arch server web host setup and running. I have Nginx, Mariadb, PHP, PHP-fpm and phpmyadmin. I have each website under it’s own user in the home directory to keep the sites separate and more secure. I have to say that it was a lot of fun to set it up and I have been learning a lot in regards to arch linux and setting things up and such.

    I am currently in the process of installing the email server using postfix, dovecot and postfixadmin. By setting this up manually, I have been learning a lot with how an email server works and such. One of the things I have learned is that most of the tutorials are for Debian or Ubuntu or one of the other more popular OSs. I have been using a tutorial not for Arch but then also referencing Arch instructions to complement the tutorial.

    It has been a lot of fun. I have been updating my dev environment every couple of day and verifying that things are working. Then once a week I have been updating my production server. I update my dev environment every couple of days so that if I need the latest update for security reasons or what have you, I can do the update on the production server sooner to cover whatever may be happening.

    I know I have a lot more to learn and look forward to that as well. So far this has been a fun journey and I look forward to learning more.

  • @Madchatthew I have to admire the bravery here in the sense that not only are you using Arch without any real “hard and fast” guides, but also are doing everything individually instead of relying on something like Webmin or Virtualmin. Whilst this is daunting, it’s absolutely the best way to learn in my view, as it forces you to roll up your sleeves and get under the hood.

    Postfix and Dovecot can equally prove to be very challenging. There are a number of guides on the internet in relation to best configuration settings, although some of these are sadly either outdated, or completely wrong (or in some cases, both!).

    All in, a great update - keep us posted! 🙂

  • @phenomlab Yeah, they are both very challenging. I’m not completely done with setting them up yet and have a ways to go. I can see how using Webmin/Virtual min is really nice because they take care of all that stuff for you. It is nice to learn and see how everything works under the hood. I don’t know if I will remember all of it, but I have enjoyed going through this process.

    I am able to send emails from my server now, so I am doing something right, hahaha! I would say that I am about 1/2 way done with the whole email server setup. This has been spending anywhere from 2 to 4 hours on it at a time. My schedule doesn’t allow me to sit and get it done all in one day. I never realized how involved and time consuming setting up an email server can be.

  • good job 🙂

  • @DownPW said in Arch Server Progress:

    good job 🙂

    Thank you very much!

  • I just installed Redis today and am using that for caching with the two Wordpress sites that I have on my server. I wanted to install Redis anyways in case if I ever start using Nodebb I can have the multiple sessions going to make it faster.

    The wordpress sites run super fast as well after adding and configuring them to work with Redis. I need to configure Redis a little more but for the most part it is working great.

  • @Madchatthew yes, it takes time, but no so much once you grow accustomed to the process. After a while you get a sense of what will work and what will not, and it also pays - certainly in the sense of PostFix to keep a golden configuration file that you know works.

    It’s disturbingly easy to take PostFix offline with one single mistake.

  • @phenomlab yeah I have been reading about that as well in regard to Postfix. One little piece forgotten or changed in any little way can topple the whole thing down haha. It is crazy. And also, thank you for reminding me that once I get everything working and running to make a copy of those config files. That will help in the future and just may save my bacon.

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    Absolutely mate, and generally as discussed that is the only time I have changed over to Ubuntu once the laptop has got slower.

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