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Block Domain

Solved Let's Build It
  • working code only on topics :

    $(document).ready(function () {
      // Function to replace URLs in a given HTML content
      function replaceUrls(html) {
        // Replace the old domain URLs with the new domain URL
        html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?francesoir\.fr[^\s]*/g, '');
        html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?francais\[^\s]*/g, '');
        // Add more lines for additional domains if needed
        return html;
      // Replace URLs when a new post is added
      $(window).on('action:posts.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content');
          // Replace URLs in the post content
      // Replace URLs when a post is edited
      $(window).on('action:topic.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content');
          // Replace URLs in the post content

    It’s already not bad, just adapt it for the quick reply and composer

  • working code only on topics :

    $(document).ready(function () {
      // Function to replace URLs in a given HTML content
      function replaceUrls(html) {
        // Replace the old domain URLs with the new domain URL
        html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?francesoir\.fr[^\s]*/g, '');
        html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?francais\[^\s]*/g, '');
        // Add more lines for additional domains if needed
        return html;
      // Replace URLs when a new post is added
      $(window).on('action:posts.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content');
          // Replace URLs in the post content
      // Replace URLs when a post is edited
      $(window).on('action:topic.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content');
          // Replace URLs in the post content

    It’s already not bad, just adapt it for the quick reply and composer

    @DownPW what you have is already what I would have suggested - particularly the hooks - as you indicate, it just needs expansion to cover other aspects.

    However, it’s worth noting that none of the code you have will prevent someone from viewing the source, and seeing the true URLs as you are not modifying any of the database entries.

  • yes you are right but it is not very serious. Most of my users won’t look at the source code but if you have better why not.

    If you have any ideas for adapting it to quick reply and composing. I’m interested. I’m taking a little break for now

  • PS : nothing to see but appearance code on topics bug :


  • yes you are right but it is not very serious. Most of my users won’t look at the source code but if you have better why not.

    If you have any ideas for adapting it to quick reply and composing. I’m interested. I’m taking a little break for now

    @DownPW said in Block Domain:

    If you have any ideas for adapting it to quick reply and composing. I’m interested.

    Let me have a look at this in more detail in DEV.

  • In previous code, i want to add html link to rules page like this :

    html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?francesoir\.fr[^\s]*/g, '<a href="https://XXXXX.XXXXX.XXX/rules">Test</a>');

    But i have this on result :


    an idea ?

  • In previous code, i want to add html link to rules page like this :

    html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?francesoir\.fr[^\s]*/g, '<a href="https://XXXXX.XXXXX.XXX/rules">Test</a>');

    But i have this on result :


    an idea ?

    @DownPW Yes, direct HTML rendering is disabled (as is JS) in the composer so it will be stripped. For this to work, you’d need to enable HTML support in the composer which isn’t recommended for security reasons.

  • too bad I would have liked to be redirected to the necessary page

    ChatGPT doesn’t help on this 😉

  • I have a great code here. I managed to modify the HTTP URL link as well as the link text (description) by modifying them both with a warning message and the URL of my choice for each domain. I am currently redirecting to my checkout page.

    The code also differentiates with text before and after the link and does not take it into account.

    It works :

    • In the topics
    • In the carousel
    • In the previews of the last post in the recent page, unread etc…
    • In Chat

    There are certainly things to improve but I’ll share the code with you here.

    –> This will be my Christmas present 🎅

    If you have any improvements or suggestions, don’t hesitate @phenomlab

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Block Domain URL on topics & Topic teasers & caroussel topic info
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    $(document).ready(function () {
      // Function to replace URLs and link text in a given HTML content
      function replaceUrls(html) {
        // Replace the old domain URLs with the new domain URL and update link text
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?francesoir\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?francais\.rt\.com(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a domain name of disinformation and propaganda] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fr\.sputniknews\.africa(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a domain name of disinformation and propaganda] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lecourrierdesstrateges\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lelibrepenseur\.org(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lesmoutonsenrages\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The anti fake news system detected a domain name spreading hate speech and anti-Semitic comments] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?upr\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lecourrier-du-soir\.com(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fdesouche\.com(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The anti-fake news system detected a domain name disseminating racist hate articles] 🤖</strong></a>');
        // Add more lines for additional domains if needed
        return html;
      // Function to replace URLs and link text in a given content element
      function replaceUrlsInContent($content) {
        $content.html(function (_, oldHtml) {
          return replaceUrls(oldHtml);
      // Replace URLs and link text when a new post is added
      $(window).on('action:posts.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content, .topic-info.text-sm.text-break,, .stretched-link,');
          // Replace URLs and link text in the post content
      // Replace URLs and link text when a post is edited
      $(window).on('action:topic.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content, .topic-info.text-sm.text-break,, .stretched-link,');
          // Replace URLs and link text in the post content
      // Replace URLs and link text when a new page is loaded or content is updated for topic teaser & carroussel topic info
      $(document).ajaxComplete(function () {
        $(', .topic-info.text-sm.text-break,, .stretched-link,').each(function () {
          var $content = $(this);

    PS : nothing to see but appearance code on topics bug :
    The Block code is no longer displayed in its entirety but only on one line :


  • DownPWundefined DownPW has marked this topic as solved on
  • I have a great code here. I managed to modify the HTTP URL link as well as the link text (description) by modifying them both with a warning message and the URL of my choice for each domain. I am currently redirecting to my checkout page.

    The code also differentiates with text before and after the link and does not take it into account.

    It works :

    • In the topics
    • In the carousel
    • In the previews of the last post in the recent page, unread etc…
    • In Chat

    There are certainly things to improve but I’ll share the code with you here.

    –> This will be my Christmas present 🎅

    If you have any improvements or suggestions, don’t hesitate @phenomlab

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Block Domain URL on topics & Topic teasers & caroussel topic info
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    $(document).ready(function () {
      // Function to replace URLs and link text in a given HTML content
      function replaceUrls(html) {
        // Replace the old domain URLs with the new domain URL and update link text
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?francesoir\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?francais\.rt\.com(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a domain name of disinformation and propaganda] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fr\.sputniknews\.africa(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a domain name of disinformation and propaganda] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lecourrierdesstrateges\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lelibrepenseur\.org(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lesmoutonsenrages\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The anti fake news system detected a domain name spreading hate speech and anti-Semitic comments] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?upr\.fr(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lecourrier-du-soir\.com(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The PW anti fake news system detected a disinformation domain name] 🤖</strong></a>');
        html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]*href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fdesouche\.com(?:\/[^\s>]*)?"[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/a>/g, '<a href="https://YOUR_URL_REDIRECTION/rules"><strong>🤖 [Oups. The anti-fake news system detected a domain name disseminating racist hate articles] 🤖</strong></a>');
        // Add more lines for additional domains if needed
        return html;
      // Function to replace URLs and link text in a given content element
      function replaceUrlsInContent($content) {
        $content.html(function (_, oldHtml) {
          return replaceUrls(oldHtml);
      // Replace URLs and link text when a new post is added
      $(window).on('action:posts.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content, .topic-info.text-sm.text-break,, .stretched-link,');
          // Replace URLs and link text in the post content
      // Replace URLs and link text when a post is edited
      $(window).on('action:topic.loaded', function () {
        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
          var $postContent = $(this).find('.content, .topic-info.text-sm.text-break,, .stretched-link,');
          // Replace URLs and link text in the post content
      // Replace URLs and link text when a new page is loaded or content is updated for topic teaser & carroussel topic info
      $(document).ajaxComplete(function () {
        $(', .topic-info.text-sm.text-break,, .stretched-link,').each(function () {
          var $content = $(this);

    PS : nothing to see but appearance code on topics bug :
    The Block code is no longer displayed in its entirety but only on one line :


    @DownPW that code looks great. I seem to have trained you well!

    I’ll investigate the single line of code issue. I think that’s probably because of a modified version of highlight. js I use.

  • @phenomlab

    My code work great but a little more 😉
    My code conflicts with your OGPROXY code.

    Do you have an idea so that the two can live together?

  • @phenomlab

    My code work great but a little more 😉
    My code conflicts with your OGPROXY code.

    Do you have an idea so that the two can live together?

    @DownPW Potentially, yes, but what is the conflict exactly?

  • I don’t know, I just see that OG proxy does not format the links when my code to block domains is active.

    If I disable it, OG proxy works fine.

    I would have to make sure that OG proxy does not activate when a blacklist link is detected or that it works one after the other

    Actually I don’t really know at the moment.


    Maybe add an ignore list to OG PROXY

  • I don’t know, I just see that OG proxy does not format the links when my code to block domains is active.

    If I disable it, OG proxy works fine.

    I would have to make sure that OG proxy does not activate when a blacklist link is detected or that it works one after the other

    Actually I don’t really know at the moment.


    Maybe add an ignore list to OG PROXY

    @DownPW said in Block Domain:

    I don’t know, I just see that OG proxy does not format the links when my code to block domains is active.

    This just means that the callback / hook isn’t monitored by OGProxy and can probably be quite easily rectified.

    @DownPW said in Block Domain:

    Maybe add an ignore list to OG PROXY

    There is one already in function.js - see below

  • @DownPW said in Block Domain:

    I don’t know, I just see that OG proxy does not format the links when my code to block domains is active.

    This just means that the callback / hook isn’t monitored by OGProxy and can probably be quite easily rectified.

    @DownPW said in Block Domain:

    Maybe add an ignore list to OG PROXY

    There is one already in function.js - see below

    In any case, it doesn’t change anything in fact I think to add exclusions in OG Proxy, because links which are not to be ignored are not formatted by OG proxy

    @phenomlab said in Block Domain:

    This just means that the callback / hook isn’t monitored by OGProxy and can probably be quite easily rectified.

    I’ll look and try to figure it out but can you help me with this ?

  • In any case, it doesn’t change anything in fact I think to add exclusions in OG Proxy, because links which are not to be ignored are not formatted by OG proxy

    @phenomlab said in Block Domain:

    This just means that the callback / hook isn’t monitored by OGProxy and can probably be quite easily rectified.

    I’ll look and try to figure it out but can you help me with this ?

    @DownPW said in Block Domain:

    I’ll look and try to figure it out but can you help me with this ?

    Yes, of course.

  • no luck for now

  • no luck for now

    @DownPW Can you provide a summary of what you’ve tried?

  • I don’t have everything listed.

    In fact I’m trying to understand what’s going on, otherwise I’m going all over the place but I don’t have any errors in the console.

    In fact I have the impression that the 2 codes act on <a> and that they sometimes come into conflict because when I enter the topic via the recent page or other, OG proxy does the job, I refresh, it works again , I refresh and the OGproxy does nothing.

    I have the impression that both codes are playing with the DOM and it’s not okay.
    Sometimes OGproxy works, sometimes it works on every second link, and sometimes not at all.

    Anyway, I’m a little lost at the moment.

    I don’t really know what changed or what script changed.

  • I don’t have everything listed.

    In fact I’m trying to understand what’s going on, otherwise I’m going all over the place but I don’t have any errors in the console.

    In fact I have the impression that the 2 codes act on <a> and that they sometimes come into conflict because when I enter the topic via the recent page or other, OG proxy does the job, I refresh, it works again , I refresh and the OGproxy does nothing.

    I have the impression that both codes are playing with the DOM and it’s not okay.
    Sometimes OGproxy works, sometimes it works on every second link, and sometimes not at all.

    Anyway, I’m a little lost at the moment.

    I don’t really know what changed or what script changed.

    @DownPW I don’t think this is OGProxy. I think it’s your script that manipulates the DOM afterwards and causes the issue. Is there somewhere I can see the script and review it (dev) ?

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