Off-topic discussions that do not fit into any other categories.
I have my arch server web host setup and running. I have Nginx, Mariadb, PHP, PHP-fpm and phpmyadmin. I have each website under it’s own user in the home directory to keep the sites separate and more secure. I have to say that it was a lot of fun to set it up and I have been learning a lot in regards to arch linux and setting things up and such.
I am currently in the process of installing the email server using postfix, dovecot and postfixadmin. By setting this up manually, I have been learning a lot with how an email server works and such. One of the things I have learned is that most of the tutorials are for Debian or Ubuntu or one of the other more popular OSs. I have been using a tutorial not for Arch but then also referencing Arch instructions to complement the tutorial.
It has been a lot of fun. I have been updating my dev environment every couple of day and verifying that things are working. Then once a week I have been updating my production server. I update my dev environment every couple of days so that if I need the latest update for security reasons or what have you, I can do the update on the production server sooner to cover whatever may be happening.
I know I have a lot more to learn and look forward to that as well. So far this has been a fun journey and I look forward to learning more.
I saw this article earlier, which piqued my interest
The streaming giant estimated around 100 million households worldwide are watching its service for free by using the account of a friend or another family member, including 30 million in the US and Canada.
Did they seriously think that password sharing to reduce overall costs amongst friends and family wouldn’t be an issue ?? Like Zoom, Netflix enjoyed a huge uptake in user subscriptions during the COVID pandemic, and now of course, that revenue will be in freefall as people return to their jobs and are spending less time at home.
Surely, they must have realised that such a surge couldn’t last ? Now it seems they are getting greedy - if they decide to start including ads in a paid service, I’ll be cancelling my subscription for sure. The whole point of subscription services is not to receive ads in the first place !
So Im sure every guy who likes Tech ignores thier partner /significant other for periods of time.
You know how it is, when that bug needs fixing, it is the focus of your world.
3 months ago my partner started making jokes that my computer is my true girlfriend! Once she tried to snatch my phone out of my hand because I had been coding on it, on a day out.
I ignored her warnings that she was becoming bored and lonely.
A month ago she left me, for a slightly younger guy. And apparently its not coding theyve been doing morning, noon and night
In the minimal messaging contact I now get; She is saying her new life is going well, and is having fun, and she feels valued.
Feeling very sick about it. I would say sick++ !
Really wondering if other Techies have had the same issues with human relationships?
Is being this into computers even compatible with ‘married life’?
Long overdue in my book. It appears now the previously untouchable Meta now has a chink in the armour. 12 data breaches impacting the security and privacy of 30m European Facebook users, and they think they can simply shrug this off ?
Think again. They are not above the law
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