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NodeBB: Favicon upload issue

Solved Configure
  • Hi,
    I am trying to load a 512x512px favicon to my NodeBB forum, but it doesn’t go past the below status:
    Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.54.21 pm.png
    The above is a PNG file.

    Then, I attempted an upload with a 48x48 .ICO file and that loaded successfully. But it isn’t loading the image on the site though.

    I’ve been reading a thread on NodeBB forum where someone had a similar issue.

    How can I fix this issue? I had this issue in both V2 and now in the V3 versions. I have attempted reload and refresh a few times, but it isn’t helping.

  • I am back - I read the SSH documentation and looks like a “no, can’t do” for me, unless I get handheld training followed by a bit of practice, I don’t think I can do it. Unfortunately/fortunately, I will need to trouble you again for this cache clearance. (FYI - I have a list of coffees owed, and this one is in it)

    @mventures Having taken a look at this, the favicon.ico file is required in two places to work - one is in /public/uploads/system and the other is in public at the root level - see below


    I’ve tested this against a favicon checker, and it now works - I used the one you uploaded for the touchicon to generate it.

  • Hi,
    I am trying to load a 512x512px favicon to my NodeBB forum, but it doesn’t go past the below status:
    Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 8.54.21 pm.png
    The above is a PNG file.

    Then, I attempted an upload with a 48x48 .ICO file and that loaded successfully. But it isn’t loading the image on the site though.

    I’ve been reading a thread on NodeBB forum where someone had a similar issue.

    How can I fix this issue? I had this issue in both V2 and now in the V3 versions. I have attempted reload and refresh a few times, but it isn’t helping.

    @mventures This issue is a common one, and likely because nginx is caching the values it already has. The fastest wat to fix this would be to

    1. Gain access via SSH to your server
    2. Login
    3. Issue command sudo service nginx restart and press enter

    This will cause nginx to restart, and should also empty the cache. Then see if this resolves the issue.

  • @mventures This issue is a common one, and likely because nginx is caching the values it already has. The fastest wat to fix this would be to

    1. Gain access via SSH to your server
    2. Login
    3. Issue command sudo service nginx restart and press enter

    This will cause nginx to restart, and should also empty the cache. Then see if this resolves the issue.

    @phenomlab Would this route work as it seems simpler: Go to ACP > Advanced > Cache?

  • @phenomlab Would this route work as it seems simpler: Go to ACP > Advanced > Cache?

    @mventures No. The nginx server it the web server itself. The ACP is the NodeBB application - they are completely seperated.

  • @mventures No. The nginx server it the web server itself. The ACP is the NodeBB application - they are completely seperated.

    This post is deleted!
  • @mventures No. The nginx server it the web server itself. The ACP is the NodeBB application - they are completely seperated.

    @phenomlab Oh my! Sounds scary again. I read this old post about SSH, and I am not so sure if I want to take any risks 😞

  • I am back - I read the SSH documentation and looks like a “no, can’t do” for me, unless I get handheld training followed by a bit of practice, I don’t think I can do it. Unfortunately/fortunately, I will need to trouble you again for this cache clearance. (FYI - I have a list of coffees owed, and this one is in it)

  • I am back - I read the SSH documentation and looks like a “no, can’t do” for me, unless I get handheld training followed by a bit of practice, I don’t think I can do it. Unfortunately/fortunately, I will need to trouble you again for this cache clearance. (FYI - I have a list of coffees owed, and this one is in it)

    @mventures Having taken a look at this, the favicon.ico file is required in two places to work - one is in /public/uploads/system and the other is in public at the root level - see below


    I’ve tested this against a favicon checker, and it now works - I used the one you uploaded for the touchicon to generate it.

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab has marked this topic as solved on
  • @mventures Having taken a look at this, the favicon.ico file is required in two places to work - one is in /public/uploads/system and the other is in public at the root level - see below


    I’ve tested this against a favicon checker, and it now works - I used the one you uploaded for the touchicon to generate it.

    Hey @phenomlab, Thanks for looking into this! Did you make the change?
    Because I can still see the BB logo as the favicon on the desktop (safari, chrome) and the mobile.
    But on an iPad, I can see my favicon.

  • Hey @phenomlab, Thanks for looking into this! Did you make the change?
    Because I can still see the BB logo as the favicon on the desktop (safari, chrome) and the mobile.
    But on an iPad, I can see my favicon.


    I have the same problem. I never managed to solve it.

    There is always a moment when I see that of NodeBB when I have nowhere on the server (nginx cache dump, cloudflare, nodebb, etc…)

  • @mventures

    I have the same problem. I never managed to solve it.

    There is always a moment when I see that of NodeBB when I have nowhere on the server (nginx cache dump, cloudflare, nodebb, etc…)

    @DownPW Yes, it can be sporadic, but in the case of @mventures it should be resolved.

    For example, viewing the site in incognito mode


    And also checking with several favicon testers


    @mventures can you try with a browser you’ve never used before, or perhaps an incognito tab? If that doesn’t work, also try the below

    1. Open Google Chrome
    2. Navigate to the website
    3. Open the developer tools (press F12)
    4. Click and hold the browser reload button so that the advanced options appear


    1. Select the option to “Empty cache and hard reload”
  • @DownPW Yes, it can be sporadic, but in the case of @mventures it should be resolved.

    For example, viewing the site in incognito mode


    And also checking with several favicon testers


    @mventures can you try with a browser you’ve never used before, or perhaps an incognito tab? If that doesn’t work, also try the below

    1. Open Google Chrome
    2. Navigate to the website
    3. Open the developer tools (press F12)
    4. Click and hold the browser reload button so that the advanced options appear


    1. Select the option to “Empty cache and hard reload”

    @phenomlab I am on a Mac, so I used the “Option + Command + I”, and then performed the steps. It loaded my favicon! I checked on Firefox which I haven’t used before, and it showed my favicon also! That’s fantastic and thank you for the help!

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