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How to fix header side as boxed

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    @Panda said in Sudonix and fediverse:

    Federation will have huge advantages, especially for starting off forums that would otherwise be quiet, because it can bring in posts from similar sites to increase content.

    Can’t say I agree with this statement. To me, if I visit a new forum, I’d much rather be viewing original content rather than that which I can easily consume elsewhere. I understand that new forums are often empty with not much content, but the growth needs to be organic rather than ingested from elsewhere to make it look busy.

    Using RSS feeds to pull in content from remote sites is fine as long as you use it for reading reference and create a discussion around the topic you are referring to (as I do with Sudonix), but absolutely pointless if you include the entire article and all associated responses - you may as well just visit the origin site instead.

    Another issue is SEO and the impact duplicated content will have on your own forum when it comes to Google indexing your site. Duplicated content negatively impacts SEO and in addition, that same content may be proprietary meaning you need permission to include it on your site.

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    @Panda Just circling back here with something of an update (which I think you’ll like). I’ve completely restructured the ranking system. There are now less ranks, with a higher point threshold to reach them.

    More importantly, if you reload the site, you’ll notice that the ranks are now icons.

    I also removed the “Author” badge, and made this a single icon, which (to me) looks much better.

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    @DownPW Yes, it is. It’s set far too low meaning other elements with a higher preference will sit over the top of it.

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    @cagatay this relates to a change the css classes used for the brand header meaning it will now float to the left instead of right.

    If you’d like to retain the original behavior, you can add this css class

    [data-widget-area="brand-header"] { justify-content: end; display: flex; }

    Further information here

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    Seems to be better with some scaling fix for redis on redis.conf. I haven’t seen the message yet since the changes I made

    # I increase it to the value of /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn tcp-backlog 4096 # I'm uncommenting because it can slow down Redis. Uncommented by default !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #save 900 1 #save 300 10 #save 60 10000

    If you have other Redis optimizations. I take all your advice

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    Say i wanted new theme for example or again something like this?

    Yes, exactly the same process.

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