@phenomlab thank you very much for the assistance Mark, massively appreciated as always.
The great thing about this is it’s all documented for other NodeBB users that come looking for solutions 😃.
Looks far better 🤝👍🏻.
@downpw another great addition
An idea for CSS code for that button (Abandon) after click ?
@downpw Can you expand on that ?
color, background color and after a click on the abandon button
@downpw Ok. Do you have a mock-up in terms of what you’d be looking for ? I think I understand, but it will require jQuery
I don’t think so JQuery are necessary becausei hav not that on other themes. Maybe a focus button ?
I want to fix this color background after a click on “Discard” Button when I reply to a topic.
For example you don’t have this on sudonix.com
Just to find the correct CSS code i guess
I have the same problem on login button
@downpw Something like this ?
button.btn.btn-default.composer-discard:focus {
background: red;
Very odd @phenomlab
@downpw Expected, because the CSS class is :focus
so on mouseout
event, the focus is lost and the CSS will no longer apply. This is why you (probably) need jQuery
Nope, I don’t think so because I haven’t got the problem on an another themes and here too
@downpw Can you provide the same example with another theme ?
@downpw So (for example) do you want the Discard button to turn red if you you click Confirm, or am I off track here ? Not entirely sure what you’re after
@phenomlab Never mind already found the right CSS property would be nice
@downpw Do you mean this one
button.btn.btn-default.composer-discard:focus {
background: red;
Or another ?
@phenomlab Another I think
It seem to be a btn-default problem
@downpw Think I might have it
.composer-discard:disabled {
background: red !important;
@downpw said in [NODEBB] Help for my custom CSS:
But if you have the same for Login button, I take
Use this
button#login {
background: green;
border: 1px solid green;