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OGProxy - a replacement for iFramely

  • Seeing as not every site on the planet has relevant CORS headers that permit data scraping, I thought I’d make this a bit more obvious on the response. The link is still rendered, but by using the below if the remote site refuses to respond to request


    Not entirely sold on the image yet - likely will change it, but you get the idea 🙂 It’s more along the lines of graceful failure rather than a URL that simply does nothing.

  • @phenomlab I love that image and think it is perfect! LOL

  • @phenomlab said in OGProxy - a replacement for iFramely:

    And now, changes made to the back-end Proxy Server to increase performance

    Key Changes Made:

    1. Rate Limiting

    Added express-rate-limit to limit requests from a single IP.

    1. Logging

    Integrated morgan for logging HTTP requests.

    1. Health Check Endpoint

    Added a simple endpoint to check the server’s status.

    1. Data Validation

    Implemented input validation for the URL using Joi.

    1. Environment Variables

    Used dotenv for managing sensitive data like API keys and port configuration.

    1. Error Handling

    Enhanced error logging for debugging purposes.

    1. Asynchronous Error Handling

    Utilize a centralized error-handling middleware to manage errors in one place.

    1. Environment Variable Management

    Use environment variables for more configuration options, such as cache duration or allowed origins, making it easier to change configurations without altering the code.

    1. Static Response Handling

    Use a middleware for handling static responses or messages instead of duplicating logic.

    1. Compression Middleware

    Add compression middleware to reduce the size of the response bodies, which can improve performance, especially for larger responses.

    1. Timeout Handling on Requests

    Handle timeouts for the requests made to the target URLs and provide appropriate error responses.

    1. Security Improvements

    Implement security best practices, such as Helmet for setting HTTP headers, which can help protect against well-known vulnerabilities.

    1. Logging Configuration

    Improve logging with different levels (e.g., info, error) using a logging library like winston, which provides more control over logging output.

    1. Graceful Shutdown

    Implement graceful shutdown logic to handle server termination more smoothly, especially during deployment.

    1. Monitoring and Metrics

    Integrate monitoring tools like Prometheus or an APM tool for better insights into the application’s performance and resource usage.

    1. Response Schema Validation

    Use libraries like Joi or Ajv to validate responses sent back to the client, ensuring they conform to expected formats.

    Again, this new code is running here in test for a few weeks.

    code updated on github or not ?

  • @DownPW Not yet. One or two bugs left to resolve, then it’ll be posted.

  • Ok I’ll install the old version in the meantime… Or maybe just wait if it’s not too long

  • Can’t wait 😲


  • @DownPW Coming soon…

  • A release date maybe ?

  • @DownPW in the coming weeks.

  • @DownPW sorry for the delay here - real life is getting in the way, but the latest release will be pushed out soon.

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