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  • If you’re a Bowie fan, then the title of this post might mean something to you 🙂 If not, sorry - obviously wasted… 😄

    The main point of this post is to advise you of some changes that are happening within the platform. Over time, Sudonix has evolved (in a good way of course) and has attracted readers and new members alike across the world. Whilst the below stats are not in the millions, it does show modest growth which is always assuring given the nature of what is on offer here.



    Based on the increasing number of new users, I wanted to improve the overall look of Sudonix and make it more appealing to the eye. Some of you may have already noticed the changes, or, as in the case of @Madchatthew, been hit with some odd-looking effects that mean you have to choose another theme, and then re-select the one you were using before. Thankfully, most of this work has now been completed, but these changes do have an impact on your daily usage as below

    • Support for multiple themes is going to be reduced - to the point where there will only be three. Light (Luminate), Dim (Dusk), and Dark (Tenebrous). The real reason for this is that, as @crazycells keeps telling me, “less is more” and I’m becoming a fan of that paradigm. Having a lot of themes also means a lot of maintenance, which is something I’m looking to avoid. If you use Dark Mode on your device, you’ll get issued with Tenebrous. If you use Light Mode (native), then you’ll get issued with Luminate. I am going to be removing the dropdown swatch and replacing this with a simple 3-way toggle (or something like that).

    • Font sizes have been reduced. The point here is that on a mobile device, these are a bit too large for my liking, so they have been scaled back on desktops to 98%, and 95% on mobile devices. The dominant font (Poppins) will remain as it’s a firm favourite and works well on all devices.

    • The look and feel experience has also changed. I’ve adapted something of a “Material” view which is on by default (currently, it cannot be disabled, but I will include this ability if desired as I helped write something similar for @DownPW some time ago). This uses outline instead of border which is much easier to work with (under the guise of CSS) as it does not increase the element size, but simply adds a “wrapper” around it. Other “soft” changes have made their way into this release, and are subtle in nature, but will certainly improve the overall experience.

    There are a ton of other changes, but some of these are either under-the-hood, or subtle enough that they go unnoticed - one such example is a change to OGProxy (only CSS) that alters the rendering order making it faster, and aligning to what other sites are doing in terms of how the card is presented. There are numerous colour changes too, which typically attract new naming conventions which won’t be available under your session unless you change themes or clear your browser cache.

    I’m hoping most of this will simply pass most users by - but, do let me know if that is not the case.

  • Forgot to mention that I also reduced the intensity of the default font from 400 to 300

  • good job my friends 👍

  • Where did the swatch dropdown go?

    Glad you noticed 🙂 It’s gone, but not forgotten. It’s been replaced by a single icon you can cycle to get the theme you want (based on Luminate, Dusk, and Tenebrous, or Light, Dusk, and Dark for the uninitiated). On both desktop and mobile, you can find it at the top where the “Swatch” dropdown used to live.


    Note that when you access the site for the first time, things might look a bit odd. Just tap and cycle the theme icon and you’ll get to where you want.

  • Awesome job with this site. Thank you for creating it and having a presence on here as well.

  • Personally I have a lot of themes, you know that. 🙂



    Even if overall I have very few changes to make, your idea is still very interesting and I ask myself questions.

    Do you think you’ll share the code for this new theme selector so we can test it ? or are you keeping it as your own code?

    In any case, the idea seems very good to me because having just icons is I find less invasive than a selector with menu


  • @DownPW said in!:

    Do you think you’ll share the code for this new theme selector so we can test it ? or are you keeping it as your own code?

    No, the intention is to share it once I have it stable. There’s a couple of bugs I need to fix before release.

  • Hi all. Hope you’re enjoying the changes being made to the platform in terms of overall layout and themes.

    If things look a bit odd, reload your browser and select from one of the three themes available.

    This, from my perspective is the best Sudonix has looked since it’s inception. I’m still making changes here and there and you’ll see plenty more of these materialising over time.

    Several of these changes require new code to be applied in order to generate the best possible experience.

    At this point I’m looking for feedback to ensure the changes are received positively.

  • I think your site looks great! You have been doing an amazing job with the changes and I really like the looks and feel of

  • @DownPW here’s v3 of the theme switcher code. Note the category badge changes… This specific version has been codenamed “pepperami” - because it is a bit of an animal in terms of structure, and needs simplifying and cleanup.

    But, it’s working…

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  • IMPORTANT: Theme / Swatch changes

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    @cagatay these changes aren’t published anywhere presently, so nothing for you to do.

  • Theme retirement

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    I relented somewhat here and added another swatch - one I missed, which was previous called “blackout”. This specific one has been adapted to work on the new theming engine, but the others have been reclassified, and renamed to suit.


    As a result, the theme you might have had will probably be reflecting something else, so you (might) need to change your themes accordingly. The changes are as follows

    Light -> No Change
    Cloudy -> Is now the old “Dim”
    Dim -> Is now the old “Dark”
    Dark -> Now a new theme based on the revamped “Blackout”

  • Rebranding / other changes

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    @crazycells said in Rebranding / other changes:

    thanks for the info you gave, I need to transfer this info to our dev team

    No problems - let me know if you need any other info.

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    @cagatay Not to my knowledge.

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  • Theming support in Sudonix

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    @phenomlab said in Theming support in Sudonix:

    I thought I’d better come by here with an update so everyone knows that the Swatch project isn’t abandoned, or has simply “gone cold”. In fact, quite the opposite.

    I’ve setup a dev instance on my home network which I’m currently developing against. I’ll put some screenshots up soon, but the Swatch code is currently enjoying a rewrite. The great news is that you’ll get ten times the flexibility you have now meaning greater support for light themes, although the downside is that there isn’t that much backwards compatibility meaning some of my own themes even need to be completely redesigned.

    However, this isn’t the end of the world. Once you’re familiar with the classes, it really doesn’t take long at all to create your own themes.

    More to follow.

    I’ll be putting together a video of what the revamped theme will look like very soon - just got some small issues to iron out, and code cleanup beforehand…

  • Theme changes

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    6 Posts

    There’s still some very minor bugs in the two themes (light and dark) but these will be resolved in the coming days. Some are specific to firefox, and well require special attention, but will still be resolved nonetheless.