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Opening links in nodebb widget

Solved Configure
  • @phenomlab the convo we started on nodebb forum, I thought to continue it here.
    Still having the issue of links not loading often in widgets
    Have you been able to take a look?

  • A more efficient way of including this would be to not over complicate it and leverage a standard iframe (providing the CSP headers of the remote site permit this) like below

    <iframe src="" width="700" height="800"></iframe>

    This works first time every time on your site as intended.

  • @Panda not yet, will do so later. For continuity, can you provide the code here that you want to use?

  • @phenomlab yes, its just a quiz.

    <script src="" data-quiz="gag66aea7922f0a5" data-width="700" data-height="800" ></script>

    The fact this is so problematic makes me wonder if something should be built into the widget code in nodebb to sort whatever the timing issue is, that causes loading to fail

  • @Panda I’ll test this and revert. Will get back to you later.

  • @Panda It’s not caused by NodeBB, but the way you are calling the URL - see the error message below reported in the console

    embed-classmarker-1.0.0.js?quiz=gag66aea7922f0a5:7  Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL
        at __createIframe (embed-classmarker-1.0.0.js?quiz=gag66aea7922f0a5:7:80)
        at load (embed-classmarker-1.0.0.js?quiz=gag66aea7922f0a5:3:100)
        at embed-classmarker-1.0.0.js?quiz=gag66aea7922f0a5:1:1
  • A more efficient way of including this would be to not over complicate it and leverage a standard iframe (providing the CSP headers of the remote site permit this) like below

    <iframe src="" width="700" height="800"></iframe>

    This works first time every time on your site as intended.

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab has marked this topic as solved

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