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Upgrade to NodeBB v3? 2BB or not 2BB, that is the question!

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  • I upgraded to NodeBB v3 this week and have to be honest, so far haven’t notice much difference, except for some new problems in Admin panel sidebar!
    I actually wondered after, if I’d done it too soon and should have waited!

    I see people writing there are big changes. NodeBB team the v3 release post said there were too many improvements to list.
    So now I’ve done it I would like to know reasons why it was worth doing 🙂

    @phenomlab You wrote on the NodeBB forum ‘this upgrade is revolutionary. I’ve been playing with replicated (and really stale) data for so long’
    Can you explain what this means? What has changed in relation to ‘stale data’?
    Specifically what does the term replicated data mean, and what is different now?

  • Pandaundefined Panda has marked this topic as solved on
  • @Panda said in Upgrade to NodeBB v3? 2BB or not 2BB, that is the question!:

    You wrote on the NodeBB forum ‘this upgrade is revolutionary. I’ve been playing with replicated (and really stale) data for so long’
    Can you explain what this means? What has changed in relation to ‘stale data’?
    Specifically what does the term replicated data mean, and what is different now?

    That statement about being revolutionary is factual in the sense that the 2.x train of NodeBB used bootstrap v3 whereas the V3 train uses bootstrap v5. This isn’t feature creep - it’s a major change, and whilst not all functionality is obvious to the end user, the changes required under the bonnet are huge - almost a rewrite. The revolutionary part refers to the ability to extend the core even further than was possible before.

    My reference to replicated data meant I had taken a copy of the production database and upgraded my development environment based on that. The comment about stale data is in relation to an older copy of a production database which of course was not synchronised with the live version (which at the time was still running v2). Playing with stale data of course doesn’t give you a true picture of what your forum will look like unless you regularly refresh the development database.

    In short, the difference between the two versions of NodeBB is huge. You only need to look at the github commit log to see how much time and effort has gone into the V3 release.

    Lastly, you say you can’t see any difference - are you using Persona still, or Harmony ? The former is being sunset, so harmony is where all of the changes are taking place, which might be the source of confusion.

  • Ah, will try changing Theme to Harmony!
    Edit: Thats fixed my problems with Admin sidebar!

  • Just done it, can see many changes!
    However, my newly created custom widget doesnt show now.
    How about the unline Users pluggin, will that need reinstalling or should it carry over?

  • @Panda when you change themes, the widget positions are all reset. You just need to put them back to where you’d like them.

  • @Panda said in Upgrade to NodeBB v3? 2BB or not 2BB, that is the question!:

    How about the unline Users pluggin, will that need reinstalling or should it carry over?

    Plugins aren’t uninstalled unless you actually remove them, so no issues there.

  • @phenomlab yes my new Widget wasnt working but it had moved to ‘Draft Zone’ !
    And the Online Users HTML had moved to Draft too. So although thats a plugin it has Widget like element and stopped working on the Theme change

  • @Panda said in Upgrade to NodeBB v3? 2BB or not 2BB, that is the question!:

    So although thats a plugin it has Widget like element and stopped working on the Theme change

    Which is normal based on the widgets being reset when you change themes.

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  • Fixed background to nodebb forum

    Solved Configure
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    @Panda said in Fixed background to nodebb forum:

    Chatgpt told me the ::before method.

    Go figure 😛

  • Nodebb design

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    @Panda said in Nodebb design:

    One negative is not being so good for SEO as more Server side rendered forums, if web crawlers dont run the JS to read the forum.

    From recollection, Google and Bing have the capability to read and process JS, although it’s not in the same manner as a physical person will consume content on a page. It will be seen as plain text, but will be indexed. However, it’s important to note that Yandex and Baidu will not render JS, although seeing as Google has a 90% share of the content available on the web in terms of indexing, this isn’t something you’ll likely lose sleep over.

    @Panda said in Nodebb design:

    The “write api” is preferred for server-to-server interactions.

    This is mostly based around overall security - you won’t typically want a client machine changing database elements or altering data. This is why you have “client-side” which could be DOM manipulation etc, and “server-side” which performs more complex operations as it can communicate directly with the database whereas the client cannot (and if it can, then you have a serious security flaw). Reading from the API is perfectly acceptable on the client-side, but not being able to write.

    A paradigm here would be something like SNMP. This protocol exists as a UDP (UDP is very efficient, as it is “fire and forget” and does not wait for a response like TCP does) based service which reads performance data from a remote source, thus enabling an application to parse that data for use in a monitoring application. In all cases, SNMP access should be “RO” (Read Only) and not RW (Read Write). It is completely feasible to assume complete control over a firewall for example by having RW access to SNMP and then exposing it to the entire internet with a weak passphrase.

    You wouldn’t do it (at least, I hope you wouldn’t) and the same ethic applies to server-side rendering and the execution of commands.

  • Composer options on nodebb

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    8 Posts

    @Panda You should be able to expose the CSS for these using F12 to get into console



    That should then expose the element once selected


    Here’s the below CSS you need based on the screenshot provided.

    .composer .formatting-bar .formatting-group li[data-format="picture-o"], .composer .formatting-bar .formatting-group li[data-format="spoiler"] { display: none; }
  • 11 Votes
    47 Posts

    @DownPW Seems fine.

  • NodeBB: Consent page

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    @DownPW I still do not see any issues.

  • 0 Votes
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    @mventures the swatch feature you refer to isn’t a NodeBB plugin, but a utility that I wrote that handles this. It is available for v2 (as you can see here) but I’ve stopped developing and releasing the code because it has been entirely rewritten to work for v3.

    If you’d like the code, this is possible, but you’ll need to upgrade to v3 first.

  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts

    @DownPW very useful tip. Thanks

  • MailGun Not Working NodeBB

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    @phenomlab did it 🙂 i did not create smtp user on mailgun. everything is working now.
