Those of you with a keen eye might have noticed that the logo has been changed. If you don’t see this, reload your browser as there are extensive code changes that need to be loaded so that the right image is selected with the right theme (they are colour coordinated).
Here’s the logo itself when using the default light theme (which is Flatly)
Here’s the logo itself when using the default dark theme (which is Nord)
As you can see, the logo colours change depending on which theme you are using. This did mean a bit of manual work on my part using Adobe Illustrator - something of a learning curve (and monthly subscription cost ) I could have used Inkscape, I know, but it’s severely limited and lacks essential functionality, so it’s a non-starter in my view.
The inspiration from this logo comes from a variety of sources. Given that most of what we do on here is in code format (one way or the other), it made sense to use that in the logo. The original version had no radiuses, but I wanted a softer look, so here we are