Since yesterday, we have been experiencing a massive influx of new users.
Today we have more than 1000 simultaneous connections (account creation, participation in topics, etc.)
I had a lot of issues with Nginx that I think I got fixed.
I have several “worker_connections is too long” & “too many openfiles” errors on nginx log :
I think I solved his 2 problems in the following way :
systemctl edit --full nginx.service
nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
worker_rlimit_nofile 70000;
events {
# worker_connections 768;
worker_connections 65535;
# multi_accept on;
multi_accept on;
I have “client intended to send too large body” errors too :
I think I solved this problem in the following way :
nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
http {
# Basic Settings
client_max_body_size 10M;
–> I hope this will be enough for Nginx.
But now, I have a problem of CPU performance (sometimes, not ) which causes nodebb 503 errors (not nginx) or latencies because nodeJS and mongodb takes a lot of CPU.
– Would there be tweaks for nodejs, nodebb or mongodb to prevent the influx of users from draining the CPU - RAM ?
– If you have better values for nginx error (see above the topic) or better fix, tell me
Thanks in advance @phenomlab