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  • Changing H2 color

    Solved WordPress
    3 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Sala Just checked your site. This should work

    .bs-blog-post .title, .bs-blog-post .title a { color: #ffffff; }

    It’s worth noting the existing CSS, which uses variables like the below

    color: var(--head-color);

    These come under the :root section as below

    :root { --head-color: #212121; --stext-color: #000; --text-color: #718096; --wtext-color: #fff; --bg-color: #fff; --box-color: #fff; --border-color: #e2e8f0; --wrap-color: #eff2f7; }

    You can easily override these by using the CSS I provided at the top of this post, or you can change the underlying colours defined in the variables. However, taking this route may mean other objects are styled in the same way, which may not be the desired result.

  • Nodebb design

    Solved General
    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Panda said in Nodebb design:

    One negative is not being so good for SEO as more Server side rendered forums, if web crawlers dont run the JS to read the forum.

    From recollection, Google and Bing have the capability to read and process JS, although it’s not in the same manner as a physical person will consume content on a page. It will be seen as plain text, but will be indexed. However, it’s important to note that Yandex and Baidu will not render JS, although seeing as Google has a 90% share of the content available on the web in terms of indexing, this isn’t something you’ll likely lose sleep over.

    @Panda said in Nodebb design:

    The “write api” is preferred for server-to-server interactions.

    This is mostly based around overall security - you won’t typically want a client machine changing database elements or altering data. This is why you have “client-side” which could be DOM manipulation etc, and “server-side” which performs more complex operations as it can communicate directly with the database whereas the client cannot (and if it can, then you have a serious security flaw). Reading from the API is perfectly acceptable on the client-side, but not being able to write.

    A paradigm here would be something like SNMP. This protocol exists as a UDP (UDP is very efficient, as it is “fire and forget” and does not wait for a response like TCP does) based service which reads performance data from a remote source, thus enabling an application to parse that data for use in a monitoring application. In all cases, SNMP access should be “RO” (Read Only) and not RW (Read Write). It is completely feasible to assume complete control over a firewall for example by having RW access to SNMP and then exposing it to the entire internet with a weak passphrase.

    You wouldn’t do it (at least, I hope you wouldn’t) and the same ethic applies to server-side rendering and the execution of commands.

  • 3 Votes
    11 Posts

    For anyone else following this thread


  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Vijay-Kumavat-0 I think you’d be better off customising the plugin above to be honest. It seems like you’d be reinventing the wheel otherwise.

    I’d modify


    These seem to be the two files that control what is in the dropdown lists.

  • 3 Votes
    13 Posts

    @DownPW Hmm - it’ll work with iFramely (locally hosted), or you can use the below string to embed using

    Watch (?:<a.*?)?(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?dailymotion\.com\/video\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{4,11})(?:.*?\/a>)? Replace <div class='embed-wrapper'><div class='embed-container'><iframe src='//$1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>


  • NodeBB Mess / Mongo DB

    Solved Configure
    4 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Sampo2910 🙂 You’ll get that error if the .json file isn’t updated for latest release compliance - but you can still install from the CLI by using npm install nodebb-plugin-whateveritis

  • 9 Votes
    32 Posts

    @DownPW said in Bottom footer navbar button extend:

    Oh my god, it’s beautiful mark

    I liked this design so much, I’ve implemented it here. I intend to do a lot more with the footer in due course, so hiding it makes a lot of sense. Thanks @DownPW for the idea and initial concept ♥

  • 15 Votes
    26 Posts

    @JAC ALWAYS shop around. Bitdefender, despite being a great product, have a habit of charging more for a renewal than they do a new subscription!