Very great 😉
Recent Cards - fix for slider on mobile not working
@crazycells Yes, because you have hard coded relative widths set - did you modify anything ?
The default width from the plugin is around
@phenomlab let me check the settings…
@crazycells If you can’t find it, this will resolve it
li.col-md-3.col-sm-6.col-xs-12.recent-card-container { width: 290px !important; }
@phenomlab said in Recent Cards - fix for slider on mobile not working:
@crazycells If you can’t find it, this will resolve it
li.col-md-3.col-sm-6.col-xs-12.recent-card-container { width: 290px !important; }
I could not find any CSS codes related to the width of these cards, but this code solved the problem. Thanks.
Additionally, why the pages are shown as points under these cards? We do not normally have that setting on, I checked the settings and restarted the forum, but they did not go away.
@crazycells Because you are overriding the plugin
library with one from an external source - see below$(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { $('.carousel-mode').bxSlider({ auto: true, autoControls: true, stopAutoOnClick: true, pager: false }); });
Essentially, you’ll need to use
pager: false
as shown above to disable it -
@crazycells Yes, or just remove it
@phenomlab yeap, I see it now. Thank you very much.
In Firefox (desktop), and in safari (mobile) I do not have any problem and it works beautifully.
@crazycells Great !!
Previously, baris said: “For me ajaxifying between pages was breaking when I activated touchEnabled.”
Is this change causing the same problem?
PS. I do not know what ajaxifying is, I checked the definition but I did not really understand it.
@crazycells No, because we call the function again using
$(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) {
@phenomlab great! Good to hear that (although I do not understand fully)…
Thanks a lot
@crazycells said in Recent Cards - fix for slider on mobile not working:
In Firefox (desktop), and in safari (mobile) I do not have any problem and it works beautifully.
Are you using the code block from here ? -
@crazycells said in Recent Cards - fix for slider on mobile not working:
PS. I do not know what ajaxifying is, I checked the definition but I did not really understand it.
AJAX is “Asynchronous Javascript And XML (Extensible Markup Language)” and means that requests for data can be sent and received without having to reload the entire page. This strategy is commonplace in today’s internet world - particularly for Single Page Applications (known as SPA’s)
@phenomlab no, I made these changes:
Custom Header:
<script src="" integrity="sha512-894YE6QWD5I59HgZOGReFYm4dnWc1Qt5NtvYSaNcOP+u1T9qYdvdihz0PPSiiqn/+/3e7Jo4EaG7TubfWGUrMQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src=""></script>
Custom JS
$(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { $('.carousel-mode').bxSlider({ stopAutoOnClick: true, pager: false }); });
@phenomlab I changed the code to this:
window.addEventListener("load", () => { // CHROME if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) { console.log("Google Chrome"); $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { $('.carousel-mode').bxSlider({ auto: true, autoControls: true, stopAutoOnClick: true, pager: false, keyboardEnabled: true, touchEnabled: false }); }); } else { console.log("Others"); $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { $('.carousel-mode').bxSlider({ auto: true, autoControls: true, stopAutoOnClick: true, pager: false, keyboardEnabled: true, touchEnabled: true }); }); } });
with “auto: false” edit…
and it is still working with firefox and safari; but not with google chrome.
@crazycells That’s correct. Because of the bug in Chrome, we have to disable
great topic, I will test than soon as possible
@DownPW No issues. Thanks to the Google Chrome “bug”, it does have some restrictions, but works fine other than that. I have an odd issue where it doesn’t work on Firefox mobile, but works fine on Firefox desktop.
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