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creating topic specific widgets

Solved Customisation
  • Hi @phenomlab ,

    I would like to add a count down widget with HTML. But I want to show this count down only when a related topic is opened… Let’s say topic id:1234

    Can you help me to customize the CSS code?

    Let’s say, I will give this element a custom class: showonlyinTopic1234 with HTML…

    showonlyinTopic1234 {
    display: none;

    Then, what id or class should I use in CSS to show this in topic id 1234?

  • @crazycells Ok, here goes

    • In your ACP, go to Appearance->Custom Content->Custom Javascript

    Add this code, changing “224” to the actual ID you want to target ⚠

        $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function (data) {
            var thisid = $('#topic_id').val();
            if(thisid == 224 // Change this value to the topic ID you want to target ) {
            else {
                // Nothing to do here

    Ensure you have enabled both of these



    • In the ACP, go to Appearance->Custom CSS/LESS
    • Add new CSS classes as below at the top of the window
    .hidden {
    display: none;
    .show {
    display: block !important;
    • In the ACP, go to Extend->Widgets.
    • Choose topic.tpl from the widget target selection
    • Create a new HTML widget and drag this into the Topic Footer section (or wherever you want it to appear)

    Paste this code inside the HTML area

    <input type="hidden" id="topic_id" name="topic_id" value="{tid}">
    <div class="hidden" id="thiswidget">This text should only appear if the ID matches</div> 
    • Save the widget layout, and now reload the site.
    • Select the topic you are specifically targeting, and open it

    If all went according to plan, you should see the below text appended at the bottom of the screen just before any other widget you may have in that area


    What have we done here ?

    Essentially, we have injected two new lines of code into the topic stream using the topic widget


    We set a class of hidden so that the widget won’t display unless there is a match to the ID we are targeting

    Then, this jQuery code looks for the ID we want, and if there is a match, it removes the hidden class and replaces it with show meaning it will display


    Adding hidden input fields into the HTML stream and then using jQuery to obtain the value is an old trick, but very reliable, and low in terms of performance needs. You may wonder where the {tid} value comes in ? This is from the API itself - more detail here

    Basically, this part


    Final parts

    Obviously, you’ll want to fashion the widget to present to your tastes - this is fine, but don’t delete anything here other than
    This text should only appear if the ID matches
    inside the code block 😃

    Hope this helps.

  • @crazycells This is in fact a bit more complex than it sounds from the outset. Essentially, what you’re asking for is that the widget will only fire when the topic ID is (for example) 1234. This can be done with JS but you’ll need to create a listener that runs on each page load to ensure it executes properly.

    I can provide a very simple code example which shows how this will work if you’d like ?

  • @phenomlab said in creating topic specific widgets:

    I can provide a very simple code example which shows how this will work if you’d like ?

    Yes, please. A simple example would be great.

  • @crazycells Ok, here goes

    • In your ACP, go to Appearance->Custom Content->Custom Javascript

    Add this code, changing “224” to the actual ID you want to target ⚠

        $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function (data) {
            var thisid = $('#topic_id').val();
            if(thisid == 224 // Change this value to the topic ID you want to target ) {
            else {
                // Nothing to do here

    Ensure you have enabled both of these



    • In the ACP, go to Appearance->Custom CSS/LESS
    • Add new CSS classes as below at the top of the window
    .hidden {
    display: none;
    .show {
    display: block !important;
    • In the ACP, go to Extend->Widgets.
    • Choose topic.tpl from the widget target selection
    • Create a new HTML widget and drag this into the Topic Footer section (or wherever you want it to appear)

    Paste this code inside the HTML area

    <input type="hidden" id="topic_id" name="topic_id" value="{tid}">
    <div class="hidden" id="thiswidget">This text should only appear if the ID matches</div> 
    • Save the widget layout, and now reload the site.
    • Select the topic you are specifically targeting, and open it

    If all went according to plan, you should see the below text appended at the bottom of the screen just before any other widget you may have in that area


    What have we done here ?

    Essentially, we have injected two new lines of code into the topic stream using the topic widget


    We set a class of hidden so that the widget won’t display unless there is a match to the ID we are targeting

    Then, this jQuery code looks for the ID we want, and if there is a match, it removes the hidden class and replaces it with show meaning it will display


    Adding hidden input fields into the HTML stream and then using jQuery to obtain the value is an old trick, but very reliable, and low in terms of performance needs. You may wonder where the {tid} value comes in ? This is from the API itself - more detail here

    Basically, this part


    Final parts

    Obviously, you’ll want to fashion the widget to present to your tastes - this is fine, but don’t delete anything here other than
    This text should only appear if the ID matches
    inside the code block 😃

    Hope this helps.

  • @phenomlab thanks a lot.

  • @phenomlab what does this do?

    <input type="hidden" id="topic_id" name="topic_id" value="{tid}">

    this is creating an input button inside HTML widget. I replaced the tid value with 2213 for the topic id…

  • @crazycells that creates a hidden input field which is required for the jQuery script to collect the topic id. Don’t modify this otherwise the script won’t work 😮

  • @phenomlab said in creating topic specific widgets:

    @crazycells that creates a hidden input field which is required for the jQuery script to collect the topic id. Don’t modify this otherwise the script won’t work 😮

    do other “hidden” or “show” classes custom? sorry, I am confused since I thought those were custom classes… we do not use “hide” class but it is in the CSS… Is it a default class in NodeBB?

  • @crazycells hide is a class in the CSS of NodeBB, so yes, you can use that. However, you shouldn’t mix that up with type="hidden" as this is HTML code and not CSS.

  • @phenomlab said in creating topic specific widgets:

    @crazycells hide is a class in the CSS of NodeBB, so yes, you can use that. However, you shouldn’t mix that up with type="hidden" as this is HTML code and not CSS.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    What about the class="hidden" in div section ?

  • @crazycells You need that part, yes 🙂 The jQuery class gets toggled, and if that does not exist as a class, then the widget won’t be hidden which defeats the point.

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab has marked this topic as solved on
  • @phenomlab said in creating topic specific widgets:

    @crazycells You need that part, yes 🙂 The jQuery class gets toggled, and if that does not exist as a class, then the widget won’t be hidden which defeats the point.

    Hi @phenomlab , unfortunately, I could not make it work… I am posting screenshots, maybe you can detect my mistake…

    Additionally, can you please let me know which classes are custom classes, I am still confused about this 😄 I prefer not to use simple words as custom classes since it might be confusing (we have lots of custom CSS in our forum) ? Additionally if hide class exists, why are we re-defining it?

    Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 3.13.00 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 3.13.20 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 3.12.29 PM.png

  • @crazycells Odd. Can you PM me your site where this is running ? I’ll also need to create an admin account if ok with you ?

  • @crazycells as discussed, the reason why this didn’t work is that you have other JS functions that didn’t work correctly which were crashing and preventing the code o provided from running 😁

  • @phenomlab said in creating topic specific widgets:


    In the ACP, go to Appearance->Custom CSS /LESS
    Add new CSS classes as below at the top of the window

    .hide {
    display: none;
    .show {
    display: block !important;

    In the ACP, go to Extend->Widgets.
    Choose topic.tpl from the widget target selection
    Create a new HTML widget and drag this into the Topic Footer section (or wherever you want it to appear)

    Thanks a lot for your help @phenomlab . It is fixed and working… Just a quick note in case others want to use it… the above code should be as below:

    .hidden {
    display: none;
    .show {
    display: block !important;
  • @crazycells said in creating topic specific widgets:

    Additionally if hide class exists, why are we re-defining it?

    We’re not 🤭 I misspelled it - it should be hidden

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    Yes, here

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    Great Plugin 🙂

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