NodeBB v4.0.0 — Federate good times, come on!
This is a game changer - really looking forward to further interactions.
Were you aware of FIDONET before you started?
@julian Amazing stuff.
I have some questions, probably because I am still trying to understand this activitypub thing.1- If I write this reply here, that means is now public and can be read on other mastodon/activitypub servers/locations?
2- I saw people replying to you on another mastodon servers and their comments appear on the forum as replies, which is amazing, but, can they delete their messages on their mastodon server? And if they can, will that deletion be sent across and be removed from the database of this forum?
3- I also see that the people that replied, got an user and a profile on this forum, will they know about it? can they login and do something about that user? How do you identify “created social users” from “standard registered users” on your nodebb install?
@darkpollo I’ll have a go at answering some of your questions, until something better comes along.
Yes. Here’s your reply on another server: link
Yes. I tested out creating and then deleting stuff from a remote account, and this forum acknowledged both.
Remote users don’t get any privileges - their profile on this forum is just a text copy of the one they have on their own platforms. In terms of identifying local vs. remote (visually, at least), you can hover over users and see whether they have an ‘@’ in their name. You could do the same programmatically, but I imagine that there’s better ways.
@freamon you got it all!
In addition, at least on NodeBB, when you tag someone remotely, the full handle appears (e.g.
You can tell local users from remote users in topics because they don’t have a status (online, away, dnd, etc.)… They just have a little
icon next to their avatar.
- are you going to just reply remotely from your forum from now on
- are you going to just reply remotely from your forum from now on yeah, no need to visit nodebb anymore!
Amazing work. Congratulations on this milestone!
Check and control.
They appear on mine @cagatay but not on yours. Not sure why.
this message from
Thank you!That link with my reply redirects me here. Is there a way to read it somewhere else?
Maybe I need to connect with another activitypub account to read it there?@julian
It could make sense to change a little bit the design of the remote users vs the local users, so it is easier to identify. Now that I know that I need to look for the @ andis easier but most people won´t know that.
I really love this new functionality. Thanks again!
@darkpollo Oh, sorry. It turns out that that link worked because I’m logged in to
I’ve crowbarred your comment into my dev instance for PieFed instead:
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