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Which email client do you use?

  • @JAC Yes, probably.

  • @DownPW I’ve just started looking at Mailbird for my own personal usage. I have several accounts, so would need a Premium license (wouldn’t you know it’s the most expensive). Whilst I like the concept, do I like it enough to pay the somewhat inflated costs…

    A conumdrum.

  • Also tried eMClient v10 - same issue - does not work with a VPN. I find it literally staggering that eMClient continue to push really bad advice like disabling the VPN altogether so their product works! If it were the VPN at fault, then other applications such as Thunderbird and Outlook etc wouldn’t work either - yet they do.

  • @phenomlab It is easy to point the finger at someone/something else rather than taking the time to figure out what the actual problem might be.

  • @Madchatthew Yeah, I mean, what sort of advice is that? They are serious too! Every single email client I’ve ever used works absolutely fine over a VPN - except eMClient. This isn’t the first time this issue has been raised either - it’s a constant question and they they bat it back with the same response.

    For example, this “advice” is flat out wrong - in fact, it’s complete rubbish


    VPN’s do not block email clients - and if they do, you are using the wrong one!

  • @phenomlab Yeah that is horrible advise and honestly can’t believe that that is their solution. Would make me not even want to use their email client.

  • @phenomlab said in Which email client do you use?:

    @DownPW I’ve just started looking at Mailbird for my own personal usage. I have several accounts, so would need a Premium license (wouldn’t you know it’s the most expensive). Whilst I like the concept, do I like it enough to pay the somewhat inflated costs…

    A conumdrum.

    I don’t know, I can’t help you much with that. It’s one of the rare licenses that I actually pay for. In any case, for my part and the use I make of it with multi-accounts, I like it.

    But i have not test with VPN !!

  • @DownPW mailbird, like virtually every other email client works fine behind a VPN. It seems eMClient is the exception, but trading in or sacrificing any level of security in the name of a software package is a non starter in my view.

  • @Madchatthew said in Which email client do you use?:

    Would make me not even want to use their email client.

    Absolutely enough to put me off also.

  • Circling back here - admittedly, with my tail between my legs. I’ve been through literally every single email client I can think of, and whilst Outlook works, it doesn’t have a unified mailbox (although the Android and iPhone versions do), and this is something of a show-stopper for me.

    Years ago, when I had only one email account to manage, life was simple and you could use webmail without issue. However, times do change, and I’m now in a position where I need to monitor numerous accounts constantly, and flipping between webmail apps is not an option anymore.

    I don’t have time to scan through multiple inboxes either, and so would need a unified mailbox. I tried Canary Mail, and this also does not work if you have the VPN running locally on the machine - same as eMClient.

    I’ve installed eMClient again, and stopped the machine level VPN (my preference), but enabled the browser extension so at least my internet activity is secured, but I can still use the app. I know this goes against all the principles I raised earlier, but the app is superior in every way, and easily the best I’ve found so far. Besides, I’d have to disable the VPN at machine level for the push notifications to work, as I’ve mentioned here

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