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Which email client do you use?


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  • 4 Votes
    7 Posts

    @phenomlab oh no, that is 1 cent on the video, but you are right, symbols are similar… I just converted it to $1 , since it is more intuitive in daily life…

  • 1 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Panda I think we’re already seeing that direction being followed - although probably not in the sense of self-hosted.

  • 16 Votes
    12 Posts

    @phenomlab 👍

  • 17 Votes
    18 Posts

    @crazycells always makes me laugh

  • 9 Votes
    10 Posts

    @crazycells yes, I think it certainly has a place - but to enrich knowledge, rather than simply substitute it.

    I remember years ago when I did my exams. You weren’t allowed a calculator or anything like that and had to show your workings on a separate piece of paper which you were given additional marks for.

    These days, they use iPads etc in schools, so the art of writing a letter or needing to perform mathematical calculations in your head is gone. One of my very first jobs was in a newsagent who had a really old till (yes, not a Point-Of-Service like you have today) - all this till did was add up the individual figures, but didn’t tell you how much change to give - you had to do that part.

    Sounds simple enough, but with technology doing everything for us these days, our basic skills (think the “Three R’s”, and see example below) have taken a back seat and I think that’s made us lazy. R's

    Again, my point here being to enrich - not completely replace basic skills we learn as we age.

  • 8 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Panda said in Google Pixel announced with eye watering price:

    I gave up with it in the end, its now an expensive ornament.
    Its not even a good watch as runs out of battery in less than a day! Lol

    Exactly and amen to that. It’s the exact reason as to why I avoid “gadgets” like this 🤭

  • 1 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Hari not sure from the consumer perspective, but Skype has been all but completely consumed by Microsoft Teams when it comes to business usage.

  • is my DMARC configured correctly?

    Solved Configure
    3 Votes
    3 Posts

    @phenomlab said in is my DMARC configured correctly?:

    you’ll get one from every domain that receives email from yours.

    Today I have received another mail from outlook DMARC, i was referring to your reply again and found it very helpful/informative. thanks again.

    I wish sudonix 100 more great years ahead!