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Threaded post support for NodeBB

Let's Build It
  • @phenomlab said in Threading support for NodeBB:

    @DownPW Not layout shift in fact, but a lack of CSS being added during the ajaxify.end - in other words, this class is not being added on page load {    
        background: transparent !important;
        margin-bottom: 10px !important;

    I believe this is because this component type is being added after the page loads, so in fact, it is not in the DOM when the page loads initially, so it is skipped. I have the same issue on Sudonix, but work around it using the below additional CSS

    .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline [component="topic/event"].timeline-event, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline [component="topic/necro-post"].timeline-event {
        margin-bottom: 10px;

    I’ve added this to the CSS on your site, which “fixes” (albeit dirty) the problem

    Don’t see this directive on ACP/CSS. I add it myself seems that work.

    Currently, the last message is highlighted (in blue on the gif) and then the reply block shifts to the left (using the margin)

    Is there a possibility that the block will move to the margin directly rather than waiting for the blue indicator to disappear?

    It’s a shame to wait until the blue border-left disappears and then the block shifts to the left.
    It would have to shift directly without waiting

    edit :

    thats seems to work here, no delay :


  • @DownPW yes, because I don’t use a border, but a box shadow to avoid the layout shift. If you add the highlight class I any of the posts here you can capture the CSS.

  • @phenomlab

    seem you use a border non ?

    .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline .timeline-event.highlight, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component="post/placeholder"].highlight, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component=post].highlight {
        border: 2px solid var(--bs-post-unread) !important;
  • @DownPW no, it’s a box shadow

  • odd i see this code in dev console, search better 🙂

    I see too I don’t have this

    EDIT :

    yes resolved by this code :

    .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline .timeline-event.highlight, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component="post/placeholder"].highlight, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component=post].highlight.threaded {
        border: 2px solid var(--bs-post-unread) !important;
        border-radius: var(--bs-border-radius);
    } {
        margin-left: 0rem !important;

    – RESULT :


  • Here I am again Mark @phenomlab 😉

    I am contributing to this code to add a tooltip to the button.

    The position can be changed according to your wishes.
    For my part, I prefer to put it at the bottom because if we put it at the top it can be annoying.

    Tell me what you think about it ?

    function threaded() {
        $(document).ready(function () {
            // Check if the screen width is 1200px or more
            if ($(window).width() >= 1200) {
                // Check if the dropdown already exists
                if ($('#enableThreading').length === 0) {
                    var threadView = $('<div class="threads-wrapper"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-bars left"></i><form class="form"><div class="form-check form-switch sticky-tools-bar"> \
                        <input class="form-check-input" id="enableThreading" type="checkbox" data-field="enableThreading"> \
                        <label class=" d-none d-md-inline fw-semibold" for="enableThreading"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-bars-staggered right"></i></label> \
                    $('.topic .sticky-tools ul [component="topic/browsing-users"]:last-of-type').append(threadView);
                    // Check if there's a stored state for the checkbox and update it
                    var storedState = localStorage.getItem('enableThreadingState');
                    if (storedState === 'true') {
                        $('#enableThreading').prop('checked', true);
                // Add a tooltip to the button
                    title: 'Thread View On/Off', // Replace with your tooltip text
                    placement: 'Bottom', // Adjust the placement as needed
                    trigger: 'hover', // Show tooltip on hover
                // Toggle the class 'threaded' on or off when the checkbox changes state
                $('#enableThreading').on('change', function () {
                    var isChecked = $(this).is(':checked');
                    if (isChecked) {
                        console.log('Thread view is active.');
                        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
                            // Add the 'threaded' class to matching elements
                            if ($(this).hasClass('pt-4') || $(this).hasClass('self-post')) {
                                $('.topic .sticky-tools').addClass('threaded');
                    } else {
                        console.log('Thread view is inactive.');
                        $('.topic .sticky-tools').removeClass('threaded');
                    // Store the checkbox state in localStorage
                    localStorage.setItem('enableThreadingState', isChecked);
                // Check for changes in the checkbox state when the page loads
    $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function (data) {
    $(window).on('action:posts.edited', function (data) {
    $(window).on('action:posts.loaded', function (data) {

    CYA my friend

  • @DownPW looks good to me 😀 I started to write this a few days ago, but got sidetracked and never finished it.

    Good job.

  • I forgot the screen 🙂


  • @DownPW looks great.

  • And just modified this for better display (centered)

    .threads-wrapper {
        display: flex;
        position: relative;
        /* top: -2px; */
        top: 1px;
  • @DownPW yes, it was styled for this site because it uses heavily modified css.

  • @phenomlab

    I note, however, that here on Sudonix, our own posts and those of other users are not shifted (to the left). Only those of the author of the topics are.

    In the code you provide on Github, the author’s posts and those of others are shifted (to the left), only our own posts are not.

    I do not know if it’s normal.

    It actually seems logical to me that only our own posts are not shifted to just better identify our own posts

  • @DownPW Correct. The design in DEV and the code on Git reflects the points you raised, which is why it was developed from scratch in DEV and was not a copy of PROD. It’s a matter of personal taste 🙂 You can fairly easily change the cosmetic behavior to suit your needs - it’s not set in stone.

  • @DownPW Maybe go one better perhaps, and toggle the on/off state depending on the switch selection (I’m doing that here)





  • it’s cool too ^^

  • this code does not work for me. No button


    The code on github is OK, not the last share above

  • @DownPW said in Threading support for NodeBB:

    The code on github is OK, not the last share above

    Sorry - changed that to the Git link

  • Just don’t forget to comment out lines for browsing-users plugin

    I’m got screwed 😉

    Good work my friend

  • @DownPW This part?

    $('.topic .sticky-tools ul .hidden-xs').append(threadView);
    // If you have browsing users plugin, comment out the above line and uncomment the one below
    //$('.topic .sticky-tools ul [component="topic/browsing-users"]:last-of-type').append(threadView);

    Yes, I need to fix that! Thanks for the reminder.

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    @eveh Welcome board 🙂

    The code you are referring to is custom written as no such functionality exists under NodeBB. However, adding the functionality is relatively trivial. Below are the required steps

    Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-header Add the below code to your header, and save once completed <ol id="mainbanner" class="breadcrumb"><li id="addtext">Your Title Goes Here</li></ol> Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-js and add the below code, then save $(document).ready(function() { $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { // Initialise mainbanner ID, but hide it from view $('#mainbanner').hide(); var pathname = window.location.pathname; if (pathname === "/") { $("#addtext").text("Your Title"); $('#mainbanner').show(); } else {} // If we want to add a title to a sub page, uncomment the below and adjust accordingly //if (pathname === "/yourpath") { //$("#addtext").text("Your Title"); //$('#mainbanner').show(); //} }); }); Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-css and add the below CSS block .breadcrumb { right: 0; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; background: #0086c4; color: #ffffff; width: 100vw; position: relative; margin-left: -50vw; left: 50%; top: 50px; position: fixed; z-index: 1020; }

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    it can be targeted with text-decoration-color:

    I was mistakenly using color