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Want to use Sudonix themes ?

  • Of course, I am the same problem I have change the css class button on widget brand Header

    except that I had an offset present on the brand header.

    I did the same manipulations but I cannot remove this shift that we see on the screen.

    Any idea how to remove this @phenomlab ?

    Before :

    After upgrade :


  • @DownPW Is this on your live site, or development? I cannot see any issue?

    EDIT - I see it on your DEV site. Not sure where the additional padding is coming from to be honest, but one quick “fix” would be to target this CSS

    [type=button]:not(:disabled), [type=reset]:not(:disabled), [type=submit]:not(:disabled), button:not(:disabled)

    And use this

    [type=button]:not(:disabled), [type=reset]:not(:disabled), [type=submit]:not(:disabled), button:not(:disabled) {
        cursor: pointer;
        margin-top: 0.5rem;
        margin-bottom: 0.5rem;

    I think you may have added {
        padding-top: 0.8rem;

    Although this isn’t very elegant as padding will in fact make the button much larger.

  • yep in dev, always for test before upgrade prod 😉

    @phenomlab said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    I think you may have added {
    padding-top: 0.8rem;

    Yep you’re right my friends.

    But your method seems better :

    [type=button]:not(:disabled), [type=reset]:not(:disabled), [type=submit]:not(:disabled), button:not(:disabled) {
        cursor: pointer;
        margin-top: 0.5rem;
        margin-bottom: 0.5rem;


    EDIT : ha noooo your code broke the “Answer” Button


    keep for now this code {
    padding-top: 0.8rem;

  • @DownPW that’s because it’s targeting the button type. Just change the post button class.

  • hmm sorry don’t understand

    Edit :

    like this maybe ?

    .btn.btn-ghost.btn-sm:not(:disabled) {
        cursor: pointer;
        margin-top: 0.5rem;
        margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
  • @DownPW Yes, that will work fine. What I meant was that the original CSS I provided targets [type=button] so would impact all others on the page in addition to the intended target.

  • @phenomlab i have some problems with my below items when selected this type of tree;


  • @cagatay In your CSS, locate the block starting

    .category-card .text-muted.timeago

    And remove

    margin-left: -180px;
  • Mark hi,

    I know that you also update your own css and js along with nodebb’s updates but mine is old one when we first set it up.

    I would like to your help to use your current css and js codes if its possible?

    Thank you for your helping.

  • @cagatay

    @cagatay said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    I know that you also update your own css and js along with nodebb’s updates

    I do update the CSS and JS here, but it’s not in line with NodeBB releases. All of the code I have written will work with prior releases, with the exception of Chat Threading, which requires a specific hook not present in some early versions. Again, this would still work, but not at full capacity.

    @cagatay said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    mine is old one when we first set it up

    It’s not “old” - it just isn’t the latest code. In fact, the code running on your website is not advertised anywhere else, so in fact, is newer than the Git links in this post.

    @cagatay said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    I would like to your help to use your current css and js codes if its possible?

    Possible, yes, but not yet. There are still some bugs in the code branch I’m using here, and I don’t want to introduce complexities into your installation - particularly when I know they exist, and you’d be left with issues that your users then have to put up with.

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