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background color of the footer area

Solved Customisation
  • How can I change the background color of the footer area?

    we have forum-stats widget, social media links and “powered by NodeBB” label at the bottom as “global footer widgets”. We would like to change the color of this background (whole this footer area from right to left)

    Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 7.06.17 PM.png

  • @phenomlab For your footers, I changed to

    div class="row text-center adjust">

    For the “Powered by…” I changed this to

    <div class="row pad-10 text-center adjust">

    And finally, added a new class

    .row.text-center.adjust {
        margin-left: -30px;
        margin-right: -30px;

    At the top of your custom CSS


    Reload your page and have a look 🙂


    The class of row exists already (part of Bootstrap) and .row.text-center.adjust is explicit and will only apply to that code

  • @crazycells from what I currently see, this is a custom HTML widget added directly below the forum-stats widget ?


    As this appears outside of the row element from the stats widget, it won’t automatically inherit the space you desire. The way to fix this would typically be with classes and CSS. Can you provide the code you’ve used for this ?


  • Or just play with transparent color and font-color maybe :


    but @phenomlab is always right 😉

  • @phenomlab thanks. I need all footer region (from left side to right side) to be the same color, the current form of the site is just experiments 😄

    Do you think it is possible to easily add a “custom global footer” to the nodebb? I could move the links there… (I am OK with leaving the forum-stats widget outside of this custom footer region)

    Here is the code I am using currently:

    //footer color modifications start
    .forum-stats {
        .row {
        background-color: #085EAC;
        h2 {
            color: #eceff1;
            small {
            color: #eceff1;
    [data-widget-area="footer"] {    
        .text-center {
            background-color: #085EAC;
            a {
                color: #eceff1;
    //footer color modifications end

    This is what I am trying to achieve:

    Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 11.40.59 AM.png

  • @crazycells Can you provide me access to your site (details over PM obviously) so I can look at this ? I have an idea as to how this should work, but would like to see how you have it working now.

  • @phenomlab For your footers, I changed to

    div class="row text-center adjust">

    For the “Powered by…” I changed this to

    <div class="row pad-10 text-center adjust">

    And finally, added a new class

    .row.text-center.adjust {
        margin-left: -30px;
        margin-right: -30px;

    At the top of your custom CSS


    Reload your page and have a look 🙂


    The class of row exists already (part of Bootstrap) and .row.text-center.adjust is explicit and will only apply to that code

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab has marked this topic as solved on

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    Just add margin-left on the element like @phenomlab said to you :

    topic [component="post/parent"] { margin-left: 10px; }


    Maybe @phenomlab have a better way