Based on the previous “threaded” capabilities Sudonix had in v2 of NodeBB, and despite me stating that it wouldn’t return… well - I’ve missed it! So much so, that I’ve completely redesigned and developed it.
Those with eagle eyes might have noticed this toggle switch in the thread view - note that this will only trigger on desktops with a size of 1200px
minimum for obvious screen estate reasons, so it won’t be available on mobile devices. I “could” make it available, but in my opinion, it would look horrible (so I haven’t).
So that does this “toggle switch” do?
You’ll notice that to the left, you have a simple “bars” icon, and to the right, a “staggered bars” icon. This essentially means that if the toggle is off, the normal post view is presented -which looks a bit like this
Nothing new there you might say (apart from the timeline positioning perhaps…). Now toggle the switch…and you should see the “magic” happen
You’ll (hopefully) notice that the post view becomes “threaded” in the sense that it takes the approach of whom is posting, and makes a decision to reposition those elements to give you a “threaded” view. This (well, I think so) significantly improves readibility on larger screens and makes the reading experience so much better on the eyes.
Take a good long thread like the below to see it in full
It’s hard to show you just how well this works without a video… So my advice is try it out for yourself