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Can you adjust Admin settings on your NodeBB?

  • I made post on NodeBB community under the Bug thread: about not being able to adjust or save repuation related action values in admin>settings>reputation
    It wont accept any less than zero anywhere.
    The reply was to raise a bug issue on github which I did.
    However I note in my console log I get errors:
    error loading admin/settings/reputation
    Error: Cannot find module ‘./settings/reputation’
    Its as if its looking for a file thats not in my set up?

    Can a bug this fundemental really still exist for everyone?
    If anyone could try adjusting a setting on your admin panel,
    E.g minimum reputation needed to chat -1
    will yours save the page with any negative value in any field?

  • Just an update,
    it looks like a fix has been added for this issue (for 3.2.0 milestone), it has “the regression label” on the fix,
    What does Regression label mean in this context?
    When likely can I upgrade to the mentioned 3.2.0 ?

  • @Panda I don’t see this as a bug to be fair. Why would you set a negative value on any of these when 0 would suffice?

  • @phenomlab because if you have a forum (like political) where people have different opinions and may downvote a response, just being at a negative rep shouldnt necessarily block someone from all features.
    This wouldnt apply on a page like this where people only upvote others, Im thinking in the case of a more volatile or debating forum

    Of course one option would be to remove downvoting, which seems to be the case on sudonix 🙂
    Anyway it used to work, and suddenly broke. I figured out thats what the Regression tag means!

  • @Panda as, yes, now I understand and that makes 100% sense. It means those who get down voted can still have an opinion and use common services.

    And yes, you’re right. Rather than down vote, just ignore if you don’t agree.

  • Nodebb 3.2.2

    11 Votes
    27 Posts

    @crazycells yes, I’ve just seen that and modified the post. It seems to only happen if you have a space between the “greater than” symbol and the actual text.

    Clearly a markdown thing.

  • 2 Votes
    6 Posts

    @dave1904 I’d start by adding a console.log function to hookData so you can see what is being returned

    return hookData; console.log(hookData):
  • NodeBB upgrade now cant post

    Solved Bugs
    2 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Panda yes, for some reason, that is the case. If you need an urgent response, it’s probably better to post here because of the time difference.

  • Email validation NodeBB

    3 Votes
    21 Posts

    @Panda said in Email validation NodeBB:

    Did you configure that as a custom change to the usual quote icon. How do you do that?
    I notice on NodeBB site its a solid blue quotes

    Yes, I changed it. NodeBB by default users the free font awesome library whereas I use the pro (paid) version SDK have access to a wider set of icons, and at different thicknesses etc. The change of colour is just simple CSS.

  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts

    @DownPW very useful tip. Thanks

  • 6 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Sala ok, but that’s still the same loop which is going to have an impact on the CPU.

  • Post Style View

    Solved Customisation
    18 Votes
    67 Posts


    Just add margin-left on the element like @phenomlab said to you :

    topic [component="post/parent"] { margin-left: 10px; }


    Maybe @phenomlab have a better way

  • 1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @eveh Welcome board 🙂

    The code you are referring to is custom written as no such functionality exists under NodeBB. However, adding the functionality is relatively trivial. Below are the required steps

    Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-header Add the below code to your header, and save once completed <ol id="mainbanner" class="breadcrumb"><li id="addtext">Your Title Goes Here</li></ol> Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-js and add the below code, then save $(document).ready(function() { $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { // Initialise mainbanner ID, but hide it from view $('#mainbanner').hide(); var pathname = window.location.pathname; if (pathname === "/") { $("#addtext").text("Your Title"); $('#mainbanner').show(); } else {} // If we want to add a title to a sub page, uncomment the below and adjust accordingly //if (pathname === "/yourpath") { //$("#addtext").text("Your Title"); //$('#mainbanner').show(); //} }); }); Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-css and add the below CSS block .breadcrumb { right: 0; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; background: #0086c4; color: #ffffff; width: 100vw; position: relative; margin-left: -50vw; left: 50%; top: 50px; position: fixed; z-index: 1020; }

    Note, that you will need to adjust your CSS code to suit your own site / requirements.