Flarum - WordPress Journey
@Sala Your
actually isn’t that high at all - see belowhttps://www.bytecheck.com/results?resource=https%3A%2F%2Fsopriza.com%2F
Where are you testing from, and where is the server based? Both of these will have quite an impact on
and overall performance.For example, tested from London
@phenomlab Sir, now i am understanding that i need to stop worrying about it, its all good. It varies in different location.
Its my first time also to discover bytecheck , youre a good teacher, thanks!
@phenomlab you know he was skilled, had a couple of extensions, remember the rss story and bbcode extensions? But he just quit flarum. Almost every person that left flarum was my Friend. I will invite him here to sudonix
@Sala seems Billy is still active
https://discuss.flarum.org/d/32031-delayed-post -
@Sala seems Billy is still active
https://discuss.flarum.org/d/32031-delayed-post@phenomlab his just talking them for a ride, that what flarum does. No one actually says they moved. They can waste your if not too careful. Billy
@phenomlab his just talking them for a ride, that what flarum does. No one actually says they moved. They can waste your if not too careful. Billy
@Sala Well, one thing is for certain. That website theme is plain awful
@phenomlab hahaha, that’s what billy likes? Haha artists have there own way
@phenomlab hahaha, that’s what billy likes? Haha artists have there own way
@Sala It’s horrible
@phenomlab what you expect the outcome if someone wasted all your years consumed all your tym , flarum!
@phenomlab what you expect the outcome if someone wasted all your years consumed all your tym , flarum!
@Sala Not sure you can blame someone else for an extremely poor choice of website colors. That can only be a personal choice, but won’t be appreciated by everyone who visits the site.
@Sala Not sure you can blame someone else for an extremely poor choice of website colors. That can only be a personal choice, but won’t be appreciated by everyone who visits the site.
@phenomlab you don’t know yet. It needs a kickback spirit and courage to rethink of coming up with something better. A master in bbcode do you think is not able to color that? Hahaha , its purely signs of broken heart. Where do we know Kyle went? come to think
@phenomlab you don’t know yet. It needs a kickback spirit and courage to rethink of coming up with something better. A master in bbcode do you think is not able to color that? Hahaha , its purely signs of broken heart. Where do we know Kyle went? come to think
@Sala He’s definitely not a master of BBCode, I can assure you. I’ve dealt with him on many occasions, and he’s absolutely not an expert.
@Sala He’s definitely not a master of BBCode, I can assure you. I’ve dealt with him on many occasions, and he’s absolutely not an expert.
@phenomlab only the extension “babyed” him? hahaha phenelob. And that’s the truth! Even luceos he relays on other people’s knowledge, his extensions were worst in maintenance! And he sat on chair like a boss who doesn’t care how many people are hurting from what his creating. Database queue
, copycats
@phenomlab only the extension “babyed” him? hahaha phenelob. And that’s the truth! Even luceos he relays on other people’s knowledge, his extensions were worst in maintenance! And he sat on chair like a boss who doesn’t care how many people are hurting from what his creating. Database queue
, copycats
@Sala Now that I do agree with!
@phenomlab only the extension “babyed” him? hahaha phenelob. And that’s the truth! Even luceos he relays on other people’s knowledge, his extensions were worst in maintenance! And he sat on chair like a boss who doesn’t care how many people are hurting from what his creating. Database queue
, copycats
I felt sorry for Hari he used to purchase everything. Theres a reason why there’s no pm in there. I would’ve been the first person to alert him
I felt sorry for Hari he used to purchase everything. Theres a reason why there’s no pm in there. I would’ve been the first person to alert him
@Sala I purchased an extension once. That was the first and las time. It was so bad that I landed up rewriting it.
@Sala I purchased an extension once. That was the first and las time. It was so bad that I landed up rewriting it.
@phenomlab you had purchased the cache extension that showed all green on their screenshot? Many became free and later abandoned. Sorry buddy, every lesson learned is a gain.
@phenomlab you had purchased the cache extension that showed all green on their screenshot? Many became free and later abandoned. Sorry buddy, every lesson learned is a gain.
@Sala no. I did purchase that and websockets but I’m referring to a custom extension I wanted built.
@Sala no. I did purchase that and websockets but I’m referring to a custom extension I wanted built.
@phenomlab what stopped you?
By the way my friend made a joke on Billy’s site , she said it looked like world war 2 -rofl-
@phenomlab what stopped you?
By the way my friend made a joke on Billy’s site , she said it looked like world war 2 -rofl-
@Sala I discovered NodeBB
@phenomlab and im Enthusiast member in it!
@phenomlab and im Enthusiast member in it!
@Hari see how I started pimping my shop online
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