And somehow, this seems to ring true for anything stuck in the cutlery drawer, or dishwasher…
Saw this and just had to include it…
For anyone who’s recently bought a 3d printer…
Stumbled across this, and made me laugh…
Just been sent this - so true, it’s uncanny
For those who love fitness…
Anyone who’s been a programmer before will understand this
Pretty hard not to laugh at this one
Absolutely love this meme. Says it all when you spend millions protecting your network, and having every certificate under the sun yet it’s all bypassed by some 16 year old kid using social engineering techniques and targeting users directly.
undefined phenomlab forked this topic on
@cagatay you would be surprised to hear a lot of great scientists were womanizers
and they had colorful s*x lives…
I guess it was a different era, but usually, stories get weirder when these scientists are getting older…
@cagatay you would be surprised to hear a lot of great scientists were womanizers
and they had colorful s*x lives…
I guess it was a different era, but usually, stories get weirder when these scientists are getting older…
@crazycells could you please share with me some stories via PM
And still nobody wants to hire real talent with experience and prefer pointless certs that are factually useless outside of the classroom environment…
And still nobody wants to hire real talent with experience and prefer pointless certs that are factually useless outside of the classroom environment…
This is completely true
Another firm favourite of mine, and so accurate