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Material View Support for Stock NodeBB

Unsolved Let's Build It
  • Test material view display on my smartphone. Seems I have a little work again šŸ™‚

  • @DownPW Good luck - let me know if you need any help.

  • Seems to be good :


    just the line from the timeline on the left that I canā€™t seem to display. But I note that itā€™s the same here on Smartphones

    I need to check and recheck now šŸ˜‰

  • ā€“> For now test function in productionā€¦
    I provide all JS and CSS code for all afterā€¦ and after @phenomlab check and validate of course

    ā€“ EDIT :

    Can you correct the title of the topic please ?

  • @DownPW done. Fixed a typo

  • Hello @phenomlab

    I didnā€™t even notice because I never use this mode. But when I say never itā€™s so much that I forget that itā€™s possible to do it.

    When right sidebar is expand, the button is at the bottom of the sidebar like this :

    ā€“> For now, I resolve the problem by change var buttonContainer = $('[component="sidebar/right"]'); for var buttonContainer = $('[component="sidebar/drafts"]');

    // ------------------------------------------
    function material() {
        $(document).ready(function () {
                // Create the button for custom thread view mode with custom IDs
                if ($('#materialThreadViewButton').length === 0) {
                    var threadViewButton = $('<div class="material-threads-wrapper"><form class="form"><div class="form-check form-switch form-switch-sm material-threads-wrapper"> \
                        <input class="form-check-input" id="materialThreadViewButton" type="checkbox" data-field="materialThreadView"> \
                        <label class=" d-none d-md-inline fw-semibold" for="materialThreadViewButton"></label> \
                // Check if the screen width is 991px or more
                if ($(window).width() >= 991) {
                    // Check if the custom thread view button already exists in the right sidebar
                    var buttonContainer = $('[component="sidebar/drafts"]');
                    // Append the button to the selected container
                if ($(window).width() <= 991) {
                    // Check if the custom thread view button already exists in the bottom bar
                    //$buttonContainer = $('');
                if ($("#logged-in-menu").length > 0) {
                    var buttonContainer = $('.bottombar-nav ul#logged-in-menu');
                else {
                    var buttonContainer = $('.bottombar-nav ul#logged-out-menu'); 
                // Prepend the button to the selected container

    itā€™s clearly better :


    but if you have better solution (like add text if sidebar is expand for example) I take it šŸ™‚

  • Seems this solution give me a new bug for tooltip


    I have test this with no working :

    if (isChecked) {
       } else {
  • @DownPW Seems to work fine for me?

  • @DownPW It doesnā€™t look right - the toggle switch is now located at the top of the menu


  • yep I test things at the moment

    Iā€™m go back for you to see

    EDIT: You can test now @phenomlab

  • @DownPW Try this. Change the function to

    function material() {
        $(document).ready(function () {
                // Create the button for custom thread view mode with custom IDs
                if ($('#materialThreadViewButton').length === 0) {
                    var threadViewButton = $('<div class="material-threads-wrapper"><form class="form"><div class="form-check form-switch form-switch-sm material-threads-wrapper"> \
                        <input class="form-check-input" id="materialThreadViewButton" type="checkbox" data-field="materialThreadView"> \
                        <label class=" d-none d-md-inline fw-semibold" for="materialThreadViewButton"></label> \
                // Check if the screen width is 991px or more
                if ($(window).width() >= 991) {
                    // Check if the custom thread view button already exists in the right sidebar
                    //var buttonContainer = $('[component="sidebar/right"]ul#logged-in-menu');
                if ($("#logged-in-menu").length > 0) {
                    var buttonContainer = $('ul#logged-in-menu');
                else {
                    var buttonContainer = $('ul#logged-out-menu');
                    // Append the button to the selected container
                if ($(window).width() <= 991) {
                    // Check if the custom thread view button already exists in the bottom bar
                    //$buttonContainer = $('');
                if ($("#logged-in-menu").length > 0) {
                    var buttonContainer = $('.bottombar-nav ul#logged-in-menu');
                else {
                    var buttonContainer = $('.bottombar-nav ul#logged-out-menu'); 
                // Prepend the button to the selected container
                // Check if there's a stored state for the checkbox and update it
                    var storedState = localStorage.getItem('materialThreadViewState');
                    console.log("Stored State is " + storedState);
                    if (storedState === 'true') {
                        $('#materialThreadViewButton').prop('checked', true);
                // Toggle the class 'material' on or off when the checkbox changes state
                $('#materialThreadViewButton').on('change', function () {
                    var isChecked = $(this).is(':checked');
                    var theTooltip = isChecked ? "Material View Off" : "Material View On"; // Update tooltip message
                // Remove any existing tooltips
                // Toggle CSS rules when the button is turned on or off
                    if (isChecked) {
                        console.log('Material Thread view is active.');
                        // Apply your CSS rules here
                        $('.page-topic .topic .posts.timeline .timeline-event > div:first-of-type, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component="post/placeholder"] > div:first-of-type, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component=post] > div:first-of-type').addClass('material');
                        $('[component="post"]').each(function () {
                            // Add the 'material' class to matching elements
                            if ($(this).hasClass('pt-4') || $(this).hasClass('self-post')) {
                        $('[component="topic/necro-post"]').each(function () {
                            // Add the 'material' class to matching elements
                            if ($(this).hasClass('timeline-event')) {
                    } else {
                        console.log('Material Thread view is inactive.');
                        // Remove the CSS rules here
                        $('.page-topic .topic .posts.timeline .timeline-event > div:first-of-type, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component="post/placeholder"] > div:first-of-type, .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline > [component=post] > div:first-of-type').removeClass('material'); 
                    // Store the checkbox state in localStorage
                    localStorage.setItem('materialThreadViewState', isChecked);
                    // Update the tooltip title
                    $(this).attr('data-original-title', theTooltip).tooltip('dispose').tooltip({
                        placement: 'bottom',
                        title: theTooltip,
                        trigger: 'hover'
                // Check for changes in the checkbox state when the page loads

    And modify this CSS to the below

    @media (min-width: 991px) {
    #materialThreadViewButton {
        border-radius: 7px;
        cursor: pointer;
        position: relative !important;
        z-index: 999;
        display: flex;
        left: 15px !important;
        top: 5px !important;
        transform: rotate(90deg) !important;

    Essentially, we have to change the positioning of the block to use the logged-in and logged-out IDā€™s

                // Check if the screen width is 991px or more
                if ($(window).width() >= 991) {
                    // Check if the custom thread view button already exists in the right sidebar
                    //var buttonContainer = $('[component="sidebar/right"]ul#logged-in-menu');
                if ($("#logged-in-menu").length > 0) {
                    var buttonContainer = $('ul#logged-in-menu');
                else {
                    var buttonContainer = $('ul#logged-out-menu');
                    // Append the button to the selected container
  • I tested the same thing but added a container like [component="sidebar/right"] or [component="sidebar/drafts"] or the sidebar right CSS class. it worked but it created other bugs

    Iā€™m not sure I would have thought to do this without specifying a container and just use ul#logged-out-menu & ul#logged-in-menu ALONE, no component or CSS class šŸ™‚

    Thanks @phenomlab

  • @DownPW The real issue here is that you should always bind (either append or prepend) to an ID rather than a class. You can guarantee in most cases that the ID is unique, whereas the class probably isnā€™t, and thatā€™s what is causing your issue.

  • Oh yes, thatā€™s whatā€™s super cool, I learn something every day. Afterwards I start from so low in JS

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    @DownPW yes, because of the modifications that Sudonix uses, youā€™ll need to tailor to fit your needs.

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    @pwsincd hi. Just following up on this thread (I know itā€™s old) but was curious to understand if itā€™s still an issue or not ?

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    Very very great Mark šŸ˜‰
    Thanks again, Itā€™s perfect now !

    ā€“> I share my code that I modified.

    Iā€™ve added French and English comments.
    If you see things to change Mark, donā€™t hesitate.

    As usual, all the access paths (FA icons, logo) will have to be modified according to your architecture.

    You can also very well add/remove time slots and change welcome messages to suit your needs.

    Widgets ACP/HTML Widget Footer Logo <center> <br><br> <img id="thislogo" src="path/to/my/image"> </center> Widget Welcome Message <!-- IF loggedIn --> <div class="getUsername">, <a href="/me"><span class="username"></span></a></div> <!-- ENDIF loggedIn --> CSS

    ā€“ I added the size font-weight: 900; in the CSS because otherwise some FA icon wasnā€™t displayed correctly and reduce margin :

    i#thisicon { font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-style: normal; margin-right: 8px; font-weight: 900; } .getUsername { padding-top: 20px; text-align: right; } /*Smartphone*/ /*On dĆ©sactive le message de bienvenue"*/ /*We disable the welcome message"*/ @media all and (max-width: 1024px) { .getUsername { display: none; } } JAVASCRIPT // ------------------------------------------ // Welcome Message avec icĆ“ne et Footer logo // Welcome Message with icon and Footer logo // ------------------------------------------ $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function (data) { //On rĆ©cupĆØre le username dans le DOM et on l'affiche //We retrieve the username from the DOM and display it function updateUsername() { $('.getUsername .username').text(app.user.username); } if (document.readyState === 'loading') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', updateUsername); } else { updateUsername(); } //On dĆ©clare les variables principales (themessage & thehours) ainsi que les variables secondaires correspondants aux plages horaires //We declare the main variables (themessage & thehours) as well as the secondary variables corresponding to the time slots var thehours = new Date().getHours(); var themessage; var wakeup = ('Good day'); var morning = ('Good morning'); var lunch = ('Bon appĆ©tit'); var afternoon = ('Good afternoon'); var drink = ('Cheers'); var evening = ('Good evening'); var night = ('Good night'); var welcome = ('Welcome'); var matched = false; //On peux ici tester le rĆ©sultat du code en spĆ©cifiant une heure (!!!IMPORTANT: Commenter une fois le script testĆ©!!!) //Here we can test the result of the code by specifying a time (!!!IMPORTANT: Comment once the script has been tested!!!) //thehours = 20 //On dĆ©clare les plages horaires avec les icones FA et les logos //We declare the time slots with FA icons and logos path if (thehours >= 0 && thehours < 6) { themessage = night; theicon = "fa-solid fa-moon"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 6 && thehours < 8) { themessage = wakeup; theicon = "fa-solid fa-mug-hot"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 8 && thehours < 12) { themessage = morning; theicon = "fa-solid fa-sun"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 12 && thehours < 13) { themessage = lunch; theicon = "fas fa-hamburger"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 13 && thehours < 16) { themessage = afternoon; theicon = "fa-solid fa-sun"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 16 && thehours < 18) { themessage = welcome; theicon = "fa-solid fa-rocket"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 18 && thehours < 19) { themessage = drink; theicon = "fa-solid fa-wine-glass"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 19 && thehours < 20) { themessage = lunch; theicon = "fas fa-pizza-slice"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } else if (thehours >= 20 && thehours < 24) { themessage = evening; theicon = "fa-solid fa-tv"; thelogo = "/assets/customlogo/XXX.png"; } // Si la page active est un topic, on dĆ©sactive/cache le message de bienvenue // If the active page is a topic, we deactivate/hide the welcome message if (window.location.href.indexOf("topic") > -1) { console.log("This is a topic, so hide the user welcome message"); $('#thisuser').hide(); } // Sinon, on affiche le message en fonction, l'icone FA et son emplacement (prepend) // Otherwise, we display the message in function, the FA icon and its location (prepend) else { $('.getUsername').prepend("<i id='thisicon' class='" + theicon + "'></i>" + themessage); $("#thislogo").attr("src", thelogo); //$('.getUsername').prepend("<img id='thisicon' src='" + thelogo + "'></>" + themessage); } });
  • 4 Votes
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    @DownPW done

  • NodeBB Design help

    Solved Customisation
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    @riekmedia Iā€™ve applied some new CSS to your site. Can you reload the page and try again ?

    For the record, this is what I added

    #footer { background: #2d343e; border-top: 4px solid #2d343e; font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 70px; padding: 80px 0 0; position: relative; clear: both; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1000; margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -338px; }

    The /categories page seems a bit messed up, so looking at that currently

    EDIT - issued some override CSS in the CATEGORIES widget

    <!--- CSS fix for overspill on /categories page - DO NOT DELETE --> <style> #footer { margin-right: -45px; } </style>

    That should resolve the /categories issue.