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What is this bar called?

Solved Customisation
  • @phenomlab

    It seems to be missing things because I don’t have the reading bar in the header and not have the button at the bottom right too 🙄

    Could you provide me with the complete code in JS & CSS as if I was starting from scratch?

  • @phenomlab

    It seems to be missing things because I don’t have the reading bar in the header and not have the button at the bottom right too 🙄

    Could you provide me with the complete code in JS & CSS as if I was starting from scratch?

    @DownPW Here you go. Remove any other references you have in custom JS that relate to the previous progress bar, and replace with this

    // Scroll to top function
    $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) {
        var matched = false;
        $(document).ready(function() {
            var pageUp = $('#pageUp');
            var bar = $('.reading-meter');
            var perWidth = $('.reading-meter').width();
            // Main progressbar function
            function pageScroller() {
            var winScroll = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
            var height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
            var scrolled = (winScroll / height) * 100;
            document.getElementById("progress-bar").style.width = parseFloat(scrolled).toFixed(0) + "%";
            $('#percentage').val(parseFloat(scrolled).toFixed(0) + "%");
            // Prevent the mouse scroll wheel from scrolling down after the pageUp button is clicked
            if ($('#pageUp').is(':focus')) {
            // Bind the pageScroller function to the window's scroll event
            $(window).scroll(function() {
            // Check the URL and composer visibility separately from the scroll event
            $(window).scroll(function() {
                var thisURL = window.location.href;
                var checkURL = ["topic", "notifications", "user"];
                var isFound = false;
                for (var i = 0, len = checkURL.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (thisURL.indexOf(checkURL[i]) > -1) {
                        isFound = true;
                if (isFound) {
                } else {
                    // Exception here is that we don't want the scroll bar to show when the composer is active
                    if ($(window).scrollTop() > 0 && (!$('[component="composer"]').is(":visible"))) {
                    } else {
            // Scroll to top when #pageUp is clicked
            $(document).on("click", "#pageUp", function(e) {
                const firstTopic = $('[component="category/topic"][data-index="0"]');
                if (firstTopic.length) {
                    $("html, body").animate({
                        scrollTop: 0
                    }, '300');
                } else {

    Now in the custom header, remove the previous code that probably looks something like this

    <div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;">
        <div class="pageUp" id="pageUp"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left pointer" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
        <div class="pageDown" id="pageDown"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right pointer" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
        <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready">
        <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar">
            <input disabled="disabled" type="text" id="percentage" name="percentage">

    And replace with this

    <a id="pageUp" class=""><i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i></a>
    <div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;">
        <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready">
        <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar">

    Now use the CSS provided below (note, that you may have previous CSS that already exists if you used the older version of the progress bar - you should remove that)

    #pageUp {
      display: inline-block;
      background: var(--bs-body-component-active);
      width: 50px;
      height: 50px;
      text-align: center;
      border-radius: 0.375rem;
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 70px;
      right: 80px;
      transition: background-color .3s, opacity .5s, visibility .5s;
      opacity: 0;
      visibility: hidden;
    } {
      opacity: 1;
      visibility: visible;
      z-index: 10000;
      color: var(--bs-body-navbar-color) !important;
    } {
      background: var(--bs-dropdown-link-hover-bg);
      border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color);
    a#pageUp i {
        position: absolute;
        top: 32%;
        left: 35%;
    .reading-meter {
        position: fixed;
        width: 100%;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        height: 2px !important;
    .reading-meter {
        visibility: hidden;
    } {
        visibility: visible;
    div#readingposition {
        background-color: var(--bs-body-navbar) !important;
        color: var(--bs-body-color) !important;
        height: 2px;
        z-index: 1000;
    .reading-meter-progress {
        border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color);
        width: 100%;
    .reading-meter-background {
        background: var(--bs-body-bg);
    .reading-meter-progress-bar {
        background: var(--bs-progress-bg-bar);
        height: 2px;
    input#percentage {
        display: none;
    @media (max-width: 767px) {
        #pageUp {
            bottom: 60px;
            right: 30px;

    That should do it.

  • Will test ASAP, i’m on new OGproxy conf now

  • @DownPW Here you go. Remove any other references you have in custom JS that relate to the previous progress bar, and replace with this

    // Scroll to top function
    $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) {
        var matched = false;
        $(document).ready(function() {
            var pageUp = $('#pageUp');
            var bar = $('.reading-meter');
            var perWidth = $('.reading-meter').width();
            // Main progressbar function
            function pageScroller() {
            var winScroll = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
            var height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
            var scrolled = (winScroll / height) * 100;
            document.getElementById("progress-bar").style.width = parseFloat(scrolled).toFixed(0) + "%";
            $('#percentage').val(parseFloat(scrolled).toFixed(0) + "%");
            // Prevent the mouse scroll wheel from scrolling down after the pageUp button is clicked
            if ($('#pageUp').is(':focus')) {
            // Bind the pageScroller function to the window's scroll event
            $(window).scroll(function() {
            // Check the URL and composer visibility separately from the scroll event
            $(window).scroll(function() {
                var thisURL = window.location.href;
                var checkURL = ["topic", "notifications", "user"];
                var isFound = false;
                for (var i = 0, len = checkURL.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (thisURL.indexOf(checkURL[i]) > -1) {
                        isFound = true;
                if (isFound) {
                } else {
                    // Exception here is that we don't want the scroll bar to show when the composer is active
                    if ($(window).scrollTop() > 0 && (!$('[component="composer"]').is(":visible"))) {
                    } else {
            // Scroll to top when #pageUp is clicked
            $(document).on("click", "#pageUp", function(e) {
                const firstTopic = $('[component="category/topic"][data-index="0"]');
                if (firstTopic.length) {
                    $("html, body").animate({
                        scrollTop: 0
                    }, '300');
                } else {

    Now in the custom header, remove the previous code that probably looks something like this

    <div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;">
        <div class="pageUp" id="pageUp"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left pointer" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
        <div class="pageDown" id="pageDown"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right pointer" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
        <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready">
        <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar">
            <input disabled="disabled" type="text" id="percentage" name="percentage">

    And replace with this

    <a id="pageUp" class=""><i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i></a>
    <div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;">
        <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready">
        <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar">

    Now use the CSS provided below (note, that you may have previous CSS that already exists if you used the older version of the progress bar - you should remove that)

    #pageUp {
      display: inline-block;
      background: var(--bs-body-component-active);
      width: 50px;
      height: 50px;
      text-align: center;
      border-radius: 0.375rem;
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 70px;
      right: 80px;
      transition: background-color .3s, opacity .5s, visibility .5s;
      opacity: 0;
      visibility: hidden;
    } {
      opacity: 1;
      visibility: visible;
      z-index: 10000;
      color: var(--bs-body-navbar-color) !important;
    } {
      background: var(--bs-dropdown-link-hover-bg);
      border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color);
    a#pageUp i {
        position: absolute;
        top: 32%;
        left: 35%;
    .reading-meter {
        position: fixed;
        width: 100%;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        height: 2px !important;
    .reading-meter {
        visibility: hidden;
    } {
        visibility: visible;
    div#readingposition {
        background-color: var(--bs-body-navbar) !important;
        color: var(--bs-body-color) !important;
        height: 2px;
        z-index: 1000;
    .reading-meter-progress {
        border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color);
        width: 100%;
    .reading-meter-background {
        background: var(--bs-body-bg);
    .reading-meter-progress-bar {
        background: var(--bs-progress-bg-bar);
        height: 2px;
    input#percentage {
        display: none;
    @media (max-width: 767px) {
        #pageUp {
            bottom: 60px;
            right: 30px;

    That should do it.

    And where you put/replace this @phenomlab ? :

    @phenomlab said in What is this bar called?:

    And replace with this

    <div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;">
        <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready">
        <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar">

    In the custom header I guess ?

  • It seems to be worse. The JS no longer works.

    When I remove the customJS and custom Header code. The website is OK

    Could there be an error/omission in the given code? A typo in the code?

  • It seems to be worse. The JS no longer works.

    When I remove the customJS and custom Header code. The website is OK

    Could there be an error/omission in the given code? A typo in the code?

    @DownPW strange. Is this on your dev server? I’ll take a look tomorrow morning.

  • nope on my VM but you have an account on dev server

  • nope on my VM but you have an account on dev server

    @DownPW ok. I’ll try it there tomorrow.

  • It seems to be worse. The JS no longer works.

    When I remove the customJS and custom Header code. The website is OK

    Could there be an error/omission in the given code? A typo in the code?

    @DownPW said in What is this bar called?:

    It seems to be worse. The JS no longer works.

    When I remove the customJS and custom Header code. The website is OK

    Could there be an error/omission in the given code? A typo in the code?

    I must have been drunk or high on something else when I provided the code as there are large chunks of CSS missing, and a rogue closing parenthesis! That’s what too much work does I suppose 🙂

    I’ve implemented the CORRECT version of this on your DEV site (tested ok) and updated the post so it reflects reality 😱

  • I thought something was missing… 🙂

    I totally understand. Very tired me too at the moment and like you a lot of work provided between my job and the one done outside on PW

  • I thought something was missing… 🙂

    I totally understand. Very tired me too at the moment and like you a lot of work provided between my job and the one done outside on PW

    @DownPW said in What is this bar called?:

    I totally understand. Very tired me too at the moment and like you a lot of work provided between my job and the one done outside on PW

    Yes, that’s exactly the problem. Work is very demanding and has to come first, so I fit this (Sudonix) in whenever I can - often late into evenings and it’s easy to make even the simplest of mistakes 😄

  • All - i found some bugs in the previous code that was posted, and have rectified the error. Please replace any code you are using with the revised version.

  • @phenomlab

    I don’t know why the reading-meter-progress-bar doesn’t appear on my smartphone (dev instance) when I scroll down but appear a little on scroll top ?


  • @phenomlab

    I don’t know why the reading-meter-progress-bar doesn’t appear on my smartphone (dev instance) when I scroll down but appear a little on scroll top ?


    @DownPW That must be some sort custom CSS. I can’t reproduce that here. ,

  • odd, no problem on desktop, just smartphone

  • @phenomlab

    It seems that code who caused problem :

    /* Menu Brand Header */
    @media (max-width: 767px)  {
      .socialicons {
        display: none !important;
      [data-widget-area=brand-header] .d-none {
        display: inherit !important;
      /* Button topic navbar header color */
      .sticky-tools .btn-ghost-sm i {
        color: var(--bs-alert-info-color) !important;

    If i delete :

    [data-widget-area=brand-header] .d-none {
      display: inherit !important;

    Reading progress bar is good now but my icons (menu and theme swatch applet) dissapear 😞


  • @phenomlab

    It seems that code who caused problem :

    /* Menu Brand Header */
    @media (max-width: 767px)  {
      .socialicons {
        display: none !important;
      [data-widget-area=brand-header] .d-none {
        display: inherit !important;
      /* Button topic navbar header color */
      .sticky-tools .btn-ghost-sm i {
        color: var(--bs-alert-info-color) !important;

    If i delete :

    [data-widget-area=brand-header] .d-none {
      display: inherit !important;

    Reading progress bar is good now but my icons (menu and theme swatch applet) dissapear 😞


    @DownPW I’d put that CSS back. It’s set like that for a reason, so you’ll need to be more specific with the target so you can unset.

  • Sorry but I do not understand too much @phenomlab because if I keep this code, the reading bar does not work on smartphone

  • Sorry but I do not understand too much @phenomlab because if I keep this code, the reading bar does not work on smartphone

    @DownPW what I mean is target from higher above so the CSS you apply to the end target is not the same as an existing element.

  • for brand header or for progress bar ?

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