@cagatay upgrade completed, but needed to use
to do so100% permissions related, and needs checking.
Hmm. Can you give me an idea of how you tried the upgrade?
@phenomlab as always.
./nodebb stop git fetch git reset --hard v2.8.10 ./nodebb upgrade -
@phenomlab as always.
./nodebb stop git fetch git reset --hard v2.8.10 ./nodebb upgrade
@cagatay That should work. This is defintely permissions related. I’ll take a look at this later if ok with you (the site will need to be taken offline to attempt the upgrade).
@cagatay That should work. This is defintely permissions related. I’ll take a look at this later if ok with you (the site will need to be taken offline to attempt the upgrade).
@phenomlab when you are able, no worries about the shut donw web site. that site also yours
@phenomlab when you are able, no worries about the shut donw web site. that site also yours
@cagatay ok. Thanks
@cagatay upgrade completed, but needed to use
to do so100% permissions related, and needs checking.
@cagatay upgrade completed, but needed to use
to do so100% permissions related, and needs checking.
@phenomlab so my nodebb running in my vps as a root right?
@phenomlab so my nodebb running in my vps as a root right?
@cagatay Yes, exactly.
Hi mark.
I upgraded 2.8.11 as admin but control panel not change.
how you upgrade efelsefe account could you please share with me? as a user nodes can not upgrada because of priviligies. as root also so how its happen@cagatay Did you stop the NodeBB service before attempting the upgrade ?
of course i did ./nodebb stop with root
then git fetch with root
then upgraded
then started nodebb -
of course i did ./nodebb stop with root
then git fetch with root
then upgraded
then started nodebb@cagatay Were any errors displayed during the upgrade process?
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