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Theming support in Sudonix

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  • For a long time (well, it certainly feels like forever as I’m writing code as and when I have time in between my day job), I’ve been working on a theming engine (something similar but not quite the same as the code provided for @DownPW) that will be in the soon to be released theme set for Sudonix.

    The most pertinent of these themes (and likely the primary if you choose dark mode, or have it set as default in your OS) is Midnight. This particular theme makes extensive use of CSS modifications, and also changes the layout somewhat - moving away from the “traditional” NodeBB stock Persona theme.

    Without further ado, the Midnight theme looks like this


    Changing the actual theme itself to one of the defined is shown below


    You’ll notice that I’ve hooked into the main-nav area for this, as it’s better suited here in my view

    The look and feel is consistent across the entire platform


    Even the profile page hasn’t escaped 🙂


    Hope you like the new logo… 🙂


    We’re also doing “more with less” - in the sense that this new CSS file uses variables to simplify it.

    Ideally, I’d like views / input etc. in terms of colours, layouts, etc…

  • @phenomlab this is awesome! Great job!!

  • @Madchatthew thanks. Much appreciated

  • A bit more eye candy from the mobile perspective





    Several changes in the mobile viewport to make the most of limited screen estate, yet retaining a much functionality as possible.

    The search applet has been modified to make it look more modern on mobile devices. Anything over 767px remains unchanged.

  • It’s worth noting at this point that all new themes leverage Font Awesome 6 Pro (I have a paid subscription) to make the most of the newly available icons. Of course, it’s perfectly feasible to use the free version, although this will require the replacement of various icons from Pro if they aren’t available in the free version. Another issue here is that you can only use the solid icons.

  • In addition to the theming support, I’m also going to be branding the email templates, so they look as follows


    This uses the new logo, new layout (based on Midnight, as this is the flagship theme if you use Dark Mode by default). The Welcome template has been completed so far, and we have some way to go to complete all of the templates - but as soon as we do, the PROD instance of Sudonix will get the update 🙂

  • Theming support in Sudonix is now live !!! 🙂

    Enjoy. if you’re using dark mode on your operating system, then the newer midnight theme is now active. The original dark theme is still there, but will be revamped shortly.

  • ** NEW *** NORD theme added - enjoy 🙂


  • ** NEW ** SLATE theme added - enjoy 🙂


  • *** NEW *** Superhero (from Bootstrap 3 because I think the colours from v4 are hideous 🙂 ) theme added - enjoy


  • *** NEW *** Darkly theme added (supersedes previous “dark” theme) - enjoy 🙂


  • Great Job Bro Mark @phenomlab 😉

  • I can’t believe I actually missed this part - the icon where the magic happens ! To change the swatch to something else, use the “swatch” icon as shown below


    Select the swatch you’d like and the site will reload with the new colours.

  • Something of a slight deviation here in the sense that I’m developing a new stock light theme that will override the default. It’s designed to be easy on the eye, appealing from the layout perspective, and to be engaging… Here goes…


    It’s not quite ready yet as it needs some final polish before it gets officially released. However, I’ll let you into a secret. If you click on the swatch icon, you’ll see “Light” in the list which is the working title for this theme


    Give it a spin, and let me know what you think. Just remember that this is a moving target currently and still has bugs 🐛

    Let me know if you find anything major (aside from what @crazycells has already reported which relates to the modified core CSS)

  • Small addition of sexy looking gradient popular tags


    This is part of the light theme I’ve been working on, and is designed to match the progress bar


    Seriously falling in love with this new design. It’s clean, sharp, and attractive all at once 🙂

  • Beautiful 🙂

  • For anyone following this thread or using the “light” theme, it’s been renamed to “Daylight” to more accurately reflect the colour scheme in use. If you are using this, when you reload, the default theme will probably be loaded. This is expected because the cookie is storing “light” and there will no longer be a match.

    If you select “Daylight”, then you should be good to go.

  • I spent some more time this afternoon / evening reviewing the overall structure of the themes, and had a lightbulb moment in the sense that it could (and should) be leaner / quicker. The big mistake here is duplicating the CSS in each Swatch (note I’m using the word “Swatch” here because the “theme” is undergoing major refactoring) makes the initial loading slower than it really should be as the entire page has to be reloaded to remove the previous CSS classes.

    From a design perspective, this didn’t make any sense the more I thought about it. So, off to Dev I went and began refactoring. The end result (in Dev at least) is that there is now one “common” CSS file that gets loaded once, and the “swatches” are just CSS variables (rather like mixins) where the existing ones are replaced with a new set on selection.

    Instead of adding another large CSS file, and effectively increasing the load time, we now simply call around 15 mixins and inject these into the head with an Ajax request. This means the Swatch changes instantly, and the site no longer needs to be reloaded to clear out any odd looking artefacts.

    Admittedly, this has now “broken” the daylight theme in the sense that I have to restructure it as it was experiential at the time, and something of a deviation in that the mixins used do not align properly as they do in the other swatches. This was more about attempting to achieve a specific look.

    I succeeded on that front as per the previous post, but now have to rework it based on the changes I’ve made to the other swatches in order to streamline them. One thing I did take from the daylight Swatch is the user posting style (giving an illusion of threaded replies) that makes the overall reading experience better in my view - this is now sewn into all swatches meaning a consistent viewing experience throughout.

    Tomorrow will hopefully allow me time to get the daylight Swatch working again. Once done and tested, I’ll implement it in production.

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  • IMPORTANT: Theme / Swatch changes

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    @cagatay these changes aren’t published anywhere presently, so nothing for you to do.

  • Swatch / Theme Changer

    Code Respository
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    @veronikya it might flicker on load, yes, and that’s normal. It’s because the CSS and JS are loaded before the custom elements, but it shouldn’t be too bad on reasonable links.

    It shouldn’t flicker at all navigating through the site though as the CSS and JS are already loaded.

  • Theme retirement

    16 Votes
    21 Posts

    I relented somewhat here and added another swatch - one I missed, which was previous called “blackout”. This specific one has been adapted to work on the new theming engine, but the others have been reclassified, and renamed to suit.


    As a result, the theme you might have had will probably be reflecting something else, so you (might) need to change your themes accordingly. The changes are as follows

    Light -> No Change
    Cloudy -> Is now the old “Dim”
    Dim -> Is now the old “Dark”
    Dark -> Now a new theme based on the revamped “Blackout”

  • Want to use Sudonix themes ?

    33 Votes
    69 Posts


    @cagatay said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    I know that you also update your own css and js along with nodebb’s updates

    I do update the CSS and JS here, but it’s not in line with NodeBB releases. All of the code I have written will work with prior releases, with the exception of Chat Threading, which requires a specific hook not present in some early versions. Again, this would still work, but not at full capacity.

    @cagatay said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    mine is old one when we first set it up

    It’s not “old” - it just isn’t the latest code. In fact, the code running on your website is not advertised anywhere else, so in fact, is newer than the Git links in this post.

    @cagatay said in Want to use Sudonix themes ?:

    I would like to your help to use your current css and js codes if its possible?

    Possible, yes, but not yet. There are still some bugs in the code branch I’m using here, and I don’t want to introduce complexities into your installation - particularly when I know they exist, and you’d be left with issues that your users then have to put up with.

  • Sudonix Branding

    5 Votes
    2 Posts

    Thank you mark @phenomlab for sharing 👏
    And good job for the new logo 🙂

  • NodeBB templates

    Locked Chitchat
    4 Votes
    12 Posts

    Placing this here for reference

    Further information and posts can be found at this link

  • Theme changes

    10 Votes
    6 Posts

    There’s still some very minor bugs in the two themes (light and dark) but these will be resolved in the coming days. Some are specific to firefox, and well require special attention, but will still be resolved nonetheless.

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    @Madchatthew thanks