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Any plugin to speed up UI to insert links to existing posts?

  • This is a feature from wikis, which are designed to increase internal links.
    You know how many notetaking apps use ‘[[’ with a pop-up where you can find existing notes? Then enter selects one, and it generates the markdown link. This is extremely handy, example:


    Is there anything like this for nodebb?

  • This is a feature from wikis, which are designed to increase internal links.
    You know how many notetaking apps use ‘[[’ with a pop-up where you can find existing notes? Then enter selects one, and it generates the markdown link. This is extremely handy, example:


    Is there anything like this for nodebb?

    @qwinter looks good. No plugins exist that I know of sadly.

  • This is a feature from wikis, which are designed to increase internal links.
    You know how many notetaking apps use ‘[[’ with a pop-up where you can find existing notes? Then enter selects one, and it generates the markdown link. This is extremely handy, example:


    Is there anything like this for nodebb?

    @qwinter If you define all the links beforehand, you can use this plugin:

    And this is the same plugin for inserting images:

    We were testing them in our development for some time and it works great. We are adding them to our prod next week.

  • @qwinter If you define all the links beforehand, you can use this plugin:

    And this is the same plugin for inserting images:

    We were testing them in our development for some time and it works great. We are adding them to our prod next week.

    @crazycells didn’t know that even existed ! Will definitely have a look at these.


  • @qwinter If you define all the links beforehand, you can use this plugin:

    And this is the same plugin for inserting images:

    We were testing them in our development for some time and it works great. We are adding them to our prod next week.

    @crazycells that’s awesome. I wonder if this would work with the quill editor? Probably not, but you may know for sure?

    About predefining the links, it cannot be too difficult to get links to all posts in the database and prepopulate these. Not that I’m going to try (I’m not a JS guy nor have such a strong the need). But if this were to happen, then we would have nodebb as a bonafide notetaking app, with versioning and fantastic search, collaboration etc. In fact it could repace wikis too. This is no small feat. because it’s default public, with decent SEO. That’s already better than all notetaking apps that I know. See this site to check what features are fashionable nowadays for notetaking apps/wikis:

  • @crazycells that’s awesome. I wonder if this would work with the quill editor? Probably not, but you may know for sure?

    About predefining the links, it cannot be too difficult to get links to all posts in the database and prepopulate these. Not that I’m going to try (I’m not a JS guy nor have such a strong the need). But if this were to happen, then we would have nodebb as a bonafide notetaking app, with versioning and fantastic search, collaboration etc. In fact it could repace wikis too. This is no small feat. because it’s default public, with decent SEO. That’s already better than all notetaking apps that I know. See this site to check what features are fashionable nowadays for notetaking apps/wikis:

    I just realized you could get all links from the sitemap, and either feed that to this plugin, or to some desktop tool that would do the autocomplete (on linux there are apps that type for you)

  • @crazycells that’s awesome. I wonder if this would work with the quill editor? Probably not, but you may know for sure?

    About predefining the links, it cannot be too difficult to get links to all posts in the database and prepopulate these. Not that I’m going to try (I’m not a JS guy nor have such a strong the need). But if this were to happen, then we would have nodebb as a bonafide notetaking app, with versioning and fantastic search, collaboration etc. In fact it could repace wikis too. This is no small feat. because it’s default public, with decent SEO. That’s already better than all notetaking apps that I know. See this site to check what features are fashionable nowadays for notetaking apps/wikis:

    @qwinter I guess I’m a traditionalist, or perhaps old fashioned. I still use notepad and notepad++ for note taking during meetings. I like the simplicity and rawness and I’ll often use both for a scratchpad when needed.

  • @crazycells that’s awesome. I wonder if this would work with the quill editor? Probably not, but you may know for sure?

    About predefining the links, it cannot be too difficult to get links to all posts in the database and prepopulate these. Not that I’m going to try (I’m not a JS guy nor have such a strong the need). But if this were to happen, then we would have nodebb as a bonafide notetaking app, with versioning and fantastic search, collaboration etc. In fact it could repace wikis too. This is no small feat. because it’s default public, with decent SEO. That’s already better than all notetaking apps that I know. See this site to check what features are fashionable nowadays for notetaking apps/wikis:

    @qwinter said in Any plugin to speed up UI to insert links to existing posts?:

    @crazycells that’s awesome. I wonder if this would work with the quill editor? Probably not, but you may know for sure?

    About predefining the links, it cannot be too difficult to get links to all posts in the database and prepopulate these. Not that I’m going to try (I’m not a JS guy nor have such a strong the need). But if this were to happen, then we would have nodebb as a bonafide notetaking app, with versioning and fantastic search, collaboration etc. In fact it could repace wikis too. This is no small feat. because it’s default public, with decent SEO. That’s already better than all notetaking apps that I know. See this site to check what features are fashionable nowadays for notetaking apps/wikis:

    Unfortunately, I have not tested it on the quill. We are using default composer, but I believe it should work.

    I guess the initial idea was to make “most popular links that are shared in the forum” available for all users to share easily… and I can say we are using it for this purpose. But, you can open an issue on GH. @barisusakli is a great person, although he might not do it right away if it will be useful eventually he creates these kinds of plugins when he has time.

  • @qwinter I guess I’m a traditionalist, or perhaps old fashioned. I still use notepad and notepad++ for note taking during meetings. I like the simplicity and rawness and I’ll often use both for a scratchpad when needed.

    @phenomlab said in Any plugin to speed up UI to insert links to existing posts?:

    @qwinter I guess I’m a traditionalist, or perhaps old fashioned. I still use notepad and notepad++ for note taking during meetings. I like the simplicity and rawness and I’ll often use both for a scratchpad when needed.

    for me it is joplin 😄

    I use Joplin and use my empty OneDrive for synchronization (with E2EE) from all of my devices.

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