Thanks you phenomlab
a post just to say publicly that this site is really, really good
I would like to thank you @phenomlab for your kindness, your benevolence and your immense expertise and your know-how.
Even on the official nodeBB forum, I have never had so much serious information.
Thank you to you for helping me to realize the project that I had set for myself.
Well, there is one small thing to correct which I am sure will be resolved soon but I have learned a lot thanks to you.I would of course continue to follow this forum, your blog and participate as much as possible.
Really, thank you, thank you.
PS: Sorry for my poor english !!
a post just to say publicly that this site is really, really good
I would like to thank you @phenomlab for your kindness, your benevolence and your immense expertise and your know-how.
Even on the official nodeBB forum, I have never had so much serious information.
Thank you to you for helping me to realize the project that I had set for myself.
Well, there is one small thing to correct which I am sure will be resolved soon but I have learned a lot thanks to you.I would of course continue to follow this forum, your blog and participate as much as possible.
Really, thank you, thank you.
PS: Sorry for my poor english !!
@downpw thanks for the very kind words. This is very much appreciated.
a post just to say publicly that this site is really, really good
I would like to thank you @phenomlab for your kindness, your benevolence and your immense expertise and your know-how.
Even on the official nodeBB forum, I have never had so much serious information.
Thank you to you for helping me to realize the project that I had set for myself.
Well, there is one small thing to correct which I am sure will be resolved soon but I have learned a lot thanks to you.I would of course continue to follow this forum, your blog and participate as much as possible.
Really, thank you, thank you.
PS: Sorry for my poor english !!
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
@justoverclock Also, thank you
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
@justoverclock said in Thanks you phenomlab
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
@justoverclock said in Thanks you phenomlab
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
@jac Thanks !
@phenomlab said in Thanks you phenomlab
@downpw thanks for the very kind words. This is very much appreciated.
It’s normal !!
It’s the karma !!
@justoverclock said in Thanks you phenomlab
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
Oh yes, you’re absolutely right.
too many people in this world are selfish. So when you meet a good person, you have to tell them ^^
@phenomlab said in Thanks you phenomlab
@downpw thanks for the very kind words. This is very much appreciated.
It’s normal !!
It’s the karma !!
@justoverclock said in Thanks you phenomlab
@downpw website like this and person like phenomlab are really really precious…
Oh yes, you’re absolutely right.
too many people in this world are selfish. So when you meet a good person, you have to tell them ^^
@downpw very flattered by these great comments.
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