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Interesting Widget code, but can't fetch API

Solved Customisation
  • @phenomlab
    Unfortunately cant check, as in France, on mobile.
    Ive tried a few methods to view console in mobile browser but none have ever worked!
    Maybe you can look?
    You will see it returns much more quickly than that code normally would, but doesn’t return with error code

  • @Panda looking at the code, it fires an alert prompt asking for a parameter to be entered. This script requires interaction, so that it why it returns immediately with nothing.

    The widget is executing the script, but without a response, it returns null.

  • @phenomlab
    Dont think its any problem with that flow, because the prompt comes first

    var promp holds the entered string, and thats used in the octo() function which calls the API
    It works as stand alone code

    Are you saying the prompt command wont stop the code flow like it would outside of a widget?

  • @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can’t fetch API:

    Dont think its any problem with that flow, because the prompt comes first

    That’s correct, but the prompt is interactive in the sense that it waits for user input.

    fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}`
      body: JSON.stringify({
        'prompt': promp,
      // 'num_inference_steps': '30',
        'sheduler': 'DPMSolverMultistep'

    As you can see from above, the original promp value is passed to the JSON function. As that value is never entered, the value is returned NULL.

  • @phenomlab
    There may be some confusion here as descriptions to AI art generators are called prompts. So that ‘prompt’ value in Json body is set to my variable promp.

    promp is set by a JS prompt command at the bottom of the code. Its a global variable so available to the octo() function when called.

    Function octo() has the API fetch, comes after the prompt is entered


  • @Panda yes, but if you run the code directly in the browser a popup prompt asks for a value and won’t proceed until one is provided.

  • @phenomlab yes exactly, and why would it be any different in a widget?
    The JS prompt command is async so will halt the flow till value is entered?

  • @Panda it’s not. If I visit the page you sent me, the popup appears, but no image is returned. This is why I need the console error as there will be one.

  • @phenomlab ah you mean the nodebb console log, not browser inspect console?
    Its nodebb hosted, can you view if you login?

  • @Panda no, the browser console. There is likely a JS error there I need to see.

  • @phenomlab
    I sent link to the forum above, its on 3d category
    Incidentally a blank prompt string will still generate a random image, so the problems not with the input

  • @Panda yes, but you are missing the point here. I need to see the output of the browser console or at least insert something like the below to return it


    It’s 1:17am here and I’m not in front of a PC, but will check tomorrow.

  • To eliminate any confusion I made a simpler widget which just does hardcoded API call for image of a cat. No user input etc
    Again it runs stand alone, but returns quickly, empty, as a widget
    This example sits on category 8 (‘Diamond’)
    First example is still in category 10 (‘3d’)

  • @Panda the result=undefined says it all. It still returns null and we need to see the error in the browser console.

  • @Panda Just looking at this, and it seems that the service expects authentication


    I also see the below in the console

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
    GET  net::ERR_INVALID_URL
    {"code":401,"message":"error occurred during proxy authentication: no token in request"}
  • Yes. There is a key included and the exact code works as stand-alone, thats why Im wonderinging why not working in a widget

  • @Panda I think this might have something to do with the reverse proxy that nginx runs for NodeBB. Do you use this, or are you using something else?

  • @phenomlab ah! Its nodebb hosted site, so they do all that

  • Pandaundefined Panda has marked this topic as solved on
  • @phenomlab
    Two things

    1. this particular forum had plans to integrate tools which use API calls into widgets.
      Now we reached the point of finding possible reason why API calls dont work, is there anyway round that?

    2. General forum question: because there were few ‘Red Herrings’ while exploring this issue, I was tempted to tidy up this thread by deleting some of the erroneous comments.
      I noticed before this forum has tight restriction times on editing / removing comments. I guess this is intentional. Is your experience that it is better to have this on a forum rather than unlimited edit / delete timer?

  • @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can’t fetch API:

    this particular forum had plans to integrate tools which use API calls into widgets.
    Now we reached the point of finding possible reason why API calls dont work, is there anyway round that?

    Actually, yes. I had a similar issue with the below (which you might enjoy also) when running in a page widget

    For this to work, I needed to call the script externally, and so used the below widget code as a guide

    <script src="" integrity="sha512-3gJwYpMe3QewGELv8k/BX9vcqhryRdzRMxVfq6ngyWXwo03GFEzjsUm8Q7RZcHPHksttq7/GFoxjCVUjkjvPdw==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
    .cbgresult {
        margin: 10px 0 15px 0;
        padding: 15px;
        border-radius: 6px;
        font-family: "Source Code Pro", Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace;
        font-size: 2rem;
        text-align: center;
        background: var(--bs-code-block) !important;
    .cbgresult:after {
    content: '"';
    .cbgresult:before {
    content: '"';
    .cbgheader {
        margin-top: 40px;
        text-align: center;
    .generate {
        text-align: center;
    <script src="/assets/js/cbg.js"></script>
    <div class="cbgheader">
    <h2>Corporate BS Generator</h2>
    Need a better sounding line? Just click the "Generate Another" button to get another killer phrase.
    <div id="cbg" class="cbgresult"></div>
    <div class="generate">
    <button id="reloadme" class="btn btn-primary">Generate Another</button>
    $(function() { // after page load
        $('.cbgresult').fadeOut(0, function() {

    @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can't fetch API:

    I noticed before this forum has tight restriction times on editing / removing comments. I guess this is intentional. Is your experience that it is better to have this on a forum rather than unlimited edit / delete timer?

    This is correct. Posts can only be deleted before a set time period elapses, which is 30 minutes


    The intention here is to give you sufficient time to remove something you feel wasn’t relevant, or you really shouldn’t have posted (see policies), but for the sake of conversational flow, posts are then indelible because they add weight and value to the overall thread. For example, if you reference a comment in the thread, but that particular post is deleted, then the discussion becomes diluted.

    Using this approach, it makes it easier for anyone else with a similar issue to see how we resolved it.

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab has marked this topic as unsolved on

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