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Is NTFY working properly on iOS?

This topic was forked from Bug Report phenomlab 20 Nov 2023, 17:42


12 Nov 2023, 19:51

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  • 2 Votes
    5 Posts
    @phenomlab said in Layout Issues/Transparency: Does it work properly now? Yes, it does
  • 3 Votes
    5 Posts
    @crazycells Agreed. It takes a more sensible approach. Nobody ever upvotes the first post - it’s usually much further down as the conversation progresses.
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    Bugs 23 Jan 2024, 07:09
    4 Votes
    6 Posts
    I just wanted to ask because I don’t have much knowledge about the new installation. Thank you for the explanatory answer.
  • 6 Votes
    24 Posts
    Thank you Mark.
  • Bug Report

    Solved Bugs 9 Nov 2023, 19:27
    26 Votes
    47 Posts
    @crazycells Good points, thanks. I completely forgot that classes are added - makes life much simpler! EDIT - seems this is pretty straightforward, and only needs the below CSS .upvoted i { color: var(--bs-user-level) !important; } This then yields [image: 1718028529465-3f072f8a-ebfa-4910-8723-73c493b8e4eb-image.png] However, the caveat here is that the .upvoted class will only show for your upvotes, and nobody else’s. However, this does satisfy the original request however I would love to see my upvoted posts more clearly, because currently, when I upvote, nothing on the post tool is changing, it would be nicer if there is an indication that I have upvoted (like a filled or colored triangle?)
  • 20 Votes
    49 Posts
    @cagatay Those are in /admin/extend/widgets/brand header. Look inside the HTML widget that is there, and you’ll find <div class="socialicons"> <a class="btn-ghost p-2" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><i style="color: #333;background: #ffffff; width: 26px" class="fa fa-2x fa-github-square"></i></a> <a class="btn-ghost p-2" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><i style="color: #0077B5;background: #ffffff; width: 26px" class="fa fa-2x fa-brands fa-linkedin-square"></i></a> <a class="btn-ghost p-2" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><i style="color: #1DA1F2;background: #ffffff; width: 26px" class="fa fa-2x fa-twitter-square"></i></a> <!-- <a class="btn-ghost p-2" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><i style="color: #4268B2;background: #ffffff; width: 26px" class="fa fa-2x fa-facebook-square"></i></a> --> </div> Remove that block and save.
  • 11 Votes
    27 Posts
    @crazycells yes, I’ve just seen that and modified the post. It seems to only happen if you have a space between the “greater than” symbol and the actual text. Clearly a markdown thing.
  • 4 Votes
    3 Posts
    EDIT: Sorry all, I found a bug that causes Fancybox to be bound twice. Please remove the original functions I provided (the original post has been updated for anyone who did not use the original code and is new here) and replace with just this block // Chat fancybox - fires when chat module loaded and AJAX calls new chat $(document).ready(function() { $(window).on('action:chat.loaded', function(data) { this.$('img').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() { var newHref = $(this).attr("src"); $(this).wrap("<a class='fancybox' href='" + newHref + "'/>"); $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]').addClass("noanimate"); data.preventDefault(); // Strip out the images contained inside blockquotes as this looks nasty :) $('blockquote img').remove(); }); Fancybox.bind( 'a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]', { groupAll: true, } ); }); });