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Hi there

Moved Chitchat

  • How I came here

    I was browsing the internet searching about Nix OS sudo privileges and typed this domain mistakenly lol, and found this forum.

    I am impressed by the fact that how this platform takes privacy so seriously, there were proper beginner-friendly dialogs for explanations.

    About me

    I am a linux / foss guy, I know basic server management, but still, I’m a beginner, I also know frontend stuff html, css currently learning javascript then will move forward to backend stuff.

    I’ve only 1 year of experience, I’ve created 2 production websites, and 2 for fun and self-hosting some awesome open-source tools.

    Hopefully, this forum will help me out in the future with my queries, I like the UI, it’s NodeBB I guess, also there are no ads.

    I also wanted to bring the admin’s attention to this one, this email-confirmation text in a dark twitter theme looks inconsistent.

  • @My-Account Hi ! Welcome aboard !

    @My-Account said in Hi there:

    I was browsing the internet searching about Nix OS sudo privileges and typed this domain mistakenly lol, and found this forum.

    🙂 That’s good for SEO of course, and great that you found this site.

    @My-Account said in Hi there:

    I am impressed by the fact that how this platform takes privacy so seriously, there were proper beginner-friendly dialogs for explanations.

    Thanks. I’m a security and technology expert by trade, and have a specific interest in privacy and that it should be respected at all times

    @My-Account said in Hi there:

    I am a linux / foss guy, I know basic server management, but still, I’m a beginner, I also know frontend stuff html, css currently learning javascript then will move forward to backend stuff.
    I’ve only 1 year of experience, I’ve created 2 production websites, and 2 for fun and self-hosting some awesome open-source tools.

    Hopefully, this forum will help me out in the future with my queries, I like the UI, it’s NodeBB I guess, also there are no ads.

    You’re in the right place. This forum is designed specifically to help others, and if it does that well, it’s achieved the objective I set out to fulfil. And, yes, I hate ads which is why you won’t find any here - only (hopefully) what you are looking for.

    @My-Account said in Hi there:

    I also wanted to bring the admin’s attention to this one, this email-confirmation text in a dark twitter theme looks inconsistent.

    Thanks. That’s actually resolved in the next version of the UI which will hopefully be released soon (once I’ve finished it) 🙂

    In the meantime, feel free to look around, ask questions, and if you’d like some background info about the founder of this site (me), then take a look here

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab moved this topic from General on
  • Welcome aboard @My-Account 🙂

  • Thanks everyone for warm welcome wishes 😃

    @phenomlab said in Hi there:

    I’m a security and technology expert by trade, and have a specific interest in privacy and that it should be respected at all times

    That’s cool to know, a salute from my side, nowadays people like you are found very rarely, trust me everyone wants to monetize their content over random tracking and advertising stuff.
    There’s a very small portion of the open-source community fighting to make the web better.

    @phenomlab said in Hi there:

    You’re in the right place. This forum is designed specifically to help others, and if it does that well, it’s achieved the objective I set out to fulfil. And, yes, I hate ads which is why you won’t find any here - only (hopefully) what you are looking for.

    Yea I randomly fall into the forum that is of my field, btw I really liked this place


    Btw I think the upvote feature should be in questions only, and like and dislike buttons for normal discussion, I wanted to react to the above posts but I couldn’t because of my level in the community.

  • @My-Account said in Hi there:

    That’s cool to know, a salute from my side, nowadays people like you are found very rarely, trust me everyone wants to monetize their content over random tracking and advertising stuff.
    There’s a very small portion of the open-source community fighting to make the web better.

    Thanks. I’m really not into monetizing content, or charging someone the earth for a solution to a problem. I get much more satisfaction from the fact that users return on a regular basis and get the help they need with technical issues, plus insights into areas which they are less comfortable. The entire point of this site is to allow users to ask questions and get real world answers whilst at the same time, learning as they go.

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    We love laws, and would pay if we want to watch movies.

    I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here - particularly around the point re: privacy. I expect that other people are willing to abide by the laws also, but it’s very easy to see how rising prices will simply fuel the pirate industry even further. Nobody likes to be “ripped off” or “held to ransom”, and there are always going to be those who would rather not pay at all and put up with a poor video image taken in the cinema with someone’s head bobbing up and down, or overhearing someone complain they asked for an ice cream but got a donut… 🙂

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  • Member chat

    Moved Chitchat
    5 Votes
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    @phenomlab sure has, keep up the good work!