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Anyone using (or has used) "Tails" ?


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    2 Votes
    3 Posts

    @JAC wow. Thanks for the great comments. They are truly appreciated.

    I tend to agree with the social media comments you’ve made. This is made all the more prominent in relation to recent events in Southport for example, and toxicity is a huge issue. Just look at some of the comments from trolls - they are truly disgusting, and the perpetrators seem to take great delight in the anonymity the Internet affords them.

    forums in general are much more subject focused, easier to moderate and users are less likely to be banned because they are there for a specific interest or reason, not to cause trouble.

    Agreed, although discussions can still get out of hand and quite often, these are left to run riot and quickly spiral out of control. A great example of that is here

    there’s something much more calming about coming to a specific page at your fancy, posting and taking part in healthy debates over the real mishmash of social media.

    Yes, I personally prefer the atmosphere of a forum against the backdrop of unwanted noise via social media.

  • 2 Votes
    4 Posts

    @DownPW This won’t be the first time that Amazon and others like them are being bought to account. I recall seeing a documentary on the TV recently where they sent in a reporter with secret cameras to film the strict regimen and constant threat of being fired for not meeting targets that workers are placed under.

    The surveillance just takes this to a whole new level in my view and it’s like being placed under a microscope for constant scrutiny. This goes well beyond the surveillance placed on prisoners!

  • 4 Votes
    4 Posts

    @phenomlab said in TikTok fined £12.7m for misusing children’s data:

    Just another reason not to use TikTok. Zero privacy, Zero respect for privacy, and Zero controls in place.

    The quote from this article says it all

    TikTok should have known better. TikTok should have done better

    They should have, but didn’t. Clearly the same distinct lack of core values as Facebook. Profit first, privacy… well, maybe.

    Wow, that’s crazy! so glad I stayed away from it, rotten to the core.

  • 8 Votes
    7 Posts

    @JAC agreed. Never been a fan, and never will be.

  • 19 Votes
    21 Posts

    @crazycells this perhaps? 🙂


  • 2 Votes
    3 Posts

    @crazycells exactly. Not so long ago, we had the Cambridge Analytica scandal in the UK. Meta (Facebook) seem to be the ultimate “Teflon” company in the sense nothing seems to stick.

  • iPhone Data and privacy

    4 Votes
    2 Posts

    Here’s a very useful video that will walk you through the privacy features of Android - mostly around the ones you should disable to get the most out of the experience

  • 6 Votes
    28 Posts

    @gotwf Great analogy 🙂