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Only those who do nothing make no mistakes

  • einstein.webp

    This is one of my personal favorites.

    One day, Albert Einstein started to write the nine times table on the blackboard

    Table Result
    1 x 9 9
    2 x 9 18
    3 x 9 27
    4 x 9 36
    5 x 9 45
    6 x 9 54
    7 x 9 63
    8 x 9 72
    9 x 9 81
    10 x 9 91

    The class mocked and made fun of him because he had made a mistake, as the correct answer for 10 x 9 is 90.

    Einstein waited for everyone to stop and said

    Despite me answering the first 9 questions correctly, no one congratulated me. Instead, when I made one mistake, everyone spotted it and started laughing. This means that despite being very successful, society will only notice the smallest mistake and make a big deal out of it. Don’t let simple criticism destroy your dreams.

    Moral of the story

    Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

    This is 100% true. Nobody will ever pat you on the back and tell you what a great job you’re doing, but they will be the first to tell you something is wrong.

  • @phenomlab said in Only those who do nothing make no mistakes:

    Despite me answering the first 9 questions correctly, no one congratulated me. Instead, when I made one mistake, everyone spotted it and started laughing. This means that despite being very successful, society will only notice the smallest mistake and make a big deal out of it. Don’t let simple criticism destroy your dreams.

    nice observation 🙂

  • @crazycells yes, one of my favorites. People seem very quick to criticize when you do something wrong, yet never say anything when you get it right.

  • @phenomlab said in Only those who do nothing make no mistakes:

    @crazycells yes, one of my favorites. People seem very quick to criticize when you do something wrong, yet never say anything when you get it right.

    A good little read, enjoyed that 😁.

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