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configure ghost and wordpress combo

Moved Unsolved WordPress
  • Hello, I am trying to configure Ghost and WordPress, but I’m stuck on the Nginx configuration and SSL setup. With the help of ChatGPT, I installed PHP 8.3 and WordPress, but when I access, it still loads (Ghost). I think I may have made a mistake somewhere. Where should I check for the issue?

  • @Hari do you have seperate nginx.conf does for each domain?

  • phenomlabundefined phenomlab moved this topic from Networks
  • Did you also add as an A record in your domain registry to point to your server IP? There are probably other ways of doing this as well. Whether you are using the DNS on the hosting provider to manage your dns or you go to where you have your domain registered, there you can usually add the as an A record pointing to your server’s public IP address. Then it may take a little time for that to propagate out so you can ping and see the ip address you added. I apologize if this sounds a little confusing.

    I usually have it setup in it’s own .conf file with the root entry pointing/to/your/folder.

    So example you have:

    server {
        listen 80;
        root /path/to/your/subdomain/folder
        Then the rest of your setup here . . .

    Then don’t forget to use

    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/yourfilename.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourfilename.conf

    You will also need to restart your nginx server sudo systemctl restart nginx

    If you want to post your conf file we can take a look at it as well.

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