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Fancybox zoom

Unsolved Customisation
  • Hello @phenomlab

    I use fancy box like you on my nodebb Instance but I have no zoom when I click on a image :


    I would like to include a zoom button like you and on Sudonix but with the possibility of zooming several times (once on your site) because I have image with little text

    Here my code :


    <!-- Fancybox -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

    JS :

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Fancybox Media Reader
    // ------------------------------------------
    if (top.location.pathname !== '/login') {
        $(window).on('action:posts.loaded', function(data) {
            console.log("Polling DOM for lazyLoaded images to apply Fancybox");
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $('a').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() {
                    $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]').addClass("noanimate");
    if (top.location.pathname !== '/login') {
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) {
                this.$('a').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() {
                    $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]').addClass("noanimate");
                    // Strip out the images contained inside blockquotes as this looks nasty :)
                    $('blockquote img').remove();
                    'a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]', {
                        groupAll: true,
    // Chat fancybox - fires when chat module loaded and AJAX calls new chat
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $(window).on('action:chat.loaded', function(data) {
                this.$('img').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() {
                    var newHref = $(this).attr("src");
                    $(this).wrap("<a class='fancybox' href='" + newHref + "'/>");
                    $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]').addClass("noanimate");
                    // Strip out the images contained inside blockquotes as this looks nasty :)
                    $('blockquote img').remove();
                    'a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]', {
                        groupAll: true,

    Can you help me for this ?

  • @DownPW Technically, it should be possible with the addition of the below

              Toolbar: {
              display: {
                left: ["infobar"],
                middle: [
                right: ["slideshow", "thumbs", "close"],

    Meaning your code block becomes

    function fancybox() {
    if (top.location.pathname !== '/login') {
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('a').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() {
                $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"], a[href*=".svg"]').addClass("noanimate");
                'a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"], a[href*=".svg"]', {
                              Toolbar: {
              display: {
                left: ["infobar"],
                middle: [
                right: ["slideshow", "thumbs", "close"],

    Note, that you just need to add/remove the elements in the toolbar you do not need. Obviously, zoomIn and zoomOut are the ones you are specifically interested in. However, if Fancybox detects that the image has already been zoomed as far as possible, then this will not work. You’d need an external library such as zoom.js to add this functionality, or perhaps simpler

    A good example of how you’d make these two independent libraries work together is below

    It’s worth nothing that this specific code is based on Fancybox 3, so may need to be refactored to work with the latest version 5.

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    @phenomlab thank you very much for the assistance Mark, massively appreciated as always.

    The great thing about this is it’s all documented for other NodeBB users that come looking for solutions 😃.

    Looks far better 🤝👍🏻.

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    /** * Determine the mobile operating system. * This function returns one of 'iOS', 'Android', 'Windows Phone', or 'unknown'. * * @returns {String} */ function getMobileOperatingSystem() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // Windows Phone must come first because its UA also contains "Android" if (/windows phone/i.test(userAgent)) { return "Windows Phone"; } if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) { return "Android"; } if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { return "iOS"; } return "unknown"; // return “Android” - one should either handle the unknown or fallback to a specific platform, let’s say Android }

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    @crazycells hmm. That’s odd. I haven’t made any changes from recollection but I could be wrong. I’ll need to check.

    EDIT - very strange. I honestly don’t recall adding the below CSS block to alter the bottom bar, but you’re right…

    .bottombar-nav { padding: 0px !important; }

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    EDIT: Sorry all, I found a bug that causes Fancybox to be bound twice.

    Please remove the original functions I provided (the original post has been updated for anyone who did not use the original code and is new here) and replace with just this block

    // Chat fancybox - fires when chat module loaded and AJAX calls new chat $(document).ready(function() { $(window).on('action:chat.loaded', function(data) { this.$('img').not('.forum-logo').not(".avatar").not(".emoji").not(".bmac-noanimate").each(function() { var newHref = $(this).attr("src"); $(this).wrap("<a class='fancybox' href='" + newHref + "'/>"); $('a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]').addClass("noanimate"); data.preventDefault(); // Strip out the images contained inside blockquotes as this looks nasty :) $('blockquote img').remove(); }); Fancybox.bind( 'a[href*=".jpg"], a[href*=".jpeg"], a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".webp"]', { groupAll: true, } ); }); });
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    You are crazy. In a good way, of course 🙂

    It’s a way of saying you’re awesome !