NodeBB Twitter / X embeds
I’ve had limited success with the plugin
and its various forks in the sense that the embeds failed to load - here’s an example of that exact problem (never resolved from what I can see)I decided to write my custom
which can be found hereThis not only works in the same way as the NodeBB plugin, but will also render client-side so does not pile up in terms of resources on your server
In addition, the available arguments for the embeds are below
Here’s a real-life example
Please wait while the description loads.
Why not create your own plugin instead?
@OT I probably will at some point. This was really for quickness to assist a Sudonix user.
This does work well. One behavior is that sometimes it will show the link embeded multiple times, then it clears back to singular when you refresh the page.
This does work well. One behavior is that sometimes it will show the link embeded multiple times, then it clears back to singular when you refresh the page.
@OT Yes, I noticed the same thing and will fix that in due course. I also looked at creating a plugin, which I will also address when I have time.
It seem embed is on a blockquote.
I play with this classblockquote.content.twitter-tweet
for better résult (transparency of blockquote)I notice it seems the beginning of URL appears (https://)
Result int the screenshot :
@DownPW strange. I’m not able to replicate these specific issues. Can you provide me with the url of the tweet in a PM so I can test?
great work thank you Mark.
This is how it shows up for us. Just have the random dupes of the same tweet. Of course, users are complaining of seeing a tweet repeat three times, but they quickly forgot that a tweet was just showing the using Iframely or any other plugin.
This is how it shows up for us. Just have the random dupes of the same tweet. Of course, users are complaining of seeing a tweet repeat three times, but they quickly forgot that a tweet was just showing the using Iframely or any other plugin.
@OT can you post the actual tweet url ?
Updated code to address the duplicate tweet issue
Updated code to address the duplicate tweet issue
@phenomlab That is awesome, great job!
Have you experienced that some posts will not show up after they have been posted, or that the post will look greyed out? This goes away if you refresh the page.
Have you experienced that some posts will not show up after they have been posted, or that the post will look greyed out? This goes away if you refresh the page.
@OT Not seen this personally. Are you using the latest commit?
An exemple of tweet don’t embed with last code @phenomlab
Please wait while the description loads.
Strange, work here but not on my forum:
Other tweets works great
An exemple of tweet don’t embed with last code @phenomlab
Strange, work here but not on my forum:
Other tweets works great
@DownPW Are you sure you’re using the latest commit?
An exemple of tweet don’t embed with last code @phenomlab
Strange, work here but not on my forum:
Other tweets works great
@DownPW said in NodeBB Twitter / X embeds:
Strange, work here but not on my forum:
Just looking at this again, and it seems that SaxX in the URL is written as SaxX - was that intentional?
@DownPW said in NodeBB Twitter / X embeds:
Strange, work here but not on my forum:
Just looking at this again, and it seems that SaxX in the URL is written as SaxX - was that intentional?
@phenomlab said in NodeBB Twitter / X embeds:
Just looking at this again, and it seems that SaxX in the URL is written as SaxX - was that intentional?
I don’t know. I guess but that doesn’t explain that working here and not on my forum… hmm
Itt seems on my forum the “_” character was delete in the URL (Don’t know why) :
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