@Madchatthew said in TNG + Nodebb:
you have to try and use duck tape and super glue to change something to make it do what you want it to do
I couldn’t have put that better myself.
@DownPW Yes, that’s input:focus
- it’s used to style much larger boxes on focus, but I’ll need to create an exemption here.
Nodebb communauty :
yep better
Solution ?
@DownPW As you indicated, but I need to make this more specific because it disables a wanted UI experience elsewhere
.form-control:focus {
background: var(--bs-body-bg) !important;
color: var(--bs-body-color) !important;
/*box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--bs-tag-bg) inset !important; */
border-color: transparent !important;
Starting with this CSS
.form-control:focus {
background: var(--bs-body-bg) !important;
color: var(--bs-body-color) !important;
border-color: transparent !important;
.write-container .form-control:focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--bs-tag-bg) inset !important;
Have you find better solution or this is the final @phenomlab ?
@DownPW this is the final solution from my perspective. The above code resolves the issue here.
@DownPW i m also using last codes on my web site.
.form-control:focus {
background: var(--bs-body-bg) !important;
color: var(--bs-body-color) !important;
border-color: transparent !important;
.write-container .form-control:focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--bs-tag-bg) inset !important;
I have search and I use this code. What do you think ?
textarea.bg-transparent.text-body.form-control.chat-input.mousetrap.rounded-0.border-0.shadow-none.ps-1.py-0 {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent inset !important;
@DownPW Seems fine.