Facebook goes offline 🤭
Thinking about this a bit further it occurs to me that the DNS was likely purposefully pointed to localhost so as to keep billions of users experiencing dopamine withdrawals from bombarding fb every few minutes whilst they scrambled to fix whatever. And were I a betting man, I’d say odds are they got hacked again. Going to be interesting to see how they spin doctor this one.
Thinking about this a bit further it occurs to me that the DNS was likely purposefully pointed to localhost so as to keep billions of users experiencing dopamine withdrawals from bombarding fb every few minutes whilst they scrambled to fix whatever. And were I a betting man, I’d say odds are they got hacked again. Going to be interesting to see how they spin doctor this one.
@gotwf A bit more (perhaps) spin on this from SKY News
My 2c here is that this could well have been a DDoS attack from an entity like Anonymous in response to the Whistleblowing claims mentioned in this article
@gotwf A bit more (perhaps) spin on this from SKY News
My 2c here is that this could well have been a DDoS attack from an entity like Anonymous in response to the Whistleblowing claims mentioned in this article
@phenomlab Meh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet… Today’s testimony, which I watched live, is tame as a newborn puppy. Comparatively. Check this out. If you’ve the stomach. Be forewarned, some some sick 'chit crosses the “content analysts” desks
Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Censorship Guidelines for Moderators - WARNING
I don’t know what is going on w/my browser, but the link above fails to display. @phenomlab, feel free to edit this post as necessary to make it so. Gotta run.
@phenomlab Meh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet… Today’s testimony, which I watched live, is tame as a newborn puppy. Comparatively. Check this out. If you’ve the stomach. Be forewarned, some some sick 'chit crosses the “content analysts” desks
Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Censorship Guidelines for Moderators - WARNING
I don’t know what is going on w/my browser, but the link above fails to display. @phenomlab, feel free to edit this post as necessary to make it so. Gotta run.
@gotwf I get the same issue with the link. Seems ok though so could be related to site security I have in place but will check.
@phenomlab Meh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet… Today’s testimony, which I watched live, is tame as a newborn puppy. Comparatively. Check this out. If you’ve the stomach. Be forewarned, some some sick 'chit crosses the “content analysts” desks
Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Censorship Guidelines for Moderators - WARNING
I don’t know what is going on w/my browser, but the link above fails to display. @phenomlab, feel free to edit this post as necessary to make it so. Gotta run.
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@phenomlab Meh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet… Today’s testimony, which I watched live, is tame as a newborn puppy. Comparatively. Check this out. If you’ve the stomach. Be forewarned, some some sick 'chit crosses the “content analysts” desks
Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Censorship Guidelines for Moderators - WARNING
I don’t know what is going on w/my browser, but the link above fails to display. @phenomlab, feel free to edit this post as necessary to make it so. Gotta run.
Watched the first few mins and then bizarrely had a chat request on Facebook (believe me I don’t use it, I probably go on it once a fortnight if that to see how the family are etc) anyway the person requesting a chat seemed to send me a link to a dodgy X rated website that I of course didn’t click, but funnily enough as I was watching that first little bit I did think to myself what on earth am I doing with a Facebook account
@gotwf I get the same issue with the link. Seems ok though so could be related to site security I have in place but will check.
@phenomlab Maybe. I noted it on another NodeBB forum as well - they’re running latest version. Perchance are you using fail2ban? If so, that would be one common denominator.
It does not happen w/all links, however, as evidenced by the Politico Facefart link I just posted. Maybe only when posting video stream links? Hm… quick test:
Aha, maybe onto something here. Both those failed display links are youtubers…
@phenomlab Maybe. I noted it on another NodeBB forum as well - they’re running latest version. Perchance are you using fail2ban? If so, that would be one common denominator.
It does not happen w/all links, however, as evidenced by the Politico Facefart link I just posted. Maybe only when posting video stream links? Hm… quick test:
Aha, maybe onto something here. Both those failed display links are youtubers…
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
Perchance are you using fail2ban? If so, that would be one common denominator.
Certainly am. Sometimes YouTube blocks the playing of videos from sites other than themselves. Seen this happen several times.
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
Perchance are you using fail2ban? If so, that would be one common denominator.
Certainly am. Sometimes YouTube blocks the playing of videos from sites other than themselves. Seen this happen several times.
@phenomlab Interesting. I would just as soon not have anything Goog related on my sites but folks like to post music vids to a “What Song Are You Listening To” thread. Lots and lots and lots of youtuber links. But not so many lately. Guess I should check there as well.
Okies: One of those same links not displayed here display fine for me. Maybe a geolocation issue? I am US based. You? Hm… Nuremberg. So maybe? Just a moment and I’ll check the other site w/the issues: ah, cloudflare in New Jersey. Kind of rules that one out, eh?
Oh well, have fun!
@phenomlab Interesting. I would just as soon not have anything Goog related on my sites but folks like to post music vids to a “What Song Are You Listening To” thread. Lots and lots and lots of youtuber links. But not so many lately. Guess I should check there as well.
Okies: One of those same links not displayed here display fine for me. Maybe a geolocation issue? I am US based. You? Hm… Nuremberg. So maybe? Just a moment and I’ll check the other site w/the issues: ah, cloudflare in New Jersey. Kind of rules that one out, eh?
Oh well, have fun!
@gotwf My VPS is located in Nuremberg, but I’m in the UK
I also sit behind a VPN so it’s likely the case that’s blocked by YouTube. I see the videos fine from a desktop with no VPN
I don’t use CF…
@gotwf My VPS is located in Nuremberg, but I’m in the UK
I also sit behind a VPN so it’s likely the case that’s blocked by YouTube. I see the videos fine from a desktop with no VPN
I don’t use CF…
@phenomlab Ya’ meant FF?
fwiw, I can post above on community. But not on the other site I referenced, wh/coincidentally enough is also UK based. Although their server is, I think, New Jersey.
@phenomlab Ya’ meant FF?
fwiw, I can post above on community. But not on the other site I referenced, wh/coincidentally enough is also UK based. Although their server is, I think, New Jersey.
@phenomlab Oh, rly!
No cdn.jsdeliiver.net CNAME abuse rerouting to cdn.jsdeliver.net.cdn.cloudflare.net, eh? Hmm…
A couple quick links:
I’d thought I’d bookmarked the CVE but, alas, this too, shall pass…
Edit: Just to be clear: Yes, I realize that jsdeliver’s cloudflare games are totally out of your control.
@phenomlab Oh, rly!
No cdn.jsdeliiver.net CNAME abuse rerouting to cdn.jsdeliver.net.cdn.cloudflare.net, eh? Hmm…
A couple quick links:
I’d thought I’d bookmarked the CVE but, alas, this too, shall pass…
Edit: Just to be clear: Yes, I realize that jsdeliver’s cloudflare games are totally out of your control.
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
Sorry to go off topic with this but having read a few sites previously when looking at different browsers the Brave browser cropped up as the one that offers the most privacy, no tracking etc.
Is there such a thing as a privacy free browser that doesn’t track you? or is that another reason to have a VPN
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
Sorry to go off topic with this but having read a few sites previously when looking at different browsers the Brave browser cropped up as the one that offers the most privacy, no tracking etc.
Is there such a thing as a privacy free browser that doesn’t track you? or is that another reason to have a VPN
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
Here’s a link to the research paper http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1873/IWPE17_paper_23.pdf
Interesting and sweet “fsck you” side benefit is that not only does adnauseam drown the the big data ad servers in data it also costs the advertisers who subscribe to such services, as they must then pay the sites you visit “click thru” rates rather than mere “impression rates”, the latter of which are essentially zero modern days? Hence, not only is one confounding the data of the provider but also hitting their subscribers in both the pocket and marketing efficacy books.
A complex topic for sure. You thoughts?
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
Here’s a link to the research paper http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1873/IWPE17_paper_23.pdf
Interesting and sweet “fsck you” side benefit is that not only does adnauseam drown the the big data ad servers in data it also costs the advertisers who subscribe to such services, as they must then pay the sites you visit “click thru” rates rather than mere “impression rates”, the latter of which are essentially zero modern days? Hence, not only is one confounding the data of the provider but also hitting their subscribers in both the pocket and marketing efficacy books.
A complex topic for sure. You thoughts?
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
@jac said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
@jac said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
Will be taking a closer look into this tomorrow, is it something you use yourself, just out of interest?
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
Will be taking a closer look into this tomorrow, is it something you use yourself, just out of interest?
@jac I’ve used this myself in the past, but admittedly not do much these days. I much prefer being behind a VPN.
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@gotwf said in Facebook goes offline 🤭:
@jac Cannot beat 'em? Join 'em and drown them in BIG DATA!!!
Literally https://adnauseam.io/
Will be taking a closer look into this tomorrow, is it something you use yourself, just out of interest?
@jac No, I do not. Although I kind of like the ideas behind it. Winning the ad/big data arms race is not going to happen even with use of VPN. All we can do is raise the bar.
The adnauseam approach may offer a bit of a warm fuzzy feeling in that “the victims” finally have some chance to play offense. I is a plugin so I suppose one could enable/disable as the mood strikes.
Just tossed that up here fwiw. Had my head into some other things as of late. Be interesting to see how much a drag on performance behind the scene advert clicks incur - both network and local resources side.
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