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    @DownPW 🙂 most of this really depends on your desired security model. In all cases with firewalls, less is always more, although it’s never as clear cut as that, and there are always bespoke ports you’ll need to open periodically.

    Heztner’s DDoS protection is superior, and I know they have invested a lot of time, effort, and money into making it extremely effective. However, if you consider that the largest ever DDoS attack hit Cloudflare at 71m rps (and they were able to deflect it), and each attack can last anywhere between 8-24 hours which really depends on how determined the attacker(s) is/are, you can never be fully prepared - nor can you trace it’s true origin.

    DDoS attacks by their nature (Distributed Denial of Service) are conducted by large numbers of devices whom have become part of a “bot army” - and in most cases, the owners of these devices are blissfully unaware that they have been attacked and are under command and control from a nefarious resource. Given that the attacks originate from multiple sources, this allows the real attacker to observe from a distance whilst concealing their own identity and origin in the process.

    If you consider the desired effect of DDoS, it is not an attempt to access ports that are typically closed, but to flood (and eventually overwhelm) the target (such as a website) with millions of requests per second in an attempt to force it offline. Victims of DDoS attacks are often financial services for example, with either extortion or financial gain being the primary objective - in other words, pay for the originator to stop the attack.

    It’s even possible to get DDoS as a service these days - with a credit card, a few clicks of a mouse and a target IP, you can have your own proxy campaign running in minutes which typically involves “booters” or “stressers” - see below for more

    @DownPW said in Setting for high load and prevent DDoS (sysctl, iptables, crowdsec or other):

    in short if you have any advice to give to secure the best.

    It’s not just about DDos or firewalls. There are a number of vulnerabilities on all systems that if not patched, will expose that same system to exploit. One of my favourite online testers which does a lot more than most basic ones is below

    I’d start with the findings reported here and use that to branch outwards.

  • Is nginx necessary to use?

    Moved Solved Hosting
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    2 Posts

    @Panda said in Cloudflare bot fight mode and Google search:

    Basic question again, is nginx necessary to use?

    No, but you’d need something at least to handle the inbound requests, so you could use Apache, NGINX, Caddy… (there are plenty of them, but I tend to prefer NGINX)

    @Panda said in Cloudflare bot fight mode and Google search:

    Do these two sites need to be attached to different ports, and the ports put in the DNS record?

    No. They will both use ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) by default.

    @Panda said in Cloudflare bot fight mode and Google search:

    Its not currently working, but how would the domain name know which of the two sites to resolve to without more info?
    Currently it only says the IP of the whole server.

    Yes, that’s correct. Domain routing is handled (for example) at the NGINX level, so whatever you have in DNS will be presented as the hostname, and NGINX will expect a match which once received, will then be forwarded onto the relevant destination.

    As an example, in your NGINX config, you could have (at a basic level used in reverse proxy mode - obviously, the IP addresses here are redacted and replaced with fakes). We assume you have created an A record in your DNS called “proxy” which resolves to, so fully qualified, will be in this case.

    The web browser requests this site, which is in turn received by NGINX and matches the below config

    server { server_name; listen; root /home/; index index.php index.htm index.html; access_log /var/log/virtualmin/proxy.sudonix.org_access_log; error_log /var/log/virtualmin/proxy.sudonix.org_error_log; location / { proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_pass http://localhost:2000; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Api-Key $http_x_api_key; } location /images { index index.php index.htm index.html; root /home/; } fastcgi_split_path_info "^(.+\.php)(/.+)$"; listen ssl http2; ssl_certificate /home/; ssl_certificate_key /home/; }

    The important part here is server_name; as this is used to “map” the request to the actual domain name, which you can see in the root section as root /home/;

    As the DNS record you specified matches this hostname, NGINX then knows what to do with the request when it receives it.

  • 6 Votes
    36 Posts

    @justoverclock said in Digitalocean step by step guide to nginx configuration:

    i’m learning

    And that’s the whole point of this site 🙂 If you don’t learn anything, you gain nothing.

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    @qwinter yep, knew it was there somewhere 😁

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  • nginx seo urls

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    @riekmedia that looks fine to me

  • 1 Votes
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    @ash3t Great 🙂 Glad everything has worked out.

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    @Ash3T I’m going to mark this post as solved as I’ve not heard from you in a while. Let me know if this isn’t the case and you need more help.