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NodeBB Theme/Skin Switcher

Solved Customisation
  • @phenomlab I just realized I was using the old script from this thread.

    I am now using the script from this thread now and getting this error:

    Failed to load ''. A ServiceWorker intercepted the request and encountered an unexpected error.

    I placed the JS and CSS in ACP > Custom Content.

  • @Teemberland does the file open in the browser if you copy the path into the address bar ?

  • @phenomlab it does say โ€˜not foundโ€™ when I open the link.

  • @Teemberland ok. If you canโ€™t display it in the browser directly from the address bar, then the path is not correct, hence the error you receive in the browser console.

  • @phenomlab I put the css file in /theme-name/public/customcss. This is correct right?

  • @Teemberland yes. Thatโ€™s correct. The path itself exists on the server, doesnโ€™t it ? For example, there should be a directory under nodebb\public\customcss\file.css

  • @phenomlab ah, thatโ€™s my first mistake. I placed the css file on the theme level, like:


    I moved the css file to nodebb\public like you mentioned, the error is gone after that.

    when I click the switcher, however, the page flashes as if itโ€™s trying to change the skin, but it goes back to the default theme right away. No errors in console.

  • @Teemberland can you provide the full JS code your are using, plus PM me your site details so I can have a look. Iโ€™ll also need an NodeBB account with admin rights.

  • @phenomlab Iโ€™m currently working on my dev environment. But hereโ€™s my js code:

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Theme Switcher
    // ------------------------------------------
    //We generate a random character string to assign a version number to the CSS file.
    // On gรฉnรจre une chaine de caractรจre alรฉatoire pour affecter un numรฉro de version au fichier CSS. 
    function generateRandomString(length) {
      var text = "";
      var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
      return text;
    $(document).ready(function ()
    var string = generateRandomString(10);
    // This variable gets the theme ID 
    // Cette variable obtient l'ID du thรจme
    var whichTheme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
    // This variable gets the active theme's actual URL
    //Cette variable obtient l'URL rรฉelle du thรจme actif
    var activeTheme = localStorage.getItem("activeTheme");
    // This variable appends the dropdown list to the existing panel
    // Cette variable ajoute la liste dรฉroulante au panneau existant
    var panel = $('<li id="switcher" class="dropdown text-center"> \
    <label for="theme-control-list-check" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" id="theme_dropdown" title="" role="button" data-original-title="Theme" aria-expanded="false"> \
    <a class="btn-link" title="Theme Switcher" href="#"><i id="ticon" class="fa fa-fw fa-lightbulb-o"></i><span class="visible-xs-inline">Theme Switcher</span></a> \
    </label> \
    <ul id="theme" class="dropdown-menu"> \
    <li><a id="default" href="#" rel="/assets/client.css?v=e02phpkima0">Default</a></li> \
    <li><a id="dark" href="#" rel="/assets/customcss/dark_skin.css">Dark</a></li> \
    </ul> \
    // See if there is an active theme selected in localStorage. If none selected, use the default. If there is a theme in localStorage, use that and apply it
    // Regarde s'il y a un thรจme actif sรฉlectionnรฉ dans "localStorage". Si aucun n'est sรฉlectionnรฉ, utilise la valeur par dรฉfaut. 
    // S'il y a un thรจme dans localStorage, on l'utilise et on l'applique.
    if (whichTheme)
    $("head").append("<link href='" + activeTheme + '?version=' + string + "' type=\"text/css\" rel=\'stylesheet\' />");
    // No need to include anything here as there's no CSS to add.
    // Pas besoin d'inclure quoi que ce soit ici car il n'y a pas de CSS ร  ajouter.
    if (utils.findBootstrapEnvironment() === 'xs')
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // Listen to the NAV dropdown for any changes
    // ร‰coute la liste dรฉroulante NAV pour tout changement de thรจme
    $("#theme li a").on("click change", function ()
    // If we detect a change, append the selected CSS file into the DOM 
    // Si un changement est dรฉtectรฉ, on ajoute le fichier CSS sรฉlectionnรฉ dans le DOM (Document Object Model)
    var thishref = $(this).attr('rel');
     $("link[rel=stylesheet]").attr('href' , thishref + "?version=" + string + "");
    //$("head").append("<link href='" + $(this).attr("rel") + $(this).attr("id") + " type=\'text/css\' rel=\'stylesheet\' />");
    // This variable stores the selected theme ID
    // Cette variable stocke l'ID du thรจme sรฉlectionnรฉ
    var selected = $(this).attr("id");
    // This variable stores the selected theme link 
    // Cette variable stocke le lien du thรจme sรฉlectionnรฉ
    var theTheme = $(this).attr("rel");
    // This variable updates the selected theme ID
    // See if "default" has been selected. If it has, then...
    // Cette variable met ร  jour l'ID du thรจme sรฉlectionnรฉ
      // Regarde si "default" a รฉtรฉ sรฉlectionnรฉ. Si c'est le cas, alors...
    if (selected === 'default')
    localStorage.setItem("theme", "");
    // This variable will strip the current appeneded theme ID
    // Cette variable supprimera l'ID du thรจme actuellement ajoutรฉ
    localStorage.setItem("activeTheme", "");
    // This variable will strip the current appeneded theme URL (HREF)
    // Finally, we have to reload the page to effect the changes
    // Cette variable supprimera l'URL actuelle du thรจme ajoutรฉ (HREF)
          // Enfin, on recharge la page pour effectuer les modifications
    // If any other theme is selected, carry on as normnal, and update localStorage
    // Si un autre thรจme est sรฉlectionnรฉ, continuez normalement et mettez ร  jour localStorage
    localStorage.setItem("theme", selected);
    // This variable updates the actual href of the CSS file
    // Cette variable met ร  jour le href rรฉel du fichier CSS
    localStorage.setItem("activeTheme", theTheme);
    //window.location.href = window.location.href
    // We use return false to prevent the browser from reloading or following any HREF links
    // On utilise la fonction "return false" pour empรชcher le navigateur de recharger ou de suivre les liens HREF
    //return false;
    // When hovering over the #switcher element, target the i class and add 'themeoff'
    // Lorsque du  survol de l'รฉlรฉment #switcher, on cible la classe CSS "i" et on ajoute le CSS "themeoff"
    $(document).on('mouseenter','#switcher', function() {
    $('#switcher i').addClass("themeoff");
    // When leaving the however state, target the i class and remove 'themeoff'
    // Lorsque l'on quitte l'รฉtat, on cible la classe CSS "i" et on supprime le CSS "themeoff"
    $(document).on('mouseleave','#switcher', function() {
    $('#switcher i').removeClass("themeoff");
  • @Teemberland that looks generally ok, and itโ€™s proven CSS. Can you please try to comment out the location.reload(); function here


    Check the console for output, and let me know if you see any difference.

  • @phenomlab thank you for your reply. I commented that line, but the results are the same. It appears that it tries to change the skin on click, but it quickly reverts to the original skin. No console errors either.

  • @Teemberland Odd. Is there any way I can see this in process? Failing that, try the below code, which is the latest version

    $(document).ready(function() {
    	function generateRandomString(length) {
    		var text = "";
    		var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
    		for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    			text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
    		return text;
    	var string = generateRandomString(10);
    	var whichTheme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
    	var activeTheme = localStorage.getItem("activeTheme");
    	// If no theme is detected (for example, a new visitor), then set this to default
    	if (!whichTheme) {
    		// dark-mode media query matched or not
    		let matched = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches;
    		//var override = getUrlParameter('override');
    		if (matched) {
    			// Offer the mifnight theme by default
    			whichTheme = "midnight";
    			activeTheme = "/assets/customcss/midnight.css?version=" + string;
    			//$("link[rel=stylesheet]").attr('href' , thishref + "?version=" + string + "");
    		} else {
    			// Leave the default theme intact
    			whichTheme = "default";
    			activeTheme = "/assets/customcss/daylight.css?version=" + string;
    		// See if override has been enabled
    		if (whichTheme === 'default') {
    			// Sudonix is overriding operating system settings and will force dark scheme
    			activeTheme = "/assets/customcss/daylight.css?version=" + string;
    		if (whichTheme === 'daylight') {
    			// $('[component="post"]').addClass("background");
    			$('li.self-post .content:not(.isSolved [component="post/content"]').addClass("response");
    		} else {
    			// Nothing to do :)
    	/*$(".forum-logo").attr("src","/assets/uploads/system/sl_" + whichTheme + ".webp?version=" + string + ""); */
    	var panel = $('<li id="switcher" class="dropdown"> \
    <a title="" data-original-title="Swatch" class="navigation-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> \
    <i id="ticon" class="fa fa-light fa-swatchbook" data-content="" aria-hidden="true"></i> \
    <span class="visible-xs-inline">Swatch</span> \
    <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> \
    </a> \
    <ul id="theme" class="dropdown-menu"> \
    <li><a id="default" href="#" rel="/assets/customcss/yourtheme.css">Your Theme</a></li> \
    </ul> \
    </li> \
    </div> \
    	if (whichTheme) {
    		$.get(activeTheme, function(css) {
    			$('<style type="text/css"></style>')
    	} else {}
    	if (utils.findBootstrapEnvironment() === 'xs') {
    	$(document).ready(function() {
    		$("body").on("click change", "#theme li a", function() {
    			var thishref = $(this).attr('rel') + '?version=' + string;
    			$.get(thishref, function(css) {
    				$('<style type="text/css"></style>')
    			console.log("Applying swatch " + thishref);
    			var selected = $(this).attr("id");
    			var theTheme = $(this).attr("rel");
    			if (selected === 'default') {
    				localStorage.setItem("theme", selected);
    				localStorage.setItem("activeTheme", "/assets/customcss/daylight.css?version=" + string);
    			} else {
    				localStorage.setItem("theme", selected);
    				localStorage.setItem("activeTheme", theTheme);
    			return false;

    Note that there are assumptions here in that default is actually daylight.css on Sudonix if you are using light mode, and midnight if you are using dark mode - these are taken from the browser settings, and the operating system if supported.

  • @phenomlab okay, now I can see the style tag being appended on click. Now Iโ€™m thinking I have an error in my css file.

    Looking at one of your css files here, it looks something like this:

    @import "/assets/customcss/editors/stackoverflow-dark.css";
    :root {
        --first: #2b3e50;
        --second: #4e5d6c;

    How is that being generated?

  • @Teemberland Itโ€™s not โ€œgeneratedโ€ - itโ€™s created manually in the CSS files I put together. Essentially, each time you change the swatch, the CSS isnโ€™t being loaded all over again (for clarity, all CSS MUST be placed in admin/appearance/customise#custom-css) - instead, itโ€™s just changing the variables you have assigned.

    For example

    :root {
    --background: #ffffff;
    --body: #cccccc;
    ..... etc

    In the CSS you add to admin/appearance/customise#custom-css, youโ€™d use these variables like the below

    body {
    background: var(--body);
    ..... etc

    This way, the CSS is only being executed once at page load, and then the swatch vars are the only thing changed when you switch themes or swatches.

  • @phenomlab gotcha! Iโ€™ll work on this and report back later. Thank you!

  • @phenomlab I can see my custom css being appended to head, but itโ€™s odd that the variable in my custom css is not loading on the page.
    Iโ€™m keeping it simple and just trying to change the background-color of my forum by setting the following code in ACP > Appearance > Custom Content > Custom CSS

    body { background-color: var(--body); }

    But when I inspect the page, I can see my root styles being loaded, but the code above is no where to be found. Unlike in your forums, when you inspect the page, you can see the styles for body with this rule:

    body { var(--first) !important }
  • @Teemberland can you share the css you are using ?

  • @phenomlab hereโ€™s what I have in my default.css which is located in /assets/customcss/default.css

    :root {
      --body: #fff;
      --primary-color: #000;

    hereโ€™s what I in dark_skin.css

    :root {
      --body: #424242;

    hereโ€™s what I have in ACP > CUSTOM CSS

    body {
      background-color: var(--body);
    /*----------------------        Themes Switcher        -----------------------*/
    /* Works with CUSTOM JS */
    /* -- */
    /* Fonctionne avec du CUSTOM JS */
    /*Allows to have the "Theme Switcher" icon in black after a mouse click and during the dropdown */
    /*Permet d'avoir l'icone du "Theme Switcher" en noir aprรจs un clic souris et lors du dropdown */
    [aria-expanded="true"] a #ticon {
      color: #000000;
    /*Theme Switcher icon color via CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT */
    /* Blank without mouse over */
    /*Couleur de l'icone du Theme Switcher via le CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT */
    /* Blanc sans mouse over*/
    .themeon {
      color: #ffffff !important;
    /*Black with mouseover*/
    /*Noir avec mouse over*/
    .themeoff {
      color: #000000 !important;
    @media all and (max-width: 1024px) {
      /*BUGFIX: Placement of the "Theme Switcher" */
      /*BUGFIX: Placement du "Theme Switcher" */
      #switcher {
        list-style: none;
        margin-left: -80px;
        padding-top: 15px;
      /*BUGFIX: Space between the icon and the text "Theme Switcher" */
      /*BUGFIX: Espace entre l'icone et le texte "Theme Switcher" */
      #switcher .fa-fw {
        text-align: center;
        width: 1.25em;
        padding-right: 25px;
      /* DON'T DELETE - DON'T MOVE */
      /*Allows to have the "Theme Switcher" icon in white after a mouse click and during the dropdown */
      /*Permet d'avoir l'icone du "Theme Switcher" en blanc aprรจs un clic souris et lors du dropdown */
      [aria-expanded="true"] a #ticon {
        color: #ffffff;
      /*Theme Switcher icon color via CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT */
      /* Blank without mouse over */
      /*Couleur de l'icone du Theme Switcher via le CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT */
      /* Blanc sans mouse over*/
      .themeoff {
        color: #ffffff !important;
    /*FIREFOX BUGFIX: Remove dotted border from icon when clicked */
    /*BUGFIX FIREFOX: Suppression de la bordure pointillรฉe de l'icรดne quand on clique dessus */
    a:focus {
      outline: 0;
    @media all and (max-width: 1024px) {
      a:focus {
        outline: 0;
    /* Desktop */
    /*Button Position */
    /*Position du Bouton */
    .header #theme_dropdown {
      /*padding: 9px 15px;*/
      padding: 9px 15px;
      padding-top: 9px;
      padding-bottom: 9px;
      margin-top: -4px;
      padding-top: 15px;
      padding-bottom: 14px;
    /* ---- Appearance of the "Theme Switcher" icon in the navbar via Font Awesome (!!Change the CSS class also in the JS!!) ----*/
    /* ---- Apparence de l'icรดne du "Theme Switcher" dans la navbar via Font Awesome (!!Changer la class CSS aussi dans le JS!!) ----*/
    .fa.fa-lightbulb-o:before {
      content: "\f0eb";
    /*Navbar height to play with background height */
    /*Hauteur navbar pour jouer avec la hauteur du background */
    .navbar-default {
      height: 51px;
    /*Spacing between "Search" and "Notifications" icons */
    /*Espacement entre les icรดnes "Recherche" et "Notifications" */
    #switcher {
      margin-top: 4px;
    /*We remove the background on the icon */
    /*On supprime le background sur l'icone */
    #switcher .btn-link:hover {
      background: none !important;
    /*Background color on mouseover (Default Theme) */
    /*Couleur du background au survol souris (Default Theme) */
    .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>label:hover {
      background: #eeeeee;
    /*Appearance of selection menu */
    /*Apparence du menu de sรฉlection */
    #theme.dropdown-menu {
      position: absolute;
      top: 44px;
      right: 0px;
      z-index: 1000;
      float: left;
      min-width: 160px;
      padding: 5px 0;
      margin: 2px 0 0;
      list-style: none;
      font-size: 14px;
      text-align: left;
      background-clip: padding-box;
    /* Smartphone */
    /*Appearance of button and drop-down menu on Smartphone */
    /*Apparence du bouton et du menu dรฉroulant sur Smartphone */
    @media all and (max-width: 1024px) {
      /*Dropdown menu text color */
      /*Couleur du texte du menu dรฉroulant */
      #theme.dropdown-menu>li>a {
        display: block;
        padding: 3px 20px;
        clear: both;
        font-weight: 400;
        line-height: 1.42857143;
        color: #fff;
        white-space: nowrap;
        background: #3A3C41;
      /*Appearance and position of button and drop-down menu */
      /*Apparence et position du bouton et du menu dรฉroulant */
      #theme.dropdown-menu {
        position: fixed;
        top: 140px;
        left: 15px;
        z-index: 1000;
        float: left;
        min-width: 185px;
        padding: 5px 0;
        margin: 2px 0 0;
        list-style: none;
        font-size: 14px;
        text-align: left;
        /* background-clip: padding-box; */
        color: #fff;
        background: #3A3C41;
        width: 60px;
        /* VIOLENCE: Largeur */
        border: 1px solid black;
      /*Text color and button background when selected */
      /*Couleur du texte et background du bouton lors de la selection */
      .btn-link:hover {
        /*color: #23527c;*/
        color: lightgrey;
        text-decoration: underline;
        background-color: transparent;
      /*We remove the white bars at the top and bottom of the button on Smartphone */
      /*On supprime les barres blanches en haut et en bas du bouton sur Smartphone */
      .navbar-form {
        left: 20px;
        box-shadow: none;
        list-style: none;

    I put body on top of custom css for visibility.

    NOTE: When I create a new styles for body in the inspector using the variable, it works fine. I think once my styles in ACP > CUSTOM CSS shows up, it will start working.

  • @Teemberland what happens if you append the body CSS class with !important ? You shouldnโ€™t need this, but I think your style is being overridden further down by the default css.

  • @phenomlab yeah I tried this earlier, it didnโ€™t work. In theory, when you add any css rule in ACP > CUSTOM CSS, it should show right away right? I canโ€™t quite figure out why itโ€™s not working.

    EDIT: I also made sure Iโ€™m rebuilding/restarting after I change my CUSTOM CSS in ACP.

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    @crazycells Good points, thanks. I completely forgot that classes are added - makes life much simpler!

    EDIT - seems this is pretty straightforward, and only needs the below CSS

    .upvoted i { color: var(--bs-user-level) !important; }

    This then yields


    However, the caveat here is that the .upvoted class will only show for your upvotes, and nobody elseโ€™s. However, this does satisfy the original request

    however I would love to see my upvoted posts more clearly, because currently, when I upvote, nothing on the post tool is changing, it would be nicer if there is an indication that I have upvoted (like a filled or colored triangle?)

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    Chatgpt told me the ::before method.

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    How did you drop that widget into the post there?
    I hadnt seen this BSgenerator anywhere on sudonix site, do you use it somewhere already?

    Yes, here

    Itโ€™s not a โ€œpostโ€ or โ€œtopicโ€ in the common sense. It is actually a page in itโ€™s own right and leverages nodebb-plugin-custom-pages. This in turn creates a new โ€œrouteโ€ which behaves like a page, meaning it is then exposed for widgets.

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    Also can you explain more what you mean by calling the code externally. In my API call example, how would I go about doing that?

    By this, I mean create all the required code in an external JS file that is reachable by the NodeBB instance - so, in โ€œpublicโ€ for example - or in my case /public/js. The widget then โ€œcallsโ€ that file and because it runs outside of the scope of NodeBB, you just need to return the values to the widget.

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    @eeeee if youโ€™re using the console, you could try

    node app.js > app.log 2>&1

    This would redirect stdout to a file named app.log and redirect stderr to stdout.

    Iโ€™m not sure about standard logging under NodeBB, but there is an error log located at logs/error.log.

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    @downpw Iโ€™m inclined to agree with this. There isnโ€™t much else you can do, and provided it works with no odd looking artefacts in other browsers, then ok. The :before and :after are pseudo classes and very well supported across all browsers (except perhaps Internet Exploder, but who uses that these days ?)

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    @downpw ooops. Forgot that. Thanks for adding.

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