@phenomlab absolutely, their step brother residing in a different Countries.
Sorry if I’m not in the right category.
It’s nothing compared to @phenomlab and for all that he gives us but here’s a small contribution.
I use the excellent software Wiki.js for my Wiki and I wrote this script and I share it with you
– The script allows you to automatically upgrade Wiki.js.
– It pre-checks the installed version and compares it with the latest available on GitHub.
– A backup of Wiki.js is made before the version upgrade in a defined directory.
– The script has a –rollback option which allows you to return to the version installed before the execution of the script thanks to the backup if a problem occurs. (This does not prevent having another backup on hand )
– Copy and adapt the code below and paste it into a file named upgrade-wikijs.sh :
nano upgrade-wikijs.sh
– Make the script executable :
chmod +x upgrade-wikijs.sh
– Use it :
./upgrade-wikijs.sh --rollback
– I consider postgreSQL database engine is installed for Wiki.js
This is the best possible choice for the future.
– Adapt the code below :
#### Auteur: DownPW
#### Date: 06.12.2021
################ Upgrade wiki.js ####################
### Definition of variables
PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD=$(sed -nE 's/^\s*"version": "(.*?)",$/\1/p' $WIKIDIR/package.json)
CURRENT_WIKI=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Requarks/wiki/releases/latest | grep tag_name | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 4)
### Script option: Rollback to old version
if [[ $1 == "--rollback" ]]
if [[ -d /home/XXXX/wiki.bak ]]
PACKAGE_VERSION_BACKUP=$(sed -nE 's/^\s*"version": "(.*?)",$/\1/p' /home/XXXX/wiki.bak/wikipw/package.json)
echo "Stop wiki.js ..."
systemctl stop wiki
echo "Stop wiki.js OK..."
echo "Stop postgresql ..."
systemctl stop postgresql
echo "Stop postgresql OK..."
echo "Rollback to $PACKAGE_VERSION_BACKUP ..."
rm -rf $WIKIDIR/* && cp -r /home/XXXX/wiki.bak/wikipw/* $WIKIDIR
echo "Reload and restart necessary services ..."
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable wiki
systemctl reload nginx.service
nginx -t
systemctl restart nginx.service
systemctl start postgresql
echo "Reload and restart necessary services OK"
echo "Starting Wiki.js. It may take a few seconds ..."
systemctl start wiki
echo "Starting Wiki.js OK"
exit 0
echo "No backups found :("
exit 1
### Backup of the old version and Upgrade to the new one
read -r -p "Do you want to update Wiki.js $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD to the version $CURRENT_WIKI? [Y/n] " response
if [[ $response =~ ^([yY]|"")$ ]]
echo "Stop wiki.js ..."
systemctl stop wiki
echo "Stop wiki.js OK"
echo "Stop postgresql ..."
systemctl stop postgresql
echo "Stop postgresql OK"
echo "Wiki.js update ..."
echo "version download $CURRENT_WIKI ..."
(cd /home/XXXX/ && curl --progress-bar -LO $CURRENT_WIKI_DOWNLOAD)
echo "version download $CURRENT_WIKI OK"
echo "Removed old residue from this script ..."
rm -rf /home/XXXX/wiki.bak
echo "Removed old residue from this script OK"
echo "Creating the working directory ..."
mkdir /home/XXXX/wiki.bak/
echo "Creating the working directory OK"
echo "Configuration backup $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD ..."
cp $WIKIDIR/config.yml /home/XXXX/config.yml.bak
cp -r $WIKIDIR /home/XXXX/wiki.bak
echo "Configuration backup $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD OK"
echo "Version deletion $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD ..."
rm -rf $WIKIDIR/*
echo "Version deletion $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD OK"
echo "Extraction and installation of the version $CURRENT_WIKI ..."
tar xzf /home/XXXX/wiki-js.tar.gz -C $WIKIDIR && rm /home/XXXX/wiki-js.tar.gz
cp /home/XXXX/config.yml.bak $WIKIDIR/config.yml && rm /home/XXXX/config.yml.bak
echo "Extraction and installation of the version $CURRENT_WIKI OK"
echo "Reload and restart necessary services :"
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable wiki
systemctl reload nginx.service
nginx -t
systemctl restart nginx.service
systemctl start postgresql
echo "Reload and restart necessary services OK"
echo "################"
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(sed -nE 's/^\s*"version": "(.*?)",$/\1/p' $WIKIDIR/package.json)
echo "Wiki.js $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD has been updated to version $PACKAGE_VERSION"
echo "################"
echo "Start Wiki.js. It may take a few seconds ..."
systemctl start wiki
echo "Start Wiki.js OK"
echo "----------------"
echo "Status of necessary services ..."
systemctl status nginx
echo "----------------"
systemctl status postgresql
echo "----------------"
systemctl status wiki
echo "----------------"
echo "If something is wrong, please check the logs: 'journalctl -u wiki.service --since today'"
echo "To undo the update to the latest version, use the option '--rollback'"
echo "----------------"
### Wiki.js UP TO DATE
echo "################"
echo "Wiki.js $PACKAGE_VERSION_OLD is already up to date. No update needed"
echo "################"
Sorry if the traduction is not excellent