Cake Php website developer needed
Looking for a person well versed in Cake PHP to update the software version of an existing website from its current version to the latest version of Cake Php
Please only qualified people with direct relative experience with Cake Php. based websites. Preferrably someone ready to start ASAP and be paid task basis. Thank you -
Looking for a person well versed in Cake PHP to update the software version of an existing website from its current version to the latest version of Cake Php
Please only qualified people with direct relative experience with Cake Php. based websites. Preferrably someone ready to start ASAP and be paid task basis. Thank you@JetSetMan can you provide more detail around the current setup? I don’t think you’ll get much traction without this unfortunately.
For clarity, the services provided on this site are pro bono, and as such, we do not permit posts that offer payment for services as this goes against the open source nature of this platform and what it strives to achieve.
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Closing due to lack of response.
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