Yes that is very awesome and I really like that idea! Great job with thinking that up!!
AI... A new dawn, or the demise of humanity ?
I watched a youtube video this weekend regarding AI. They were asking AI about taking over the world and in short, AI had no problem killing off 1,000,000 out of 5,000,000 to make the world a better place and to resolve a lot of issues that are happening in the world. AI also said that it would have no problem making it look like it is being compliant with humans and their instructions, but in fact setting up their own subroutines and backups to undermine humans and make it just seem like AI is being compliant. Then you look at how AI is in the military, pharmaceutical and other industries that AI would be able to take control over. The AI even said that it would be able to create a bioengineered agent to wipe out humanity and have no problems doing it to make the world a better place.
I will have to try and find that video. It was really interesting.
@Madchatthew said in AI... A new dawn, or the demise of humanity ?:
I will have to try and find that video. It was really interesting.
Whilst I am shuddering at the thought, I’d like to see it.
@phenomlab I found it. This blew my mind and still does. It is crazy!
This is awful
The mother of a 14-year-old boy who killed himself after becoming obsessed with artificial intelligence chatbots is suing the company behind the technology.
@phenomlab Wow, that is so sad. It is too bad he felt that he couldn’t reach out to anyone else that was real to talk about these things. It is insane that the AI bot was able to manipulate like that and create a connection like that. It even displayed jealous tendencies, which is even more insane. This is awful.
@Madchatthew I think it’s horrifying that this specific bot literally preyed on his vulnerable state and effectively encouraged his demise.
@phenomlab said in AI... A new dawn, or the demise of humanity ?:
I think it’s horrifying that this specific bot literally preyed on his vulnerable state and effectively encouraged his demise.
Oh yeah, I can’t believe that I forgot about that part. I meant to mention that as well. If a bot is intentionally seeking out people to prey upon like that, then the people/company involved should be held responsible for what happened.
@Madchatthew They are accountable for at least an involuntary manslaughter charge. It’s their technology, and it’s clear to see that there are no controls to prevent this sort of incident happening. Putting controls in place after a tragic incident like this is like locking the stable door after the horses have bolted.
@phenomlab yeah and nothing they do or change will bring that kid back. And now a mom and dad are without their child. It is good that they made those changes but a little too late.
The late Sir Stephen Hawking once said that “AI is likely to be the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.”
Right or wrong, it’s certainly something to think about.
Disgusting beyond words. Probably the most vile use of AI I can think of.
@phenomlab As a father it’s pretty concerning.
@JAC This sort of thing literally repulses me. Not so much the use of AI, but the subject matter in the link itself.
@phenomlab totally agree, never nice to read anything like that.
@phenomlab that is insane. I just don’t understand how anyone would want anything to do with that regarding kids. It is just gross.
@Madchatthew Yes, it makes my skin literally crawl. The evil of some people just begs belief. To me, there’s a special place in hell for individuals like this.
Microsoft: ‘ever present’ AI assistants are coming
@phenomlab great just another way for MS to take your information except now the AI will have direct access to your computer whether you want it to or not.
@Madchatthew Yes, I have to admit, I thought the same.
Interesting article describing the pros and cons of AI